The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 87 part1

Chapter 87 part1

Chapter 87: Jealousy Part 1

争风吃醋(zhēngfēngchīcù)- the original chapter title denotes the romantic context of this type ofjealousy

道士(dàoshi) -Daoist or Taoist (Taoism), refers to a priest in Daoism, to which quite a fewxianxia novels are inspired by, it’s difficult to explain...

仙长xiān zhǎng-Immortal, used as form of respect towards Daoist priests

女鬼nǚ guǐ - female ghost

灵符língfú - Daoist talisman, iconic yellowpaper to seal away evil spirits (in most cases)

Hearing this, Wei Guo Furen’s eyes widened inconfusion: “Dajie, how can you believe these rotten Taoists?!

Da Furen angrily retorted: “What rottenTaoist! You are not to be disrespectful to xian zhang! He came to save me! Ifeel much better now, my chest is no longer hurting, and my head is not achinganymore either! A blessing from the deities! If he hadn’t dispelled them, Imight have already taken my last breath!”

Wei Guo Furen could not believe it: “Dajie,what is wrong with you, why are you saying such nonsense!”

“You are the one saying nonsense!” Da Furenfervently looked in all directions, tense, “Do not slander xian zhang, if heleaves and that nu gui comes, what will I do!”

Wei Guo Furen did not know what to say:“Dajie, there is no nu gui. Those people are just swindlers! Earlier he said Iwas a nu gui then threw dog’s blood in my face! Look at this!”

“Swindlers?” Taken aback, Da Furen shudderedand began to panic: “Then, Wu Yiniang is still in the courtyard?! I invited aDaoist to exorcise her, won’t that nu gui resent me even more now? I’m afraidshe will resort to malicious schemes to take revenge, what to do now? What todo now?” She threw her quilt aside, shifted and got out of bed, barefooted, andwent around, searching for something.

“Dajie, what are you looking for?!” Wei GuoFuren did not know what to do anymore.

Da Furen cried out: “Cui mama, my lingfu,quickly bring them here!”

Cui mama hurriedly brought a pile of lingfu:“Furen, here!”

“The door, windows, pillars, curtains,closets, screen divider... put these on all them! Quickly call others to help meput them up! Everywhere inside out! Do not leave a single spot untouched!” DaFuren cried out as if she had lost her senses.

Da Furen’s eyes were wide in panic, her fearescalating, face contorting, stumbling, her mouth moving, mumbling. Wei GuoFuren was terrified. She felt that Dajie was not under house arrest but wascursed: “What ultimately happened?! Li Wei Yang, explain this!”

Li Wei Yang sighed: “Yimu, throughout the day,Muqin insists that there are ghosts here, perhaps there are ghosts. You musthave heard, first, Lin mama got lost in the mountains and never returned. ThenDu mama was beaten to death by Muqin over a single mistake, and when Dajiemisspoke Muqin had confined her to closed-door reflection, and now Muqin evenforced Dage to leave. Everyone could not stand Muqin’s antics and was afraid ofcoming near her, so no one dares to come here recently. Ah, yes, our Wumei hasalso gone crazy, frightened to death in this very courtyard. Everyone thoughtMuqin should move out to recuperate, and then the courtyard was isolated toavoid further incidents.”

Wei Guo Furen could not believe it. Eying thegloomy room, her back suddenly felt cold. She knew about jiejie’s schemes. Whoknows how many have died at her hands, could it be that they returned to seekrevenge? Gao Min clung onto her arm: “Mother, you have seen Da Yimu already. DaYimu is fine, we should quickly leave, this place is haunting!”

Wei Guo Furen looked at her Dajie and saw thatshe did not seem to be under house arrest. Moreover, she too felt this placewas terrifying. She nodded and told Da Furen: “Dajie, rest well, I will comeback to visit another day.” Then, she led Gao Min away.

After she left, Cui mama sighed in relief andordered someone to help Da Furen back into bed. She walked Li Wei Yang to thedoor: “San Xiaojie’s plan was well-put together.”

Li Wei Yang smiled: “A bit of the incense canleave someone’s mind muddled. Wei Guo Furen had the smell of dog’s blood,otherwise, she would have been affected too.”

She ordered the attendant in Da Furen’s roomto burn the hallucinatory incense. Da Furen was always afraid of ghosts, andnow it was even more serious, that way Wei Guo Furen would not becomesuspicious.

Li Wei Yang quietly began: “Muqin, how is shethese days?”

Cui mama smiled and said: “Sometimes good,sometimes bad. At times, she is conscious but also confused and disoriented. Whenshe is in her right mind, she will order Nubi to quickly find Da Xiaojie and DaShaoye, and when she is hallucinating, she will say there is a ghostand often wake up from nightmares. She cannotsleep during the day. She is not in her right mind, so her illness is worseningby the day. The physician said that if this were to continue, she would havehalf a year left at most.”

Li Wei Yang nodded, the corner of her mouthcurving into a subtle smile. She wanted to make Da Furen feel uneasy andunsafe, day and night, tormenting her to the end.

Cui mama bowed her head, thinking to herself,San Xiaojie was so young yet had ruthlessly acted. She had only entered theresidence for half a year, but she could reduce Da Furen to this state and holdher own against an opponent like Wei Guo Furen, admirable. However, there wasstill the Jiang family behind Da Furen, how could things be resolved thiseasily? She did not dare to say this to Li Wei Yang, nor reveal her emotionseither.

Li Wei Yang knew what she was thinking bylooking at her expressions and smiled: “In the future, I must trouble Cui mamato look after Muqin, but you should remember what Lao Furen sent you here todo, do not do as you please.”

Cui mama panicked and hurriedly said: “Nubiwould not dare, Nubi will not let her out of sight!”

From Li Wei Yang’s perspective, only cuttingthe grass leaves the roots and leaves the grass to grow back again in thespring. She wanted Da Furen’s life, but Lao Furen and Li Xiao Ran had sentpeople to keep watch, clearly not determined to do so yet. If she rashly acted,they would lose interest in punishing her, and she provoke the Jiang family.Beating the fish until it died was not the result she wanted. However, Li WeiYang had other means, especially those that did not require her to do much! Shethought to herself and outwardly smiled sweetly: “It is good that Cui mamaunderstands.”

Cui mama’s heart raced, she reluctantlysmiled: “Seeing Xianzhu off.”

Taizi’s Study

Taizi and Tuoba Zhen were discussing courtaffairs, Taizi clapped him on the shoulder: “San di, you need to marry a Zhengfei already.”

Tuoba Zhen slightly smiled: “I am preoccupiedwith important affairs now, how could I be thinking about that?”

Taizi shook his head: “Muhou said Zhou Tai Fumentioned he wanted to marry his nu er to you, perhaps you have heard of thisguniang’s reputation. She is beautiful and clever, gentle and virtuous, afamous and talented lady in the Capital, very compatible with you...”

Of course, Tuoba Zhen knew of this ZhouXiaojie who excelled at calligraphy. She was once someone he considered forZheng fei, but now, he decided: “This can be discussed at another time.”

Taizi shook his head: “San di, you cannot belike Wu di, infatuated with that Li Chang Le. These past two days, Wu di toldFu Huang he wanted to make Li Chang Le his Zheng fei, the result was Fu Huangwas enraged and harshly scolded him. That guniang is beautiful, beautifulindeed, but unwanted, especially since Fu Huang and the Empress Dowager dislikeher, if you marry her, how could it end well? In fact, women are the same,perhaps she can be a bit more beautiful, but compatibility between husband andwife is most important.”

Taizi had never met Li Chang Le but had heardeveryone say she was a young beauty whose beauty could befall empires andcities. However, in his view, it was foolish to lose the Emperor’s good gracefor a woman.

“Dage has been overthinking this.” Tuoba Zhenhad thought of marrying Li Chang Le, but since Fu Huang grew sick and tired ofher, he had cast these intentions aside.

“Don’t lie to me, you have been collecting alot of books, antiques, qin music, certainly to win a woman’s heart. Someonewho could command your respect, I fear it is that beauty, but San di, I mustremind you that: if Fu Huang did not have ill feelings towards Li Chang Le,then I would support you in marrying her because her grandfather is JiangGuogong and her father is Prime Minister Li, both of whom will be of great helpto us. However, Fu Huang is disgusted with her, so you must think carefully. Ifanything, women are not to be spoiled in such a manner, otherwise you will onlybring disaster upon yourself...”

Those things... He had a collection indeed, buthe had not given them away yet. Tuoba Zhen fell silent for a moment, not sayinganything.

Taizi was concerned: “San di, are youinfatuated with her? This is unacceptable.”

“Dage, rest assured, I am not a foolishperson.”

Taizi was still worried: “No, I must find agood woman for you soon...”

“This matter... Hope Dage will let me personallyresolve this, if one were to take a wife, of course, I must marry someonevirtuous and can help our cause, wouldn’t you say so, Dage?” Tuoba Zhen smiled.

Taizi sighed: “San di...”

Tuoba Zhen saw he still wanted to persuade himand laughed: “Dage, pursuing a woman can be a pleasure, but I have been busywith court affairs. At times, I need to find a hobby. Dage, it is something Iwill take care of, I will not delay matters at hand, rest assured...”

“The one you have your eyes on is not Li ChangLe?” Taizi found this strange.

“No.” Tuoba Zhen was surprised to hear himselfconfirm this without hesitation. He originally planned to marry Li Chang Le.Least to say, he had been impressed by Li Chang Le’s beauty, but for somereason, he had pushed this idea to the back of his mind.

“If not, then good.” Taizi breathed out a sighof relief, then felt curious: “Seeing you spend so much time and effort, isthis woman very difficult to handle?”

Tuoba Zhen laughed and said: “Only a bitheadstrong...” He feared she was not only headstrong but also ruthlessly actingagainst him.

“San di, women must be gentle and attentive,if her personality is too headstrong, it will be troublesome.”

“Dage, think of it as taming, taming a womanis like a taming a wild horse. Of course, it will be dangerous, but isn’t itmore interesting that way? Besides, I don’t believe that there is a woman inthis world who cannot be tamed!” Tuoba Zhen’s eyes lit up, then he smiled.

Ever since Li Wei Yang told him to keep hisdistance, he began to pay more attention to her. He could care less if he wereto lose to anyone else but losing to Tuoba Yu was unacceptable! Since theirchildhood days, that person had always been in his way, even if their taste in womenwere similar, if he couldn’t have Li Wei Yang, Tuoba Yu couldn’t either!

Determined, Tuoba Zhen made his decision.

The next afternoon, Li Wei Yang came out of HeXiang Courtyard and had just reached the gardens when she saw Tuoba Zhenapproaching from afar.

Why was he here? Li Wei Yang thought for amoment then realized, now that Tuoba Zhen had lost many generals in succession,he needed a way to offset his disadvantaged position, so he came looking for LiXiao Ran, perhaps with an ulterior motive.

It was too late to avoid him now. Li Wei Yangcalmly greeted him, then walked past him without a second look.

“Xianzhu, it has been a while, how have youbeen?” Tuoba Zhen began.

“Thank San Dianxia for your concern, I amwell.”

Tuoba Zhen smiled: “Oh, you seem very well,but I have not seen your Dage for half a month, where did he go?” josei

Li Wei Yang’s expressions did not change:“Dage has always liked to wander and establish connections. As far as I know hemight have gone out to find ancient artifacts in a celestial mountainsomewhere. How come? Did he not tell you?”

Tuoba Zhen chuckled softly: “I really didn’tknow this time.”

Li Wei Yang did not want to talk to him. Everymoment beside him disgusted her. She coldly asserted: “I should not delayDianxia, I will be on my way first.”

Tuobz Zhen suddenly closed the distancebetween them, stopping in front of her.

Li Wei Yang smiled blankly. She told him tostay away, why hadn’t he given up! She raised her eyebrows: “Is there somethingelse San Dianxia would like to advise?”

Tuoba Zhen slightly turned and told the personbeside him: “All of you, leave us.”

“Yes, Dianxia.” Those who came with him allwithdrew, leaving Zhao Yue and Bai Zhi with Li Wei Yang.

Zhao Yue stood guard not far behind Li WeiYang. She was not from Da Li, so she did not revere Tuoba Zhen. If Li Wei Yanggave the order, even if it was to immediately draw her sword and charge, shewould not hesitate.

However, Li Wei Yang did not give the word, inthe presence of so many watchful eyes, the urge to taking action against TuobaZhen should be suppressed.

Tuoba Zhen slowly walked up to her, his faceseemed more profound and handsome under the sunshine. If anyone else saw him,they would be captivated by him.

Li Wei Yang did not react at the slightest,idly looking at him: “Does Dianxia still have something to say?”

“Not only are your Dage’s whereabouts unknown,but these days, it seems Da Xiaojie is no longer attending banquets either.”Tuoba Zhen said with a small smile.

It seems he had noticed and closely followedup on the changes within the Li family, Li Wei Yang smiled faintly: “Muqin hasfallen ill, Dajie went to a temple to pray for her, was San Dianxia not awareof this?”

“Oh, if one’s Muqin is ill, how could herchild bear to go afar?”

“It is nothing strange, Muqin has only fallenill recently. Fuqin has written Dage a letter, but I don’t know what has beendelaying him.” Li Wei Yang responding in an orderly fashion, addressingunspoken questions while overlooking the details.

It may have sounded reasonable, but comingfrom Li Wei Yang, Tuoba Zhen felt this was strange. He could recognize Li WeiYang’s concealed hatred, which lessened her credibility, but he could notimagine what happened in the Li family. Of course, if his intelligence networkhad not been compromised, he would know the reason, but this was currently outof the question... He frowned: “Da Furen not partaking in outside affairs, DaXiaojie went to a temple, and Da Shaoye disappeared, don’t you feel this israther strange?”

Li Wei Yang smiled: “Whether it is strange ornot, San Dianxia can ask my Fuqin, I believe he will give Dianxia a reasonableexplanation.”

No matter who he asked in the Li family, theyall gave the same explanation: Da Furen is sick, Li Chang Le went to pray, LiMin Feng was traveling, the Nubi in the residence held their tongues, unable tosay, and those who wanted to say something knew nothing. Outsiders could onlyaccept these explanations for now. In any case, Wei Guo Furen had visited DaFuren and found that aside from her paranoia and superstitions, Da Furen wasnot being confined... Even Wei Guo Furen said her jiejie was ill, how couldothers still not believe it?

“Does San Dianxia still have something to say?If not, I must go.” Li Wei Yang reminded him.

“Xianzhu, why are you in such a hurry?”

“Dianxia seems to have forgotten what I havesaid before, now, it is time to act on them.”

Tuoba Zhen’s face grew solemn, scoffed andsneered: “So you remember that, you treat me as if I were a dog, to come whencalled and obediently leave when chased away? You have no right to order mearound in that manner.”

“San Dianxia, while you are a Huangzi, you donot have the authority to do as you please.” Li Wei Yang stood there,unwavering, then looked up, her eyes meeting his in a cold, detached manner,“What does San Dianxia ultimately want, do you think you can do such things towomen? Are you not afraid of being caught and invite others to raise theirvoices against you?”

Li Wei Yang’s eyes were lovely, her eyes weredark and had hidden depths, like a bottomless well, able to draw others’ soulsin. Tuoba Zhen found that his eyes could not leave her face. She did not haveLi Chang Le’s breathtaking beauty, but she had an air of a refreshing spring,secluded and mysterious.

“Raise their voices against me?” Tuoba Zhenbroke out into laughter: “If I mention it to your Fuqin, will he agree for meto marry you?”

Li Wei Yang could not help but laugh: “TuobaZhen, do you not have any self-respect?”

Tuoba Zhen’s stare quickly turned hostile: “LiWei Yang, I only have so much patience, I cannot tolerate your attitude timeafter time.”

Li Wei Yang shook her head as if in disbelief:“Even if I had a single pleasant thing to say, I would not say it to you,unless you want to become laughingstock, why would you bring up marriage to myfather. There is no medicine that could cure you!”

“Li Wei Yang, you’re more intriguing thanthose prestigious noble...” Tuoba Zhen stared at her, his lips curving into asmile: “Dangerous, malicious, clever, cunning, you are a worthy match for me,don’t you think so? We are perhaps the ideal match for one another.”

He thought he was a god in the heavens,manipulating others’ lives as he pleased. Li Wei Yang resented not being ableto tear him apart because of how he once treated her sincerity, tossing itaside, now seeing that she was different from other Xiaojies, he was wavering!

“Yes, I am a good match for you, but you see,you do not deserve me!” Li Wei Yang emphasized every word, sneering: “Since youdon’t remember my words at the restaurant, I will say it again. Tuoba Zhen, youare not worthy of me! So stay away!”

Tuoba Zhen felt his body grow cold: “Li WeiYang! You truly value Tuoba Yu? Is he that great? Or are you just trying to getmy attention?! Well, you really are clever, you succeeded, I have noticed, nowyou want to keep pretending because it won’t be as fun if you give in!”

Li Wei Yang almost burst out laughing, thisman must be crazy! Thinking she was ignoring him to get his attention, what wasthis twisted logic!

Someone like him truly left her speechless.

Li Wei Yang looked at him: “I have neverdeceived you. I have never regarded you in that manner, much less ignore you toattract you. You have thought too much of it, not every woman in Da Li has highregards for you, do not think so highly of yourself.

Tuoba Zhen intently stared at her, his eyesburning, “Li Wei Yang, there is no woman in this world who dared to talk to melike this, you dare to mock me? If I want you, you must be mine, whether I likeyou or not, whether you are willing or not, you must be like other women,always finding ways to please me, focusing on my attention, but you, you findways to make me dislike you, grow sick and tired of you, and avoid me at allcosts. The more you do so, the more I want you, let us see who will be thevictor!”

Tuoba Zhen had acted out of the self-respectof a Huangzi and a man. He would not forgive anyone who did not respect him,much less a young girl like Li Wei Yang!

Li Wei Yang scoffed: “Then wait and see. Ifyou want me, someone stone-willed and headstrong, to agree, then wait until theriver runs dry and rocks have eroded!”

Having said this, she walked away withoutlooking back.

“Li Wei Yang, just wait and see.” He mutteredas he looked after her retreating figure.

She could understand him so clearly, yet stillwanted to rise to Tuoba Yu’s position? Thinking back to that day, the image ofthe two smiling, talking, his hands clenched.

As Li Wei Yang left the garden, Bai Zhiworriedly began: “Xiaojie...”

Li Wei Yang shook her head, “I am alright.”She solemnly ordered: “This matter is to be kept silent, you are not to speakabout it with anyone, otherwise, I will not spare you.”

Zhao Yue and Bai Zhi looked at one another andquickly answered: “Nubi understands.”


Translator: Chau

Editor: Jaslynn


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