The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 66 part1

Chapter 66 part1

Please welcome Panisa and Jaslynn! Panisa will be editing the chapters from now on and Jaslynn will be helping out with the translation to balance out the workload!

This chapter is translated by Chau!

Chapter 66: Digging YourOwn Grave

Niangniang -honorific for the Empress and imperial concubines

Da sao - sao is an honorificfor sister-in-law (in this case), children also use it to refer to the wife ofa paternal uncle

Dimei - honorific for asister-in-law who is the wife of a younger brother

Huibing - how servants/nubiaddress others of higher status

Zhang nu - eldest daughter of ahousehold

Sinister aura - the harmful or evil distinctiveatmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person,thing, or place

法師 Fǎshī - can betranslated to Taoist master; in many dramas and novels, their job is to:identify evil spirits in people’s homes, perform rituals, and hopefully banishthem

厌胜之术Yànshèng zhī shù- ancient witchcraft involving curses; if a family was cursed,they might be homeless, physically injured, die, or even lose their home andfamily

Convent - a monastery but specifically aninstitution of female monastics (nuns) only

Li Chang Le returned to her courtyard andsecretly had Tan Xiang ask around about this. When Tan Xiang returned, Li ChangLe could not wait to ask: “What did they say?”

Tan Xiang said: “Nubi found seven or eightphysicians. They all confirmed that placenta does have benefits and can nourishone’s beauty. Besides, many of the niang niang in the palace also eat this.Perhaps what Wu Xiaojie said was not false.”

Li Chang Le had seen it before in medicinaltexts, but those bloody things, in the end she still felt unusual anddisgusting, now seeing Li Chang Xi use it to nourish her beauty, of course shecould not resist the temptation.

That night, Li Chang Le quietly went to theShuang Yue Pavilion. Li Chang Xi was seated on a lounge. A Yatou carried a trayinside and approached her. There was a small, delicate bowl on the tray. Out ofhabit, Li Chang Xi lifted the lid and began to carefully eat.

Li Chang Le had barely stepped through the doorwhen she sensed a strange aroma.

This enticing aroma had a hint of fresh blood.Li Chang Le instinctively held her nose, but she immediately felt that theaction was too sudden, reluctantly smiled and stroked her hair, saying: “Meimeiis eating that?”

Li Chang Xi saw Li Chang Le and immediatelystopped eating and stood up to greet her.

“The aroma is a bit unusual, is it trulyeffective?” Li Chang Le could not help but ask.

Li Chang Xi calmly smiled: “Dajie, I will notdeceive you. Compared to Xue Lian ginseng, it is much more effective. Rightnow, I only hope that this can erase my scar.”

“These things——is it true that they have harmfuleffects...” Li Chang Le was very cautious.

“How can they not be good in any way, if theywere harmful, then why would so many people dare to eat this? This cannot beeasily obtained. You must be fortunate to take it right after someone has givenbirth. Common physicians cannot obtain this, and the cost starts with the priceof gold and upwards.”

Li Chang Le’s fingers trembled slightly. Sheheard Li Chang Xi laugh and say: “Dajie, do you want to take some and try itfor yourself?”

Li Chang Le looked at the blue and whiteporcelain bowl, hesitating. In the end, she still could not resist thetemptation of becoming even more beautiful and nodded.

Three days later, that night, Lin mama by DaFuren’s side had brought four big-boned mamas and suddenly advanced towards LiWei Yang’s courtyard.

Li Wei Yang had changed into her night clothesto go to sleep early. She was running a comb through her hair when she heardBai Zhi from outside say: “Lin mama, as late as it is, why would Furen want toinvite our Xiaojie over?”

Li Wei Yang looked at her reflection, a cornerof her lips curving upwards. Of course, Da Furen was rather anxious and hadfinally decided to eliminate her? Mo Zhu softly said: “Xiaojie, should youreapply your makeup or not?”

Li Wei Yang nodded. Mo Zhu nimbly helped herbrush her hair, reapply her makeup, and change into her day clothes.

Outside, Lin mama smiled as if she were notsmiling at all: “We are only servants and would not dare to dispute thismatter. This is Da Furen’s order, I am only the messenger. Please have SanXiaojie come with Nubi.”

Although Li Wei Yang was Xianzhu of the secondrank, Da Furen was her dimu and not to mention, of the first rank. Although Linmama was respectful, in truth, she would not look at Li Wei Yang twice giventhe choice, and her tone of voice was strange. Frustrated, Bai Zhi was about toretort when she recalled Xiaojie’s order, and smiled and said: “If so, then Linmama, please wait for a bit. Xiaojie will immediately rise and get dressed.”

Lin mama said: “Of course, Nubi can wait here.”

Li Wei Yang slowly reapplied her makeup andchanged into her clothes. She ordered Bai Zhi to call all the Yatous and mamasto wait in Li Wei Yang’s courtyard. Bai Zhi had an idea of what they werewaiting for. She bowed and did as ordered. Li Wei Yang brought Mo Zhu with her,and they calmly left.

Da Furen’s courtyard was not the meeting placebut in the main hall. Gathered there, aside from Er Lao Ye who had businessaway, Lao Furen, Da fang, Er fang, and San fang were all present. Li Chang Lewas compelling in her light purple dress, attracting everyone’s attention. Shewas called here in the middle of the night, but her beauty did not diminish atall, on the other hand, her lovely face was delicate as plum blossoms, her formas if she were flying amidst the clouds, refined and beautiful, making ErXiaojie Li Chang Ru turn back to look at her again and again.

Li Wei Yang greeted everyone. Her gaze fell onDa Furen.

Da Furen sat straight, her hair a bitdisheveled. There was only a ruby hairpin to keep her hair up and no otherjewelry, giving her an air of simplicity and generosity. Her gaze shifted to LiWei Yang, smiling: “Take a seat over there first.”

Er Furen finally lost her patience and said: “Dasao, what is the matter here? It is the middle of the night, yet you will notlet anyone rest!” Her last words seemed demanding and questioning.

Li Xiao Ran frowned but did not say anything. DaFuren smiled and said: “I am doing this for the Li family’s sake because what Iam about to say involves everyone in the Li family, therefore I must becareful. If Er Dimei does not want to hear this, you may return. This matterwill not be delayed without you.”

What was not said could be overlooked, but byopening her mouth, she had already implicated the crime with Er Furen. Er Furenscoffed, “Since we are already here, we should hear it before we go. Da sao, ifyou have something to say, then go ahead.”

From what Da Furen had said, Li Wei Yang hadunderstood her intentions but still pretended not to have sensed anything wrong,ignoring Li Chang Le’s gaze as if it were empty air.

Lao Furen lost her patience: “Very well, what isit that you wish to say, explain this clearly!”

Da Furen smiled coldly and said: “Lao Furen, ifit was not urgent, I would not have troubled you. These days, Lao Ye has beenhaving nightmares again and again. My heart was torn, and I immediately invitedthe most well-known Taoist master in the Capital to see. He senses that thereis a sinister aura within our home.”

Lao Furen scoffed coldly: “A sinister aura?Where is this sinister aura?”

Da Furen’s expressions slightly darkened. Shewearily looked over everyone in an arc and said: “This matter - I hope LaoFuren will agree to search the courtyards.”

Lao Furen frowned Under the candlelight, sheseemed rather somber and disinterested: “What are you saying? It is late intothe night, and you wish to investigate?”

Da Furen lightly smiled and said: “Yes, that isright.”

Lao Furen’s frown deepened her wrinkles, formingthe character 川. She was about to say something but heard Li Xiao Ran say: “LaoFuren, my health truly has not been well recently. I only fear there is a fiendcausing trouble in our home, so we must thoroughly investigate.”

Lao Fufen said, “If so, won’t it causeunnecessary fear and panic and make the family uneasy?”

The area under Li Xiao Ran had darkened to blueblack He had not slept well for many nights. He looked to Lao Furen andsincerely said: “I do not have any other choice. If I continue like this, thereis not a day when I feel at peace.”

Da Furen smiled and said: “It is just to searchas a precaution. If there really is something wrong, then it will not be toolate to resolve it.”

Li Wei Yang kept her head lowered, not a singlestrand of hair had fallen out of place, as if Da Furen’s words had nothing todo with her.

Er Furen smiled rather coldly: “What? Da saointends to even search our bedrooms?”

Da Furen calmly responded: “Could it be that ErDimei has something that she does not want others to see?”

Er Furen shook with fury: “Da sao, what are youtrying to say?” She glared at Da Furen: “Did you call us here in the middle ofthe night to humiliate us?”

Da Furen coldly smiled: “Er Dimei, I am onlysaying that those who do not want to be searched must have demons in theirheart.”

Er Furen nearly leapt to her feet: “Da saoobviously – ” Li Chang Ru subtly pulled at Er Furen’s sleeves, “Mother.”

Er Furen froze, realizing Lao Furen and Li XiaoRan were looking at her, and suddenly fell silent. She was breathing heavily asshe sat down: “If you want to search, then search, but if nothing is found,then what?”

Da Furen calmly said: “The Taoist master saidthere is a filthy object, so it cannot be fake.”

San Furen suddenly said: “Who will you havesearch the courtyards?”

Da Furen smiled and said: “Of course,arrangements have been made.”

Er Furen smiled coldly: “Da sao, if only yourservants search, I fear it will not be for the best.”

At that moment, Li Wei Yang, who had beenindifferent, decided to speak: “I believe Mother’s decision is well-intentionedthis time. Every fang should send someone to join the search, then that way,won’t it be fair?”

If so, there would be others aside from Da fang.To Er Furen, this scenario seemed much better. Moreover, with others there, DaFuren would not be able to manipulate any of the evidence.

Da Furen saw through Li Wei Yang’s intentionsand coldly scoffed. This lowly girl does not know everything was arrangedbeforehand and continued to struggle moments before her death.

Lao Furen said: “Then quickly go. It is alreadylate as it is.”

Da Furen nodded and gestured to Lin mama, whoimmediately led the others to search. Er Furen and San Furen had ordered theirtrusted stewards to follow. Lao Furen paused and thought, “Luo mama, go withthem.”


Li Wei Yang’s eyes were downcast. With so manypeople, no one had much of an advantage. She slowly closed her eyes. Suddenly,there was a hand tugging at her sleeve.

Li Wei Yang opened her eyes and saw Li Min De infront of her.

Li Min De’s gaze was reserved, his longeyelashes quivering. The bottom of his eyes were consumed by a dark shadow, butthe friendliness in his eyes was genuine.

“Sanjie, do you not feel well? Why is your facethat pale?”

Li Wei Yang smiled slightly, “I am fine. Havingbeen dragged here in the middle of the night, I only feel a bit sleepy.”

“Ah.” Li Min De said when he saw the smilingintention in her eyes.

Li Chang Le coldly looked at them. She could notpossibly understand why, despite using her most gentle expression with Li MinDe, he remained cold as ice, but in front of Li Wei Yang, he obedientlylistened to her like a docile kitten.

Li Min Feng sat beside her and also noticedthis. He broke into a cold smile. Li Wei Yang, the day you die is almost here,try and make the most of this final hour.

Everyone was seated in the main hall, but no onewas in the mood for conversation. They were left to their thoughts,occasionally hearing Li Min De and Li Wei Yang whisper, but other than that,there was only the sound of prayer beads in Lao Furen’s hand.

Two shichen passed, and everyone who went tosearch had returned. The person at the lead was not Lin mama, but rather thelast person in the group led by Luo mama.

Luo mama clapped her hands and said: “Bring themhere.” josei

The corners of Da Furen’s lips revealed aslight, subtle smile.

The Yatous lifted a tray and carried it into themain hall. Something bulging under the cloth on the tray. It seemed to havehidden quite a bit.

Da Furen slightly laughed aloud: “What have you found?”

Luo mama suspiciously glanced at Da Furen andsaid: “Huibing Da Furen, every courtyard was very clean, but something unusualwas discovered in Da Xiaojie’s kitchen.”

Suddenly, Li Chang Le stood up and thought aboutthe placenta being discovered, but she felt it was not much of a concerneither. It was only for beauty nourishment. Although it was not very pleasant,it was not a severe crime either. At the same time, she felt that it wasstrange. Mother was intent on searching the courtyards. She thought somethingwould be found in Li Wei Yang’s courtyard, but why was nothing found at all?

Da Furen was horrified: “What?”

Luo mama lifted back the cloth on the tray.Judging by its unusual color, there seemed to be a clump of flesh underneath.Li Chang Ru frowned at the sight of it: “What is this filthy thing?”

Li Chang Le frowned and blamed herself for hergreed. She had taken not a piece of placenta but all of it from Chang Xi. Whenthose things had yet to be prepared as a dish, they seemed a bit disgusting.

She hesitated, unsure of how to explain. DaFuren breathed a sigh of relief and said: “So, it was a placenta.” It was onlyfor beauty nourishment, a bit bloody though. Chang Le was rather daring, evenwilling to eat something like this. After that, she smiled and said to Luomama, “Aside from this, nothing was found in the other rooms?”

She clearly had someone bury seven wooden dollsin the ground. How was not a single one found when they were searching?”

Luo mama said: “Every room has been searched.There was nothing.”

Da Furen’s face suddenly became unsightly.

Luo mama paused, glancing over everyone’sexpressions before saying: “There is something strange inside the placenta—— ”



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