The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 96 part1

Chapter 96 part1

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Chapter 96: No Different From Treason

Chen qie - lit. concubine subject, essentially a form of “I” that concubines and even the Empress use in presence of higher authority, ex. Empress > concubine, Emperor > Empress

The moment she left the Imperial Garden, Li Wei Yangheard someone approaching, neither quickly nor slowly but calmly.

Li Wei Yang slightly turned back. She saw who waswalking towards her and smiled: “So it’s San Dianxia.”

Tuoba Zhen narrowed his eyes. It was unclear at first,but her schemes took him by surprise, one after the other. He was stunned todiscover different sides to her, but it was a pity she stood on the other side,opposing him.

He threw out his sleeve. Ruthlessness flashed acrosshis eyes like that of a feral wolf. “Xianzhu knew I’d come.”

Li Wei Yang only smiled, not responding yet as shescanned her surroundings.

Tuoba Zhen smiled thinly and spoke up: “No need tolook. I came to look for you, so those watchful eyes and ears have been dealtwith.” His words were solemn.

Li Wei Yang was well aware. Her lips curved up, butshe declined to comment.

There were many eyes and ears in the palace, but TuobaZhen’s efforts over the years allowed him to escape others’ surveillance andfind time to do as he pleased. Meeting her here was risky, but his currentsituation was also far from ideal. Otherwise, why would Tuoba Zhen bother tostop her if she wasn’t the reason behind all the chaos.

The cracks were appearing in this man’s mind.

Li Wei Yang smiled inwardly, but outwardly, her faceremained calm and unchanged, free of inner turmoil, as if it did not matter ifTuoba Zhen appeared or not.

Tuoba Zhen’s pupils dilated. His smile turned cold.Warmth disappeared from his eyes. His voice was dangerously low: “I thinkXianzhu still owes me an explanation.”

Li Wei Yang smiled: “Dianxia is referring to theincident that day?”

Tuoba Zhen was momentarily surprised. He thought LiWei Yang would beat around the bush and had not expected her to cut to thechase. His hatred was undisguised, but as time went on, he came to respect andappreciate her even more.

She was clever, sharp, sly, capable and did not hideher talents. Most people were different. To survive in the palace, one mustlearn to hide their true self, but Li Wei Yang confidently stood out. She didnot compromise with anyone to protect her interests. She knew precisely whatshe wanted and what to do, but this brilliant girl had walked past him. If shestayed by his side, she would greatly contribute to his endeavors!

Tuoba Zhen suppressed his thoughts and slowly began:“I want is an explanation about what happened that day and whether you wereresponsible or not.”

She chuckled softly and looked straight into his eyes.Her eyes were bright, but there was no arrogance on her face. Stunned, TuobaZhen felt as if his soul had flown away.

“Of course not.” She answered without the slightesthint of guilt.

“You dared to do so, but you aren’t brave enough toadmit it?” Tuoba Zhen sneered. He knew the answer, but he tossed and turned atnight, unable to sleep, with only a single thought in his head: find her anddemand an explanation, as if - he wanted to lose all hope.

Li Wei Yang smiled: “You have always suspected thosebegonias, perhaps out of habit, out of paranoia. You inspected those flowers,so what is wrong with them? You think I did this to you, but did you thinkabout Dajie’s affections towards you? If Dajie didn’t like you, why would sherun to the guest hall? How could she cast away her future so easily? It seemsto me that Dajie is deeply in love with you. San Dianxia, you should cherishthis. Do not forsake a beauty’s affections.”

She seemed to be lamenting, or rather, mocking him.Tuoba Zhen stiffened when he heard this, then recomposed himself before hisanger flared. Li Chang Le could be the Mother of the World in prosperous times,but now she would only bring him trouble!

Because of Li Chang Le’s noble background andexceptional beauty, he wanted to showcase her. Someone like her needed othersto protect and love, and remain unaware of forbidden things. If several yearslater, he ascended to the throne, given Li Chang Le’s beauty and family, hewould consider marrying her.

She would obediently become a flower vase in thepalace for him to appreciate and entertain himself with but not now! Marryingher in two years would be no different from keeping a weapon that could be usedagainst him. Tuoba Zhen was not a fool!

“Dajie is extraordinarily beautiful and excels in calligraphy,chess, poetry, and painting. She is very compatible with Dianxia. Besides,Dajie did not hesitate to destroy her reputation to follow Dianxia. If yourefuse someone like that, it will be a lifetime regret.” Li Wei Yang broke intoan innocent smile as she cheerfully said this.

Tuoba Zhen sneered and did not offer his opinion. Hisnails dug into his palms.

The pain let him calm down and breathe normally again:“Li Wei Yang, I have never given a woman this many chances.”

Tuoba Zhen did not give her time to respond andcontinued: “For many years, no matter who opposed me, I would kill them withouthesitation, but even if you have lied to me and opposed me, I still want you.Do you know why?”

“I have fallen for you, I like you and even want tomarry you.” Tuoba Zhen stared intently at Li Wei Yang, “So I gave you thesechances, one after another, do you understand!”

Li Wei Yang almost burst out laughing. She met quite afew bastards but never thought Tuoba Zhen was just as depraved and worthy ofher disdain.

Things that were easily obtained are tossed aside liketorn shoes, and what could not be conquered was to be pursued to the ends ofthe earth.

In her past life, he had to have Li Chang Le at anycost and treated her like the moon in the sky. In this life, he could not haveher, so he wanted her. It seems he did not love anyone except himself!

His face grew even more serious: “You don’t have to doubtmy words. Every word is from the bottom of my heart and not what I would say tojust anyone.”

“I’m not doubting Dianxia’s intentions.” Li Wei Yangfurrowed her eyebrows: “It is a pity Dajie is wholeheartedly determined tomarry Dianxia. How could I destroy her hopes? There are already enoughmisunderstandings between us. If Dajie knows I am here, speaking with Dianxia,she will resent me even more, and I don’t want trouble. What is done has beendone, Dianxia should treat Dajie well. As for me, Dianxia does not need tothink of me.”

“You know, Jiang Xu will return to the Capitaltomorrow. Your situation is very unfavorable. If I join hands with the Jiangfamily, will you be able to stand your ground? I’m afraid even Tuoba Yu willhave to reconsider, given the two sides that are involved. Then, when you areno longer under his protection, how will you survive?” Tuoba Zhen emphasizedevery word.

Li Wei Yang smiled. She did not think Tuoba Zhen stillhad not abandoned his intentions, especially after the last incident.

This man met someone he could not have, so he waswilling to resort to despicable means. He was welcome to try, but he won’tsucceed! Her eyes shifted over to Tuoba Zhen and sadly prompted: “Why, isDianxia threatening me?”

Tuoba Zhen bluntly confirmed: “Indeed, I’m giving youone last chance! If you agree, I will have a way for you to marry into the SanHuangzi residence instead of your jiejie. I can even let you be Zheng fei! Youonly need to tell me whether or not you’re willing!”

Li Wei Yang was speechless. These developmentssurpassed her expectations.

She harmed him to this extent, yet he still wanted tomarry her? In her past life, didn’t Tuoba Zhen like the “kind-hearted andnoble” Li Chang Le? In this life, she left him an impression of a cruel,selfish and hostile individual. Did he suddenly change his tastes and favorpoisonous grasses like her over delicate white flowers? Even if Tuoba Zhen madeit clear, Li Wei Yang still could not understand this man’s heart.

“Dianxia doesn’t resent me?” Li Wei Yang asked.

Tuoba Zhen looked into her eyes with a trace of doubt:“I believe that if you are with me, we will be very well off. In the future, ifyou give birth to a son, I will let him inherit my position. You shouldunderstand that I will fulfill this promise.”

He needed a capable, clever woman behind him, and hischild needed a sensible mother to protect them. It was easy to want someone’slife, and there will be countless obstacles waiting ahead. In the end, childrenof the Imperial family that want to peacefully come into the world and grow upsimply had no chance unless they had a clever Muqin.

This was a struggle for the Imperial throne. He couldgain a greater bargaining chip in the future. He had much better prospects, butthe more Li Wei Yang refused him, the more he wanted her. Like his pursuit forthe dragon throne, this strange torment unnerved him, so he did not hesitate tooffer grand promises to tempt Li Wei Yang.

Last time, he promised the lowly position of Ce fei,which Li Wei Yang disregarded, but now she carefully consider this! He was aHuangzi hardly anyone bothered with, but this was to be Zheng fei of a Huangzi!At most, Tuoba Yu could only make her Ce fei! Children of a Zheng fei will bethe children of the official wife whereas the children of Ce fei will beshu-born, this was a world of difference! If she was clever, she would knowwhich to choose!

Tuoba Zhen remained as handsome as the drifting cloudsin the sky, but his expressions were cold and revealed his determination!

Li Wei Yang scoffed and firmly raised her voice: “Irefuse.”

Tuoba Zhen froze as surprise and other obscureemotions flooded into his eyes. A moment later, he solemnly reminded her: “Thisis your last chance.”

Li Wei Yang’s voice remained firm: “No matter how manychances there are, my answer will be the same!”

Tuoba Zhen sneered and fell silent. At last, theruthless, murderous intent appeared on his face. He wanted nothing more than tokill her right now.

This young woman has to disappear! He must kill herwithout a second thought! In the blink of an eye, he thought up of thousands ofways to force her into a dead end!

Li Wei Yang knew what he was thinking but was notworried. Once Tuoba Zhen had decided on something, he would not change hismind. She opposed him, so she should prepare herself for what was to come. Ifhe wants to wage war, then we shall see which one of us will die at the other’shands!

Not too far away, a clamor rose in the ImperialGarden.

A palace maid rushed over and whispered a few thingsto Tuoba Zhen. “What?” His face changed, then his eyes shot over to Li Wei Yangin disbelief.

The palace maid was trying to catch her breath. Sheopened her mouth a couple times, but no words came out. She seemed to be in astate of shock.

Tuoba Zhen did not anything else. He cast Li Wei Yangone final glance, then turned and left. Li Wei Yang looked off in the directionthey were heading in and faintly smiled. She stood there, watching terrifiedpalace maids pass by. Her smile widened.

With no one to lead her out of the palace, should shefind her way out or stay for the show? Li Wei Yang considered it. She wanted tosee how the person who dared to offend her ended up! Perhaps it was a bit harshfor Tuoba Yu. Just when she was about to turn and leave, someone ran into her.That person looked up in surprise and cried out: “Wei Yang jiejie!”

Wei Yang smiled: “What happened, Jiu Gongzhu? You seemfrantic.”

Jiu Gongzhu was never as terrified nor afraid: “The ImperialGarden... Something has happened over there!”

Li Wei Yang casually asked: “Oh, what happened?”

Afraid she would not believe it, Jiu Gongzhu noddedfirmly: “Something big happened! I have to go and see, come with me, Wei Yangjiejie!”

Li Wei Yang shook her head: “I have to return.”

Jiu Gongzhu looked around and hurriedly said: “Thepalace is in chaos right now. You can’t just wander around. If somethinghappens, it will be troublesome. You should come with me, I will protect you.”Her Mufei was ill and bedridden, so she didn’t dare to go alone!

Li Wei Yang chuckled. Jiu Gongzhu only wanted her totag along for advice. She did not want this to be a repeat of last time, whenshe helped that person out. In the end, she was still a child. Having beenwarned once, she knew the punishment will not be as light the next time. Yetsome people who will never heed warnings unless they paid a terrible price! josei

The sound of breaking porcelain rang out in theImperial Garden. Jiu Gongzhu’s face paled as she pulled Li Wei Yang over. Whenshe saw the situation in the Imperial Garden, her soul almost flew away infright as her face turned stricken pale.

Li Wei Yang looked on from afar. Over there, among thepalace maids gathered, a woman stood tall and proud. She wore the garments ofan Empress, a nine-tailed phoenix crown on her head, an elegant, silk dresswith a long, sweeping train and intricate designs, especially the beautifulembroidery of pearls and bits of gold.

In sharp contrast, her face seemed dead as a driedleaf. Her weak and frail body seemed like it could not hold up under the heavygarments, and her neck seemed to have shrunken. She barely managed to stand,supported by the nu guan beside her. Of course, this was someone who wasseverely ill. However, at this moment, she seemed absolutely livid.

Across from her, the formerly cold and noble Zhang DeFei was kneeling. The Empress ordered the palace maids to pull her hair,leaving it disheveled, which made her seem like a lotus struck by a heavy downpour.She fearfully knelt on the ground, her face drained of color and panic in hereyes, desperate.

“Niang niang, please don’t be too angry!” Zhang De Feisaw that the Empress was seething with rage. Despite the countless palace maidsand eunuchs present, she remained on her knees and hastily went over to catchthe hem of the Empress’s dress, pleading: “Empress, please do not be too angry.Chen qie would not dare to overstep my bounds, someone must have harmed...”

The Empress fiercely swatted Zhang De Fei’s hand away.The veins on her face contorted as she gritted her teeth: “I regret entrustingyou with the responsibilities in the palace. You dare to act so boldly, hopingI die a bit sooner, so you could become Empress?! This is an act of treason!”

The Empress was always gentle and neutral, rarely asharsh and solemn as she was now, stunning everyone. When Li Wei Yang arrived,she humbly knelt down like many others, but a smile lingered on her face. TheEmpress’s condition had not improved. Her state of mind continued to decline,leaving her to fall victim to paranoia. Palace affairs had always been left toZhang De Fei and Wu Xian Fei. If anything happened to her, those two would begreatly promoted!

Zhang De Fei hastily said: “Chen qie does not dare,Chen qie would never!”

Wu Xian Fei beside her seemed just as terrified,kneeling in front of the Empress, not daring to interrupt.

Even in the state they were in, the Empress was stillnot appeased. She sneered and closely eyed Zhang De Fei.

Zhang De Fei’s slender face and thin, with willowyeyebrows, bright almond-shaped eyes, and her tall nose bore resemblance to acelestial maiden. The years that have passed seemed to have left no marks on DeFei’s face! The Heavens were truly unfair!


Translator: Chau

Editor: Pending


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