The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 80 part1

Chapter 80 part1

Chapter 80 Part 1: Tit for Tat

Thebeautiful melody ended; Yan Zhi stood up, bowed and left silently.

Li Min Desuddenly stood up: “Sanjie, I have forgotten my cloak, I’ll go out and get it.”

His cloakwas obviously in the carriage, so how could he have forgotten? Li Weiyang wascurious; she wanted to know who Yan Zhi was, and why did she attract Li Min De’sattention?

She did notreveal any change in expression in front of the two princes, but gently smiled:“Go ahead.”

Jiu Gongzhujumped up: “I’ll go with you!”

Unexpectedly,she gave out a shrill scream at the next moment. Li Weiyang saidapologetically: “I am so sorry Princess, I did not do it on purpose.”

Li Weiyanghad spilt her teacup onto Jiu Gongzhu’s beautiful skirts.

Jiu Gongzhu poutedher lips; her lips were so pouted that one could balance an oil lamp from it.“You are so clumsy!” She was oblivious to the fact that Li Weiyang did this onpurpose to prevent her from following Li Min De.

She left theroom to change into new attire. Aside from the servants, the only three left inthe room had weird expressions on their faces.

Tuoba Zhensuddenly laughed and said: “The three of us seem to have a special affinity.”

Indeed, itwas affinity, but an accursed affinity. LiWeiyang laughed coldly and turned to look at the river. “What’s that?” shesuddenly asked.

Tuoba Yufollowed the direction of her gaze: “Oh, that’s Jade Peak Pagoda, built on anisland at the heart of the river. It is especially beautiful at night. If you’dlike, we could visit the island another day to take a look.”

Li Weiyanghad a small smile on her lips, and muttered in thought: “It is a goodlocation.” Her words had another hidden meaning in it.

Tuoba Zhen’seyes flashed and he stilled for a moment in surprise. He asked blandly: “Whatdo you mean by that?”

She lookedat him and replied with a smile: “The terrain is good. This river is formed bythe merging of the mountain stream and Hu Po Lake. If one were to cut a longcanal at lowest point the watershed where the two meet, he could split theriver into two and obtain easy control of ship navigation and irrigation ofcrops. You see, isn’t it a good place?”

Tuoba Zhen’sface changed. He did not know how Li Weiyang found out, but this was hisoriginal plan, which he did not get the chance to start yet. If he executed it,he would gain complete control over the two rivers’ transportation; his wealthwould increase immeasurably, far better than Tuoba Yu and the others. He washowever, unable to think of a plan to obtain this land without alerting othersof his scheme. He definitely could not allow anyone else to make the firstmove. In shock, he immediately replied: “If this idea could work, why hadn’tanyone done it so many years past?” Xianzhu shouldn’t think unrealistically, thisis merely empty talk.”

Li Weiyanghad a small smile upon her lips: “San Dianxia should know best if it is just mywishful thinking. In the past, there was the famous Xian Yuan Yan; the river wassplit into inner and outer sections, and the flow of the waters was controlled.For this river, splitting it could not only prevent floodings, enable tradesand irrigation, there is still the massive and gorgeous Dong Jiang Bridgespanning the banks. These should not have been possible by human hands and yetthey exist, so what else could be impossible!”

Tuoba Zhen’ssmile, which was originally on his face, had completely disappeared.

He suddenlyfelt coldness all over.

Li Weiyangmet his eyes, and it was as if she understood what he was thinking, like sheeven knew of the next step in his plan. Having seen a gaze like this, it was asif he was doused in a sheet of cold water. josei

Tuoba Yudeftly detected the tense atmosphere between the both of them, and just when hewas about to speak, someone outside spoke: “Jiu Gongzhu says that her stomachhurt, and ran out from the window!”

This playfulgirl! Tuoba Yu didn’t think of anything else; he stood up quickly and said:“Xianzhu, please remain here, I’ll go out to look for her.”

Li Weiyanggave a small smile: “Dianxia, Jiu Gongzhu must have gone to the carriage tolook for my San Di.”

Tuoba Yuhestitated; he was not worried that Tuoba Zhen would have the guts do anything,as this place was his territory after all. Just... was it really safe to leave LiWeiyang here? “Pay attention to any movement in the room!” he ordered theguards outside the door in a low voice.

Tuoba Yuquickly went downstairs, and it was only Li Weiyang and Tuoba Zhen in the roomnow. Li Weiyang stood up; she had no interest in sharing a table with such aperson.

Tuoba Zhensuddenly said: “Xianzhu, have you ever heard of this story?”

Li Weiyangturned to face him, her eyebrows quirking up. Tuoba Zhen poured himself a cupof wine: “In the previous dynasty, there was a strong ruler who led his armypersonally in the fight at the Southern Border. Sadly, after repeated attacksand struggling to maintain the rear, many of his people tried to convince him toretreat. Still, he insisted. The monarch paced up and down in front of histent, and wrote two words “Ji Lei1” in the sand. No one understood what itmeant, except for a smart man who immediately packed up and wanted to leave.His comrades asked him why, and he replied: “The two words means that the foodis tasteless, but it seems like a pity to give up. Bixia is starting toconsider giving up, but he has yet to make a confirmed move. Since hedefinitely will retreat, we should start off early. The others realised that hehad a point, and so started preparations as well. The emperor found out and wasshocked. What do you think he did to the smart man?”

鸡肋1 – Literally chicken ribs; used todescribe something as tasteless.

Li Weiyangsmiled: “I do not know what the ruler would have done, but I do know if it wasyou, San Dianxia, you would definitely kill those people who are able tospeculate your intentions.”

Tuoba Zhendid not even blink. “You are right. On the battleground, even before an orderis issued by the commander, the smart man tried to be clever and thus affectedthe morale of the army. As a leader of the troops, only by killing the manwould he be able to demonstrate an example. Therefore, one should be smart, butnot too smart. One should not try to display her cleverness in front of others,to prevent herself from getting killed. It would not be worth it.”

Li Weiyangreplied coldly: “Sorry, I do not have time to remain here to listen toDianxia’s stories.”

Tuoba Zhen downeda cup of wine, a flash of coldness glinting in his eyes: “Li Weiyang, I was nottelling a story, I am recounting an actual event in history. History does tend to repeat itself; if youwere the smart man, do you think I would kill you?”

In the moment,Li Weiyang saw the intention to kill in Tuoba Zhen’s eyes.

Tuoba Zhenwould definitely be panicking, because it was always his plan to cut the canalin the future. Now that the Seventh Prince has found out, he would not be ableto carry it out. Li Weiyang knew of the huge impact her revelation would haveon Tuoba Zhen, but she did it anyway. Moreover, she did it right in his face,just to make him angry.

Li Weiyangfelt like she was grabbing the scruff of a tiger’s neck – filled with a senseof achievement. Of course, it was a dangerous thing to do; a single misstep andshe could end up hurting herself.

She smiledgently, her clear eyes dancing alight with sparks, and suddenly took two stepsforward. Her hands were folded on the table, and she faced Tuoba Zhen directly:“San Dianxia, I’d advise you not to make any moves without carefulconsideration, especially if you are thinking of killing me or harming thepeople by my side. You definitely will regret making decision.”

Tuoba Zhen’svoice froze like an iceberg: “Li Weiyang! Do you really not care for anythingat all?!”

Li Weiyang’slips curled: “Wrong, I care about much things, especially my own life. Soplease do not scare me, San Dianxia, because I cannot stand to be frightened;if I were to accidentally blurt out things I shouldn’t mention, I’m afraid thatSan Dianxia would lose his head together with my own cheap existence!” Shereleased her grip, and turned around to leave.

Tuoba Zhentotally could not believe it, he could not believe that Li Weiyang actually hadanything on him. He felt that she was just threatening him, scaring him, orperhaps it was only a small spark of intelligence that just happened to let herguess his plans with the river. He therefore, did not take this threat to mind,and shot forward to block the door; her own exit route: “Li Weiyang! Standthere!”

Tuoba Zhenstared at Li Weiyang intently, as if his gaze filled with hatred would tear herapart.

Bai Zhi, whowas in the room, was stunned with shock. Her far off position did not allow herto hear their exchange, but seeing San Dianxia’s unusual behavior, an endlessfear surged in her heart. Zhao Yue, who was standing at the sidelines, had herhand ready on her sword’s pommel.

Li Weiyanglooked back at him coldly. Tuoba Zhen did not know why, but her expressioncaused him to have a moment’s difficulty in breathing.

He grittedhis teeth: “You dare leave without my permission?!”

Li Weiyangsmiled and stretched out her slim fingers to brush off a spot of wine stain on TuobaZhen’s chest: “San Dianxia, you have your sunshine path, while I have my woodenbridge to cross. Remember to stay far away from me, don’t follow me around allday like a lost puppy. I hated you ever since Day One. Remember that!” Shegently tapped his shoulder and sashayed out of the room, discarding him like apiece of smelly cloth.

Tuoba Zhenwas left standing there. A cold wind blew towards him, and he felt a shiverfrom his head to his feet. Just now, he clearly saw how bone chillingly cold LiWeiyang’s gaze was; it did not seem human, but as if she was a wronged spiritwho had crawled out of hell to demand for his life!

As shewalked past a room, Li Weiyang did not go downstairs; she suddenly pushed open theadjoining door, smiling: “Qi Xianxia, did it feel good to eavesdrop?”

The man whosaid that he was searching for Jiu Gongzhu was sitting there the whole time, smilingwithout a trace of guilt. He raised his cup in salute: “Xianzhu has guts!”

Li Weiyanglaughed coolly: “Zhao Yue, keep watch outside. Kill any busybodies who dare tostep in!”

“Understood.”Zhao Yue and Bai Zhi stepped back.

Li Weiyangand Tuoba Yu were the only ones in the room.

Tuoba Yuraised his eyebrows and gave a small smile: “How did Xianzhu guess that I wasnext door?”

“The guardswill naturally be the ones looking for our runaway princess. Morever, since youknow that Tuoba Zhen is up to no good, you wouldn’t simply leave me to dealwith him alone, isn’t it?” Li Weiyang replied coldly.

“Xianzhuknows me well indeed.”

“Too badthat I was wrong about you!” Li Weiyang retorted. “I had thought that after theprevious incident, even if we cannot not trust each other fully, at the veryleast we are still allies. Yet now you’re doing such sneaky things!”

A flush ofred appeared on Tuoba Yu’s cool face; he couldn’t help but admit that he stillcould not believe in Li Weiyang with all his heart. “I did not mean this.”

Li Weiyangsuppressed her anger. Actually, it was not unreasonable of Tuoba Yu to not trusther. In this fight between the princes, it wouldn’t be impossible if Li Weiyangwas actually a supporter of Tuoba Zhen, and her actions towards Tuoba Yu wasall an act to gain his trust! From her previous life as his bitter rival, LiWeiyang knew that Tuoba Yu was not as naiive as that.

Hence, shesoftened her displeasure and said in a low voice: “I know it will not be easyto gain Dianxia’s trust, therefore I have already prepared a great number ofgifts to prove my sincerity to you.”

“Forexample?” Tuoba Yu was suddenly very interested in what she had to say.

“On thesurface, San Huangzi is loving towards his brothers and respectful of the Emperor,but in actual fact, he has an ambitious heart. He has not only secret ties withcourt officials, but connections with people from the underworld. From hislarge web of elites serving in his household, there is an honorable mention ofhis four generals, three wise men, and two ladies.

The fourgenerals are Li Jing, Mu Yang, Zhou Heng, and Lu Lu; they are knowledgeable inthe art of war, especially Li Jing, who has the title of ‘Heavenly dragon abovethe skies’ amongst the soldiers, after he fought and killed 506 men in a battleat the South border thirteen years ago. Once a grand commander who ledthousands of cavalry into battle, he was however, kicked out after causingdelay in the army due to his drunken state eight years ago. Tuoba Zhen laterhelped him to create a false identity to re-enter the army, where he is now ageneral.

Mu Yangappears to be a weak scholar, with only a minor role as a censor in theImperial Palace, but at the young age of sixteen, he had already taken on therole of sub-leader in a secret society.

Zhou Hengwas originally a family of court officials who served the previous Emperor;however, his entire clan of 109 members was beheaded due to a trap set by theirenemies. As a newborn, he managed toescape death and grew up in the wild. Tuoba Zhen took him in, and also under afalse name, inserted him into the royal guards, responsible for the personalsafety of the Emperor. He rose through the ranks and is now a sub-commander ofthe Northern branch of the imperial guard.

Lu Lu comesfrom a commoner background, but he has good connections due to his skills in communication.He is also cruel without a doubt and loyal to the core; that is why he issituated in the spy camp, specializing in silent assassinations.”

Li Weiyanggave a small grin as she recounted. Tuoba Yu inhaled deeply, folding his handsbehind his back. He fidgeted, brought his hands to his sides, and changedposition yet again, bringing his hands into his sleeves. He was obviouslydiscomforted, as he did not know all the facts she had just said.

There were somesecrets that only Tuoba Zhen knew, that no one else should know about.

Yet LiWeiyang had all these information. She continued: “The three wise men are GaoCheng, Jing Neng, and Sun Song. Gao Cheng excels at plotting, and is an aide inthe Crown Prince’s household. Jing Neng is knowledgeable in the etiquette andpractices of emperors; he is the Crown Prince’s teacher. Sun Song has the giftof the gab; at this moment, he might not seem like much use, but at the crucialmoment, his silver tongue is bound to help his master win the hearts of theofficials and people.

As for thetwo ladies, well... one has already won the heart of the Emperor as his newfavorite, while the other is now placed in Wu Huangzi’s home...”

Tuoba Yustood up, with a face full of extreme shock. “Do you know what you are saying?”

Li Weiyangsmiled: “I know you do not believe that Tuoba Zhen has such power, but it istrue that over the years, he has been making use of the Crown Prince’s wealth,the Empress’ power, together with Wu Xianfei’s family background, to do thingsfor his own benefit. His acting skills are definitely good, so good that theEmpress and her son have been deceived by him for so many years.”

Tuoba Yu’sintuition told him strongly that everything she had said was true; these piecesof information would not have come out of thin air so easily. However, he stillfelt that she might have been reading too much into it – after all, everysingle prince would definitely have their own spies installed in theirrespective rival’s palace. Tuoba Zhen --- he did not think that he could reallybe this scary.

Li Weiyangknew that he would have doubts; that he would not realise how dangerous thisgroup of individuals could be. “They are just the cornerstone of an iceberg.Those who can be bribed will be bribed, if not, he would try to convince them.If these two methods do not work, he’d kill them off. I know that every huangzihas their own power and spies; those can simply be bought with money. However,loyalty cannot be measured with cold hard cash. I dare say that nobody else hasthe same amount of willpower and patience that Tuoba Zhen has. Not everyoneloves money; if you fail to buy someone over, would you be able to forgo yoursleep and ride for seven days straight to find your target’s desired treasure asa gift it to him? Would you be willing to pay respects at someone else’sancestral tomb on his behalf every Qing Ming festival without fail, just toconvince him to join you? Are you able to demonstrate your sincerity to thoseuncouth hooligans from the pugilistic world? To achieve his aim, he will stopat nothing and fear nothing. Qi Dianxia, you are unable to do this, because youare of high birth, you do not need to say anything and yet swarms of peoplewill offer their help to you. However, will they be unconditionally loyal, anddie for you if necessary? Just based on this alone, be it you, the CrownPrince, or Wu Huangzi, there is no way you all can compare with Tuoba Zhen.”

Tuoba Yufelt shiver down his spine, as if he was strung up from the roof. He originallythought that Tuoba Zhen could not resist the temptation of ambition during theprocess of assisting the Crown Prince. Who knew that he had plotted from thestart to use the Crown Prince and the Empress as his chess pieces? No wonder heis able to be perfectly filial to the Empress and obedient to the Crown Prince;he is utterly a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Tuoba Yu satsilently. After a while, he spoke. “I believe you. I would also like to know,how many people know about this?”

“Other thanthe enraged San Dianxia who left in a huff, no one else but me and you.” said LiWeiyang with a smile upon her face.

Some ofthese people have not been used to their full potential as of yet, but at themost crucial moment, these seemingly small characters would become the key to TuobaZhen’s quest for the throne.

Tuoba Yutook a deep breath: “Will you mention this to anyone else?”

Li Weiyangunderstood his underlying message, so she shook her head. “Not a fourth personshall know about this.”

Upon hearingthis, Tuoba Yu let out a sigh of relief. He did not know how Li Weiyang managedto get the information. Everyone has their own secrets; so long as the contentis true, who cares how she found out? Most importantly, she could not revealthese gambling chips to others.

Hesubconsciously sighed again. “Other than this place, I have another eighteenestablishments to obtain news for me. Over the years, I have obtained a vastamount of detailed information. But based on what you have told me, out of theseventy scrolls of info regarding Tuoba Zhen, only two of them would bereliable. The rest would be misleading clues that Tuoba Zhen had purposelyplanted. This person, his motives are extremely frightening.”

Li Weiyangcould only smile. Tuoba Yu might be second to none based on his insight andpower of deduction, but in terms of patience in amassing information and payingattention to details in plots, he could not hold a candle to Tuoba Zhen. Thiswas nothing out of the ordinary; no one, including Tuoba Yu, would pay muchattention to a Huangzi who did not pose as a threat. He had wasted much efforton others and had neglected Tuoba Zhen. Tuoba Zhen, on the contrary, would notleave any stone unturned; however careful Tuoba Yu might be, however big orpowerful his backer Luo Guo Gong is, there was bound to be traceableinformation he could use against him.

“No one isinfallible; there must be someone who is bound to make you negligent. They aretoo cunning and cruel, like a snake hiding in the dark, taking a bite out ofyou when you’re not alert. So long as you have a hold on him, you have nothingto fear.”

“I know allthese people you have mentioned, but I have taken them as figures who areunimportant, and some of them are even my good friends. I have come to realisethat I have committed a grave mistake; much thanks to your advice. I willremember this debt; if you ever find yourself in need, I will do my utmost bestto help you.” Tuoba Yu said calmly, as if he was just having a casual andunimportant conversation.

Li Weiyang lookedinto those piercing eyes, and she knew that it was a solemn promise. She sankinto silence, smiled gently and said: “Thank you.”

“What youhave said to Third Brother today..” he softened the hard look in his eyes, andslowly continued, “It was not to agitate him, but to obtain my trust.”

Li Weiyang didnot give any reply in denial or confirmation, she just smiled, and glanced athim after a long while. Suddenly, she realised that he was watching hersilently, with a hint of gentleness hidden in the depths of his eyes.

He did notknow since when did his interest in her transform into a strange sort ofliking. Tuoba Yu’s eyes took her in deeply, and he sighed: “You...” He seemed tohave wanted to say something, but from the corner of his eyes, he realised thatit was raining outside. “I’ll send you to your carriage.”

It was stillbright and sunny when they’d left the mansion, and now the pitter patter ofheavy rain descended upon them. The people who had been admiring the lanternswere all searching for cover. As Li Weiyang stood at the entrance of the inn,Bai Zhi spoke up: “Xiaojie, there is an umbrella in the carriage, Nubi will getit for you.”

“Here.” TuobaYu had already ordered someone to bring an umbrella to him.

Bai Zhistepped forward to receive it, but Tuoba Yu smiled and stepped away. “Allowme.”

The raintrickled from the umbrella to his cheek; Tuoba Yu lowered his head, his voice,mixing with the raindrops, drifted to Li Weiyang’s ears: “Xianzhu should enjoya good rest tonight, after you’ve reached home.”

His sideprofile appeared extra clear and handsome in the rain. Li Weiyang smiled. “I dohope so.”

Li Min Dewas waiting in front of the carriage. It had been a full two hours since he hadleft, and he had not bothered to return. Li Weiyang did not question him, andboarded the carriage.

Tuoba Yugave Li Min De a smile, which he returned coldly, and quickly stepped into thecarriage.

The carriageheaded back towards the Li Residence. Through the curtains, Li Weiyang couldsee the tall silhouette still remaining in the rain. She did not understand whyhe did not use the umbrella, and he seemed to be gazing at the carriage, deepin thought..

Li Weiyangpaused, and let the curtains fall. Beside her, Li Min De spoke: “Sanjie --”

She turnedto look at him. “What’s the matter?”

“You’re notgoing to ask me where I’ve been?”

Li Weiyanglifted her hands to softly brush away the thin layer of rain on his shoulders.“You went to see Yan Zhi?”

Li Min Dewas stunned and could not utter a word in reply.

Li Weiyangsmiled: “You did not eat anything during the feast just now. I’ve orderedsomeone to bring food and wine here. Bai Zhi.”

Bai Zhiimmediately responded to her name. She opened the purple sandalwood lunchbox,laying out the dishes one by one. Li Weiyang took one look at Li Min De’s paleface and said, “It is cold at night when it rains, why didn’t you at least puton another layer of clothes? Never mind, have some Osmanthus wine, it’ll helpto get rid of the chills.”

Li Min Defroze. Li Weiyang observed him; this youth had a clear and defined facialstructure, blended with a soft beauty and strong willpower. A combination ofthese two should have been conflicting, yet on his face, it was enrapturing.Her eyes were filled with smiles: “Come over, quickly!”

He came toher, but held on the chopsticks without touching the food.

“What areyou thinking of?” She reached over and flicked his forehead with her finger; LiMin De clutched his forehead at the sudden pain.

“Driftingoff again.. It looks like you are defying me on purpose!”

“I was not–” He opened his mouth to explain.

Li Weiyangsuddenly laughed, and although it was gone in a flash, he was captivated by it.

“Do not saythings like ‘sorry I cannot tell you the truth’, although I do not liketrickery...” She sighed. “Whatever the case, you need only know one thing: I willnot blame you, even though you refuse to tell me the truth...”

Li Min De’spupils narrowed, and a flash of gratitude appeared in the depths of his eyes,only to be replaced by sorrow.

Li Weiyangsaw the changes in his expression clearly, and involuntarily, a surge ofheartache welled up in her. She also felt a sense of distance, which made herfeel sad. This child who had depended on her, was he growing up? It was gettingharder and harder to understand his feelings now.

However, atthe next moment, Li Min De suddenly laid his head on her shoulders.

“What’s thematter?” Li Weiyang wondered, surprised.

Li Min Dedid not reply her, and continued to rest on her shoulders. His eyes weresmarting on the verge of tears; every time he thought of the fact that he wouldhave to leave her in the end, his heart felt twisted up in pain.

“You saidthat you’ve grown up, you’ll definitely have your own secrets. You should behappy that I did not probe, because it means that I trust you.” Li Weiyangpulled him up and stuffed the chopsticks back into his hands, and personallyfed him a slice of sweet and sour fish: “Eat.”

Theosmanthus wine did not have a high alcohol content, and Li Weiyang enjoyed itssweet taste. There were outsiders at dinner just now, and she did not think itwise to drink too much. Right now, with only Li Min De present, she couldslowly savour the wine. As she drank the osmanthus wine, she felt warmthfilling her entire body.

As she lookedat the thin ribbons of rain falling to the ground outside the window, LiWeiyang thought of Tuoba Zhen’s furious state. She couldn’t help but laugh, anddowned her wine in one gulp.

Li Min Depaused and turned to look at her.

“Sanjie?” Hehad never seen her drink, let alone with such a strange expression at thistiming.

Li Weiyangpaused and recovered her senses. “I won’t get drunk, don’t worry. It’s just asmall cup.” she smiled and said.

Li Min Deeyed the cup in her hands. “Didn’t you already drink three cups?”

He took hercup from her hands and set it on the table, but as quick as lightning, shegrabbed his cup and drank it dry.


“Hmm?” LiWeiyang smiled gently, a lock of black hair framing her clear face. Under thecandle lights in the carriage, her eyes were like smoke, clear and understated,and her expression had a hint of impatience. “Since when did become so naggy,Mr Caretaker!”

Li Min De loweredhis head, embarrassed. He saw that she still held the wine cup in her slimfingers, and her eyes, though filled with a tipsiness like crushed jade,remained staring at him clearly.

Li Weiyangleaned back in her seat as if drunk, resting slightly on him.

The richfloral smell of osmanthus, combined with the clear scent on her body, made astrange fragrance that permeated from his nose, to his limbs, and to the bottomof his heart.

He suddenlywanted this moment to last forever, but a voice resonated in his head,reminding him not to be greedy, not to sink into this warmth... your existencewill only drag her down, and even cause her immeasurable dangers. This is not aplace where you should remain, and you will never be able to pay the price ifyou lose her completely...

Li Min Dedropped his head and suddenly reached out for the pitcher of osmanthus wine infront of him. Using the glass cup that Li Weiyang had just used, he downed acup, but to him, the taste was completely different from what he had drankbeforehand.

Zhao Yue wasguarding the carriage outside, and within it, Bai Zhi was carefully selecting acandle wick. In truth, her heart had a strange feeling within it. San Shaoyeseemed to be different from the past. He was a smart and clever boy, full ofinnocence, but now, especially when he was silent, she did not dare to speak tohim. Somehow, he seemed to be radiating power and nobility, which was an aurahe lacked in the past. His eyes were also constantly darting about, showing alooming indifference and coldness that usually was present in adults. Did SanFuren’s death really cause such a drastic change in him?

“Min De?” LiWeiyang sounded as she really was drunk; she tilted her head, like she waslooking at a stranger, and called his name. Her hands reached up and pinchedhis cheeks.


“Smile, Ilike to see you smile!” She had regained her fierce demeanour.

Looking athis red stained cheeks and his eyes like summer waters, Li Weiyang could nothold herself back from squeezing his cheeks repeatedly.

“Sanjie, youare really drunk!” It was as if she had been swapped with someone else! Li MinDe was speechless, and his face resembled a bun after all that pinching.

Li Weiyangmurmured: “Wine can make you forget your depression and drown your sorrows. MinDe, you should also have some. You’re being so naggy at such a young age,imagine how horrible you’d be when you grow older!”

She felt asif the whole world was shaking, and tried to open her eyes, only to see Li MinDe as red faced as a tomato. She released her hands and adjusted her body tofind a more comfortable position to rest in.

Seeing hersleeping face, Li Min De suddenly broke into a smile. He lowered his voice:“This is good, so long as you are happy, anything goes.”

Tonight, hefelt that Li Weiyang’s feelings were in a terrible turmoil. Although he did notknow why, he felt that he would be willing do anything, just to earn a smilefrom her.


Translator: Jaslynn

Editor: Panisa (In Progress)


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