The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 95 part1

Chapter 95 part1

Chapter 95: No Mercy

Wu Xian Fei is technically not her real mother-in-law because Tuoba Zhen is her adopted son.

Imperial Palace, Imperial Garden

Beautiful flowers in full bloom lined the path andleft a faint, enchanting fragrance in the air.

Li Wei Yang passed through the fields of flowers andsaw a noble, honored consort sitting in the gazebo. A guarded smile appeared onher face.

Wu Xian Fei came from a prestigious household and wasextraordinarily beautiful, but in the palace, what mattered most was neitherone’s beauty nor background but whether they had an heir or not. Typically, awoman without an heir would struggle to survive in the palace, much lesssurvive for many years. In contrast, Wu Xian Fei stood very firmly and couldeven adopt a son, raise him, and assist the Empress with matters in the innerpalace for a decade. Not everyone had this ability.

The first time she met her mother-in-law, albeit onlyin name, her knees trembled.After a lifetime, Li Wei Yang believed she would be confident and calm enoughto face “someone from her past.”

More than ten palace maids and eunuchs stood aroundthe gazebo, all bowing, their eyes downcast. They seemed to be holding theirbreaths as not even a cough was heard. In the center of the gazebo was abeautiful, older woman, sitting upright. Her sleek, black hair was piled up ina trending style, shaped like clouds on the horizon. Her skin was smooth anddelicate, even more radiant under the sun like beautiful jade. While her eyeswere black, they were bright and lovely yet captivating. The red lips that hadcurved up into a small smile seemed to have a touch of nectar. She was smilingat Li Wei Yang. Her smile was warm and gentle, she seemed nothing like ascheming individual.

Li Wei Yang was not surprised to see Wu Xian Fei’syouthfulness and beauty. She knew precisely how much effort this consortdevoted to maintaining her beauty. Every day, she had the palace maids collectmorning dew and carefully filter it before using it for tea; pollen from ahundred flowers was gathered to make the most valuable type of fragrant facepowder; the reddest and most lively flower petals and nectar were combined anddistilled for seven days, then sundried for another seven days, followingancient techniques to remove the essence and make rouge. These priceless,extravagant items were stored in gold boxes and jade pots and used as part ofher daily routine. By looking after her beauty in this manner, she could retainher lively youthfulness and the Emperor’s favor for so long.

In this world, nothing lasts without reason, nor isthere anything that can be effortlessly obtained. This was the first lesson WuXian Fei taught Li Wei Yang.

Back then, Li Wei Yang had only entered the palace anddid not know many people. She did not know how to help her husband whilegaining others’ favor and approval. It was Wu Xian Fei who sternly yet gentlytaught her these things. Xian Fei seemed like a compassionate elder lookingafter her, so Li Wei Yang considered her to be close family. Unfortunately, shewould later discover Wu Xian Fei had taught her so many things, not because shewas her daughter-in-law, but so she would be the ideal stepping stone for TuobaZhen.

When she was met with misfortune, it was this gentleand noble “mother-in-law” that stood up and accused her of being wicked andselfish, and not virtuous nor talented enough to be Empress. It was then thatLi Wei Yang realized others had treated her well, not because they cared forher, but because she was of some use to them. Once she was no longer useful,there was no need for her to exist anymore.

Li Wei Yang smiled and approached her beforeceremonially greeting her.

As Li Wei Yang greeted her, Xian Fei was alreadyevaluating her. At first glance, she felt that her fair-skinned, livelyappearance, while it could not be considered beautiful, was charmingnonetheless. Under her scrutinizing stare, Li Wei Yang could stand up straightand smile softly. If she was unaware of the latter’s schemes, she would havemistaken her for a shy xiao guniang. Wu Xian Fei was not a fool though. Li WeiYang could quickly establish herself in the Li family and defeat her dimu andDajie, whose beauty could make empires and cities to fall. She was not anordinary person. These were just conflicts within the Li family, unrelated toWu Xian Fei, until it involved Tuoba Zhen, which infuriated her. Not that sheloved and cared for this son, this affected the endgame, so she could not idlystand by.

“This child, you seem very lovely and likeable, quicklystand up. Come here, come to me.” After Li Wei Yang had greeted her, Xian Feiwarmly waved her over.

Li Wei Yang walked over with a smile. Xian Fei gentlypulled her close while looking her up and down, then said to a nu guan besideher: “This child is lively and seems good-natured, I have heard praises fromthe Emperor and Empress Dowager, but have not met her yet. This occasion can beconsidered a coincidence, even a fated encounter.”

Of course it was fate, a great overwhelming fate. LiWei Yang laughed and cleverly said: “Thank niang niang for the praise.”

Xian Fei nodded and complimented her. She began tospeak, carefully starting out with small talk as intimately as elders of thehouse would, filling one’s heart with warmth. If Li Wei Yang was not aware ofher antics, she may have fallen for it, thinking Xian Fei was kind-hearted whenactually, the more Xian Fei smiled at someone, the sooner they would die. Herwarmth and kindness towards Li Wei Yang now was definitely not a good sign.

Xian Fei suddenly took note of Li Wei Yang’s clothesand gently frowned: “Why are you wearing all white?”

Li Wei Yang simply said: “Mother passed away, Wei Yangdoes not dare to wear bright colors, and since mourning clothes are not allowedto be worn in the palace, Wei Yang can only choose light colors to wear.” Shedid not violate the mourning rites for Da Furen’s funeral, nor the restrictionsin the palace, what else did Xian Fei want to say?

Xian Fei acted as if she did notice those intentions.Her smile became even more gentle: “I heard what happened to your Muqin, Iremember there are several rolls of elegant and light silks in the storeroom,absolutely beautiful. Bring them here for Li Xiaojie. Think of it as a smalltoken from me.”

A nu guan stepped forward and responded before quicklyheading off.

Li Wei Yang looked at her retreating back, slightlyfrowning, then bowed and quietly said: “Thank niang niang, Wei Yang cannotaccept such a gift.”

Xian Fei waved it off: “No need to be so polite! Thinkof it as a small, courtesy gift.” Then, she continued: “Unfortunately, you willbe of marriageable age in two years, but since your Muqin passed away, thismust be delayed for more than two years. By that time, you will be older and itmay be difficult to get engaged.”

Li Wei Yang pretended not to have understood theirhidden meanings and also expressed her regrets: “Wei Yang is not in a hurry,but Dajie is of age.” When she said this, she suddenly thought of something andhesitated, “But Dajie is different from Wei Yang. She has a heavenly beauty andis also zhang nu. San Dianxia and Wu Dianxia also like her. Dajie said once themourning period ends, she will be engaged.”

Xian Fei’s face changed, a sharp gleam flashing acrossher eyes.

The jade token sent as proof of engagement for LiChang Le was only to reassure the Li family and gain the Jiang family’ssupport. She was not satisfied with Li Chang Le at all. If Li Chang Le wasstill the renown, brilliant zhang nu of the Li family, letting Tuoba Zhen marryher as Zheng fei would be wise, but Li Chang Le was foolish and went to offerill advice to the Emperor and displeased others wherever she went. Wu Huangziwanted to marry her but was angrily scolded by the Emperor. If she was toarrange for Tuoba Zhen’s marriage with Li Chang Le, it would bring her endlesstrouble.

No matter how troublesome it was, it was still muchbetter than Tuoba Zhen taking advantage of their family’s funeral to actdishonorably with Da Xiaojie of the Li family. If Xian Fei sat on the sidelinesand allowed this to spread, its impact on Tuoba Zhen would be much greater thanon the Li family. Xian Fei had no choice but to send the jade token, perhapsstall for time. Xian Fei felt even more frustrated now that Li Wei Yang broughtit up. She did not reveal it, but she was indeed very upset.

“Silly child, I am talking about you. Your Dajienaturally has your Fuqin taking care of her. I just wanted to ask about you outof concern and said some things, don’t mind them.” Xian Fei recollected herselfin an instant, her facial expressions back to normal.

“Xian Fei jiejie seems lively, what are you doing soearly in the morning?” A voice took Xian Fei by surprise. She turned back, hersmile widened: “So it is De Fei meimei.”

Zhang De Fei wore purple, gauze garments with floraland wisps of smoke patterns. A red onyx hairpin rested on her head, making herseem even more extravagant than Xian Fei, who seemed subtle and elegant incomparison.

She walked into the gazebo with her attendantsgathered around her. Her eyes were calm like deep waters, undisturbed. Thegreen tassel hanging from the hairpin swayed with her soft footsteps, shiningbrightly. Seeing Li Wei Yang, she smiled faintly: “I wonder why Xianzhu came tothe palace this early.”

Li Wei Yang bowed and greeted her but secretly shookher head. That was already known throughout the palace the moment she arrived.The Imperial palace was never the place where secrets could be kept. Whether itwas Xian Fei or De Fei, they already knew about this before they came.

What Xian Fei just said revealed that she was askingabout the Li family affairs, but what about De Fei? What was her motive? Li WeiYang already said she had nothing to do with Qi Huangzi. Did she thinkotherwise? She could sympathize with a Muqin who wanted to protect herchildren, but if De Fei became overbearing, she would certainly retaliate.Then, Tuoba Yu would be involved and their original plans would be compromised.It would be a messy ending, and besides, she did not want to destroy this pawnyet.

“I felt Xianzhu was lively and sincere, so I kept herbehind to talk for a bit, and then meimei arrived.” Wu Xian Fei smiled softly.

Zhang De Fei also smiled. Li Wei Yang looked like aninnocent child, but it was only a facade. There was more to that girl than whatmeets the eye. She was careless in the confrontation last time, letting thisxiao Yatou play with her. Someone with such thoughts at a young age was not anordinary person. Pity they were no longer on good terms, else she would beuseful. What she was attempting was very dangerous. At times, one misstep wouldrender every following step to be wrong.

A cruel light crossed De Fei’s eyes. For some reason,when she saw this little girl and how she did not seem to be affected by thepunishment, De Fei had a strange feeling. Li Wei Yang always said she needed aloyal husband and would not allow for concubines. The more Yu er insisted onmarrying her, the greater the need to get rid of her became. Otherwise, Yu erwill fall for her and forget greater responsibilities, it would be disastrous!

Off to the side, Wu Xian Fei idly looked on. Her goldand jade, lotus charm bracelet glimmered like water under the sunlight. Thisperformance was intriguing indeed. She began to feel that Li Wei Yang was ascheming Yatou, but De Fei was hardly an easy opponent either.

Zhang De Fei’s beautiful eyes fell on Li Wei Yang andsmiled, but her smile was brimming with hostility.

An eunuch came carrying a jade and gold box from theother side of the garden. He greeted De Fei and Xian Fei before announcing:“Bixia presents De Fei niang niang a gold, eight tailed phoenix hairpin, andXian Fei niang niang a jade and glass lamp.”

When the box was opened, there was indeed anextravagant eight-tailed phoenix hairpin made of gold. Next to it was a green,jade and glass lamp.

Zhang De Fei smiled and ordered the eunuch to comeover. A delicate hand picked up the gold hairpin and brought it up to carefullyinspect. She smiled: “At this age, Bixia still sees me as a xiao guniang. Thegold hairpin is truly beautiful, but these multicolored gems are perhaps moresuited for those Xianzhu’s age.” She idly pointed at Li Wei Yang’s head, as ifintending to give her the hairpin.

Li Wei Yang stepped back and respectfully said: “InBixia’s heart, niang niang will always be young and beautiful. With Wei Yang’shumble background, Wei Yang does not dare to hope for much.”

Zhang De Fei smiled and placed the gold hairpin backin the box and inadvertently asked: “Well, Lan er, escort Xianzhu out then.”

A beautiful nu guan stepped up and heeded her orders.She faintly smiled and led Li Wei Yang outside.

This nu guan named Lan er had a simple but pleasantappearance. Along the way, she gently said: “Xianzhu, watch your step.” Thenlater, “Xianzhu, slow down a bit.” Occasionally, she would point out places andthings in the palace to Li Wei Yang: “This is De Fei niang niang’s favoriteFeng Wei chrysanthemum. That is the Empress’s favorite five petal peony...” Hervoice was soft and gentle, pleasant to the ear as if she were putting ineffort.

Li Wei Yang calmly looked at her. She did not thinkshe was mistaken, Zhang De Fei’s cold stare was murderous. She wanted to takeher life! Why let an opportunity pass by like that so easily?

“What is Xianzhu thinking about?” Lan er asked with asmile. josei

Li Wei Yang looked over as if recalling something: “Ithink the nu guan from the Empress Dowager’s palace must be wondering where Iam right now?”

Lan er’s smile briefly froze, then she continued asusual: “Yesterday, our niang niang put together a Buddhist volume for theEmpress Dowager and wanted to personally bring it to her this morning. Niangniang met Xian Fei niang niang in the garden, exchanged a few words, andordered that nu guan to deliver the Buddhist volume to the Empress Dowager, soshe will not have to wait.”

“Oh, so that was how it was.” Li Wei Yang seemed tounderstand.

Lan er softly laughed: “Xianzhu, please come thisway.”

Li Wei Yang pretended not to know and continued ahead.This was the way out of the palace. Of course, Li Wei Yang was not mistaken.She had been in this Imperial Palace countless of times. Lan er did not use theopportunity to lead her somewhere else. Then, Zhang De Fei arranged for Lan erto lead her outside, but what for? If it was to kill her outside the palace,then that was impossible.

At the palace gates, Lan er informed her: “The Licarriage is waiting on the small road outside. Wish Xianzhu a safe trip.” Shereached out and led Li Wei Yang out by the arm. Li Wei Yang stiffened, thencast Lan er a cautious look, her expressions calm yet warm: “Thank you.”

The palace gates were right in front of her, but shehad barely taken a step when a clamor rose behind her: “Seize her!”

She turned around. Numerous guards had gathered behindher.

Li Wei Yang wryly smiled: “What is the meaning ofthis?”

Lan er also seemed surprised: “This is Anping Xianzhu,leaving the palace on the Empress Dowager’s orders. What are you trying to do?”

A commanding officer walked up and ordered: “Xianzhu,do not leave the palace yet. De Fei niang niang is waiting!”

Li Wei Yang sneered, so it really doesn’t end here!


Translator: Chau

Editor: Pending


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