The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 94 part1

Chapter 94 part1

Chapter 94: Climb the Dragon, Follow the Phoenix

攀龙附凤 Pānlóngfùfèng - lit. “Climb thedragon, follow the phoenix.” It refers to climbing the political-social ladderby clinging onto powerful individuals and their success.

In the context of the chapter, “climb on the dragon”alludes to marrying Huangzi who may become Emperor one day, and “follow thephoenix” implies becoming the Empress.

Dà jiùzi - Eldest brother-in-law

English reference: something will eventually slip through the cracks [of the wall]

Disciplining children of the house

Li Chang Le waslocked in a room, and no one was allowed to go see her. Once the funeralceremony ended, she was released.

She thought thiswas the end of it, but then in the middle of the night, she was escorted to HeXiang Courtyard.

Luo mama stood byLao Furen’s side. Aside from her, there were four other mamas Li Chang Le hadnever seen before, who stood solemn and silent.

Lao Furen lookedat Li Chang Le. There was no warmth in her eyes, only a hint of contempt thatfrightened Li Chang Le.

The hall was darkand obscure with only one flickering lamp. Before Li Chang Le could mention it,the four mamas had forced her to kneel down on the cold ground.

Lao Furen’s facehad always been kind and never seemed so grave: “Chang Le, you dare to haveillicit relations with a man.”

Color drainedfrom Li Chang Le’s face: “Lao Furen, don’t listen to Li Wei Yang’s accusations!Your granddaughter would never dare to such a thing to humiliate the family!”

“There’s no needto continue.” Lao Furen’s face slowly returned to normal, but her eyes stillharbored murderous intent, “With your Fuqin’s doting, you would dare to doanything, including that. I once said stunning beauty is a calamity. Your Fuqinhad too much faith in you, which led to this disaster, making the Li familylose all of our honor!”

Li Chang Le’seyes widened. While she was confined for three days, she had thought thingsthrough. Li Xiao Ran would not be harsh on her, so she raised her head high:“Lao Furen, since it has come down to this, San Dianxia will certainly marryme!”

Lao Furen had ablank smile.

Luo mama said:“Da Xiaojie, you still refuse to accept that even if San Dianxia marriesXiaojie, in this world, there is no wall that can keep out the wind.Someday, others will find out about this, then what will you do, and what aboutthe Li family?” She waved her hand.

The four mamasforced Li Chang Le down, making her panic. She used her all of her strength toescape the hands holding her down, but she could not break free.

It occurred toher something was wrong! Very wrong! Could Lao Furen want—

One of the mamasbrought a porcelain jar over. Under the hazy candlelight, the red-billed craneon the jar seemed even more horrifying.

Lao Furen took ahandkerchief out from her sleeve and covered her nose: “Our Li family hasraised such a shameless Yatou, my efforts and kindness have been wasted on you...Now, you must die for the Li family.”

What did LaoFuren mean by this? Li Chang Le stared in disbelief... She struggled, lungingforward and vehemently protesting: “I am Da Xiaojie of the Li family, I cannotsimply die without reason. When Fuqin finds out, what will Lao Furen say then...”

Lao Furen’s voicewas hostile: “Your Fuqin is usually wise, but he has overindulged you andcannot distinguish between right and wrong, and now, he even let you live. Oncehe has carefully thought about it, he will come to thank me.”

Li Xiao Ranshould get rid of this Yatou as soon as possible, but he still had hope forher. Even if Li Chang Le was to be wed, there was no saying Tuoba Zhen willstill agree to marry her three years later. Who knows what calamity will breakout!

“I don’t believeit! I don’t believe it! There is also the Jiang family, Lao Furen. Think aboutit, Waigong and Waizumu love me. I also have two jiujiu. They were alreadyfurious by Muqin’s death, if you dispose of me too, they will never forgive theLi family!”

There was nohesitation on Lao Furen’s face. She sighed: “You do not understand when to whento retreat. Today, you have reaped the seeds you have sown.”

Li Chang Le’seyes widened. She could not believe it.

There was nochance. How could her life be decided so easily? She thought that at worst,Fuqin would marry her Tuoba Zhen, how could he take her life!

“Your mothersuddenly died, so you were grieving, grieving too much that you were careless,caught a cold and died. You won’t die without reason, and you will earn thereputation of a filial nu er.” Lao Furen lightly said, “It is much better thanyour tainted body and reputation, so do not blame me.” She glanced at Luo mama,who understood and signaled to the others.

The mamasimmediately pinched Li Chang Le’s nose in order to force her to drink themedicine. Li Chang Le suddenly broke free and desperately tried to run outside.Luo mama snapped: “Quickly seize her!” The mamas pursued her like wolves andtigers and seized Li Chang Le, who seemed to have lost her mind, plunging theentire room in chaos.

Lao Furen had notthought she would refuse to give up and loudly ordered: “Hold her down and pourall of it down!”

The four mamasforced Li Chang Le down. Seeing the medicine come closer and closer, Li ChangLe let out an ear-splitting scream. A mama quickly covered her mouth. Li ChangLe was terrified, and the smell of the medicine made it difficult for her tobreathe. Suddenly, the doors were kicked open.

Someone strode inlike a gust of wind dispersing the clouds: “Lao Furen, what are you doing?!” LiXiao Ran paled and rushed forward to seize a mama’s arm, “Let go already!”

Lao Furen angrilyresponded: “I am cleaning up the house! You shamelessly ask mewhy?!”

Li Chang Lefearfully dragged herself over to Li Xiao Ran: “Fuqin, Fuqin must save me, LaoFuren wants to kill me!”

Li Xiao Ran didnot look at her and only spoke to Lao Furen: “Muqin, I have something to say toyou.”

Lao Furen frownedand looked at Li Chang Le kneeling on the ground, her face tearstained and nolonger beautiful. She scoffed: “What is there to say?!”

Li Xiao Ranlooked to Luo mama. Luo mama immediately gestured to the other mamas, “Firstoff, confine Da Xiaojie in the room next door.”

The four mamaslifted Li Chang Le, whose body had gone limp, and took her to the small roomnearby. Luo mama rushed over to close the doors and stood watch outside.

Lao Furen coldlysaid: “Say it.”

Li Xiao Ran’s facewas solemn: “Lao Furen, one cannot act carelessly.”

Lao Furen’sexpressions did not change: “This shameless, little wretch here, you still wantto keep her and further humiliate us?”

Li Xiao Ranclenched his teeth. He resented Li Chang Le, but there was something he had tosay: “Lao Furen, San Huangzi has promised he will marry Chang Le as Ce feithree years later.”

“Ce fei?” LaoFuren echoed, then voiced her dissatisfaction: “He even dares to say this! Atthis time? Your Furen has just died, and he ran to the Li family to destroyyour reputation, yet you simply take his word?! He is a Huangzi, so it is notmy turn to discipline him, but Li Chang Le, that lowly wretch, I can still disciplineher! She has to die today!”

Li Xiao Rananxiously came closer and lowered his voice: “Lao Furen, please calm down. TheLi family has always been strict, so when faced with such an unfavorablesituation, how could I not feel conflicted?! But we must see the biggerpicture, I could care less if it were just Tuoba Zhen, but earlier, someonesent a letter from the palace.”

Lao Furenfurrowed her eyebrows: “Wu Xian Fei?”

Li Xiao Ransolemnly nodded: “Yes, Wu Xian Fei sent a jade ornament and said to use it asproof of engagement. Three years later when the mourning period ends, she willrequest Bixia to grant the marriage and marry Li Chang Le to San Dianxia as Cefei.”

Lao Furen hadbeen concerned about the situation in three years and even more concerned aboutthe rumors. Hearing this, she slowly sat down: “She is rather clever to marryLi Chang Le off, give us an explanation, and even borrow the Jiang family’sstrength, hmph!”

Li Xiao Ran’sexpressions were not pleasant either. He had never respected Tuoba Zhen and didnot intend to marry any of his nu er to him. Since things turned out this way,he intended to confine Li Chang Le until the funeral ceremony was over, thenquietly marry her off, securing her reputation. The problem was Wu Xian Fei hadunexpectedly sent someone with a proposal and a jade ornament, so he had toreconsider. If he insisted on refusing and took Li Chang Le’s life, he wouldoffend Wu Xian Fei, and things would worsen.

“I know you arefurious, but things have come down to this. Killing her will not accomplishanything, whereas—”

Lao Furen did notthink so. She wanted to kill Li Chang Le. Doing so would gain an enemy, butkeeping someone like her would only bring nothing but trouble, much less WuXian Fei and Tuoba Zhen. Aside from their self-respect, the Li family hadnothing to lose.

Li Xiao Rancontinued: “Still, my Da jiuzi - he’s on his way back to the Capital.”

Lao Furen raisedher eyebrows, suddenly looking up: “What did you say?!”

Li Xiao Ran’sexpressions seemed a bit unusual: “Jiang Xu will report back to the Capital ina couple of days.”

Lao Furensuddenly understood his intentions. Jiang Xu was Jiang Guogong’s eldest son andthe Feng Zheng Xi General guarding Xi jiang, the western border. He had notreturned to the Capital in ten years. His sudden return was hardly a good sign!She stood up: “Why is he coming back?!”

Li Xiao Ranquietly said: “At the time, it is not known, but I’m afraid it has to do withJiang Rou and Wei Guo Furen’s deaths.”

The Buddhistprayer bracelet in Lao Furen’s hand snapped with a distinct sound, sending theprayer beads scattering to the ground. The sound struck a chord in Li XiaoRan’s heart and left him uneasy.

“Lao Furen—withJiang Rou’s death, the Jiang family will not abandon their efforts. They areabout to raise an army and come to demand justice. Fighting over Li Chang Le’ssituation would only harm both families, so for now, we cannot turn our backsto them.”

Lao Furen slowlysat back down then looked up at the painting above and sighed. She did not careabout Wu Xian Fei, but if it were the entire Jiang family, this should bereevaluated. Jiang Xu deeply cared for his meimei Jiang Rou, so her suddendeath may have led him to suspect them. If Li Chang Le also followed her downto the yellow spring, the Jiang family will raise immeasurable chaos! The Lifamily may have the Prime Minister, but compared to the Jiang clan’s deep rootsand hundred years of history, they did not stand a chance. The Jiang familyalso had military authority, so the Li family would have to suffer either way.

In that case, itseems Li Chang Le stays... Lao Furen felt her throat tighten: “That little wretchdares to do such scandalous things. Are we just going to keep tolerating her?!”

Li Xiao Ran fellsilent, then slowly began: “To avoid other troublesome matters, we need to lockher up. We will spare her life, and if the Jiang family asks, we will say thatthere is nothing to negotiate. After all, she was the one who caused all of this.”

Within a largefamily, even if there are many conflicts, not the slightest hint of discordwill be revealed in front of others. Moreover, the incident was closely tied tothe Li family’s honor, so they must not let outsiders know. Lao Furen wearilysighed: “Just do it then.”

Li Xiao Ranabruptly asked: “I was afraid this incident would anger Muqin, so I made sureno one was to speak of it. How did you find out?” If Li Wei Yang secretly toldLao Furen about it, then she was rather malicious. josei

Lao Furen sharplyreminded him: “You think you can hide everything from me? Just a few days ago,you had reconciled with that little wretch, and yet you suddenly locked her up!Isn’t it clear that something happened? Insolence!”

Li Xiao Ransighed and quickly apologized. He had the servants on night watch send Li ChangLe to the temple in the mountains.

Li Wei Yangrarely slept as well as she did that night. The next day, as she got out ofbed, Bai Zhi brought a jar of water, so she could wash her face. She smiled andexchanged a few words with the Yatous, then sent them outside. She remained inher room and practiced calligraphy until it was time to go and greet Lao Furen.

Zhao Yue saw andbecame anxious. She stopped Li Wei Yang in the doorway and quietly reported:“The servants secretly sent Da Xiaojie away last night.”

Li Wei Yang didnot falter and nodded: “I know.”

When she came toHe Xiang Courtyard, Luo mama was leaning close to Lao Furen’s ear, whisperingsomething. Lao Furen looked up and saw Li Wei Yang and immediately dismissedLuo mama.

“Your Fuqin istoo soft-hearted.” Lao Furen seemed a bit embarrassed. Her voice was a bitstrained, “San Huangzi is willing to take responsibility, but we must waituntil the mourning period for your Muqin ends before they can marry. Moreover,it is not the position of Zheng fei but Ce fei, which is disgraceful, but it issomething we must accept. Therefore, I am rather conflicted, what do you thinkshould be done about this?”

Lao Furen’swillingness to speak of this conveyed how much she valued Li Wei Yang. If sheinsisted that Lao Furen take Li Chang Le’s life, it would be too abrupt andcruel. Of course, Li Wei Yang was not that foolish. Likewise, Wu Xian Fei hadquickly intervened, and the pressure from the Jiang family was fierce, leavingthe two sides to warily eye one another. Naturally, they must spare Li ChangLe’s life.

Li Wei Yangpondered over it for a while, “You are the head of the household. In the end,how this matter should be resolved is up to Lao Furen and Fuqin.”

She could nothelp but sigh to herself. It was a pity she was a step behind.

Take forinstance, Li Chang Le. Her Muqin had died, and the funeral ceremony had notended before she had acted dishonorably. If it were a Xiaojie of any otherhousehold, they would have no choice but to die, but she was fortunate to havethe formidable Jiang family to protect her. All of her wrongdoings can beforgiven.

How could LaoFuren not agree? She also sighed, “I am sick and tired of these things. Afamily that is not righteous will eventually collapse. At first, Wu Huangzitook a liking to her and was determined to make her Zheng fei, I was alreadyreluctant. Now in the light of this incident, it has tainted our Li family.Someone like that must be disposed of, yet she is still alive. If not for theJiang family, your Fuqin would not be forced to compromise.”

Given thedisastrous granddaughter under their roof, one can sympathize with Lao Furen.Li Wei Yang nodded as if lost in her thoughts. Lao Furen continue to say: “Thatdespicable, little wretch is foolish and only thinks about herself,disregarding our family’s reputation. It is all good now, isn’t it? Now thatshe has committed a heinous crime, she wants us to clean up the act and protecther.”

Lao Furen wasrarely this saddened and disappointed. Li Wei Yang did not reveal her truefeelings, only advising: “Lao Furen, how can you say that? Dajie is still partof the Li family. She made a terrible mistake, but we will not just abandonher, not for her sake but for the Li family’s sake. We must think of a way tosettle this. As for Wu Dianxia, San Dianxia will have a way to silence him. Onour part, not much can be done by arguing, for us or Fuqin. A Xiaojie has losther virtue. If this spreads, her unpleasant reputation is not crippling, but itwill be troublesome. As for San Dianxia, it will be a fatal blow. His lifelongefforts will be wasted, so he is even more concerned. Fuqin can use thisagainst him in the future. Few people know about this in our residence, and evenif they knew, they would not dare to make it known to others, but - Dajie,someone needs to keep an eye on her, so nothing else happens.”

Lao Furen hadnothing to say. Li Wei Yang had addressed every aspect of the issue. She noddedand told Luo mama: “Send more people to watch over that Yatou and ensurenothing else like that happens again.”

Luo mama quicklyanswered: “Yes.” She glanced at Li Wei Yang, San Xiaojie is really... She seemedgentle and friendly, graced with a soft smile, but her words were like hiddenneedles. Da Xiaojie wanted to regain Laoye’s favor and trust, but, pity she didnot have the chance. Forget that, she may not even be able to keep her lifenow...

Lao Furen thoughtabout it some more and felt this matter was still not settled, but for now,there was no other way. “Just proceed with that then.”


Translator: Chau

Editor: Pending


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