The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 433

Chapter 433: The Strong and Determined

Countless warriors and mages were called to the magic classroom venue.

Irene stood on the platform in the back center, with Warren positioned behind her.

Irene’s intense gaze caused tension to visibly run through the faces of all who had been summoned.

“It’s getting intense around here,” remarked Betty, the Silver Tiger, from her seat in the back row.

Sitting next to her, Bruce, the Silver Wolf, simply responded with a nod.

“Miss Lina and Sir Hornel do not seem to be present.”

Haruhana scanned the surroundings and found no sign of the two.

“Natsu and Lala are missing, too.”

“No sight of Tifa, either.”

Blazer the Silver Lion and Ryan noted the odd absences of their comrades… or rather, of mages.

“What the heck is gonna happen this time…?”

“It probably has something to do with the people who aren’t here.”

Mana speculated in response to Reid’s question. Adolf audibly swallowed a lump in his throat, and Reyna seemed quite nervous. 

Eventually, Blazer was joined by two warriors who took their seats next to him.

“Unbelievable. You guys keep calling us over again and again… Our schedules aren’t exactly free, you know.”

“Now, Miss Catherine, this isn’t too bad — this place seems to be the starting point of all major events nowadays, after all.”

They were two former members of the Six Braves, Catherine the Benevolent Petal and Jacob the Demon Blader.

“Oh-ho… Miss Catherine and Sir Jacob. I didn’t expect to see you two here.”

“You are… the Silver Lion? And your name is Blazer, was it?”

“My, how the tables have turned…”

Blazer’s arcane energy aura and prominence of presence surpassed that of Jacob, causing the latter’s shoulders to briefly shudder.

“Oh, please, don’t be ridiculous. It’s clear that both of you have been growing more powerful day by day. I do wonder what kind of magic you have used…”

Blazer showed his acknowledgment of Catherine and Jacob’s abilities with a downcast gaze.

In response, Catherine deliberately widened her eyes and tilted her head slightly.

“Oh, my… I heard you were supposed to be a no-nonsense kind of guy. What a surprise. Well, let’s just say that there’s no ‘magic’ involved — just us special Guild staff being worked to the bone.”

Blazer chuckled in response to Catherine’s light-hearted comment.

Jacob shook his head in disbelief. Then, the following moment, two massive figures took their seats next to him.

“Sooo… Am I sitting in the right place?”

“Do you think this meeting is about what I am thinking, Sir Charlie?”

Charlie was as playful as ever, while Dragan seemed to have caught on to something.

To Charlie’s side, Jacob took another look at the former and proceeded to shrug.

“Well, well, whatever has happened to place THE Sir Charlie in a seat of such lowly honor? I wonder what Miss Irene is scheming…”

Jacob’s gaze shifted to where Irene was standing, crossing her arms as she waited for everyone to gather.

Warren remained calm, observing the situation.

One by one, renowned warriors and mages arrived.

Former Six Braves Egd, Natasha, and Jennifer. Former Six Archmages Amil, Tangalán, and Russel.

Jeanne the Lightning Flash. Viola, former Brigadier of the Royal Capital Magic Guardians — as well as her subordinates. Dallas the Scarlet Blade. Old Siver Argent and the elites of Team Silver General. Melchi, apprentice of a Philosopher. Then came the late arrivals — Idéa and Midors of Team Silver, and their classmates, Anri and Claris. Dinéya, somehow followed by members of the Royal Capital Warrior Guardians. Eigul and the Kugg Boars. Master Scott and Duncan of the Adventurers’ Guild…

Without distinction or preference, everyone sat down on the cushions laid out in the hall, shoulder to shoulder.

Eventually, Warren stepped forward and whispered a few words to Irene.josei

“Miss Irene, everyone is here.”

Irene nodded quietly and stepped forward. As Warren retreated, Irene addressed the gathering of distinguished individuals before her.

“As of today, the magic spell for countering Lucifer is complete.”

The venue was filled with commotion for a moment. Irene, having anticipated this, slightly raised her hand as a signal to silence everyone. All eyes and ears turned toward her, knowing that she was about to say something of utmost importance.

“The name of the spell is ‘Lucifer Break.’ Asley will implant it directly on Lucifer during the battle — upon contact, it will trigger the invocation of a sequence of authentication-based magic in front of twelve individuals. This is to prevent Lucifer from detecting the magic’s presence.  Those twelve individuals are Warren, Tūs, Lylia, Lina, Hornel, Fuyu, Tifa, Natsu, Barun, Baladd, Lala, and myself.  These are the top twelve individuals who can most quickly draw their respective parts of the magic formula.”

In other words, these twelve were most compatible with Asley.

Some might not know the names of Natsu and Lala, but most of the people gathered here were either participants in the selection trial or those who had guarded this magic classroom during the process. Even without all the details, everyone understood Irene’s choices…

…And also why she had summoned everyone here.

“From now on, no matter the reason or the circumstances, these twelve individuals must be protected… All for the purpose of defeating Lucifer, the Devil King.”

Everyone listened attentively to Irene’s speech.

A battle for the survival of humanity was imminent. Even without being told, just about anyone could anticipate what Irene was going to say next. Still, none of them diverted their gaze from Irene for even a moment. They understood — and believed — that it was their duty and destiny to not miss a single moment.

“Devil King Lucifer, commands an unimaginable magnitude of military force that his army comprises. Devilkin Idïa, Billy, Cleath, the Blazing Dragon King, and the ancient Holy Emperor Leon. Surely you are already aware of what the Alphas and Betas are capable of, too. Furthermore, every single monster in this world has gathered in one place — waiting for us in the Royal Capital of Regalia. To be honest, I DO believe this is humanity’s final battle.”

Irene paused, took a deep breath, and then, with determination in her eyes, continued,

“…No, it MUST be the final battle! I know you already know what I’m talking about, but…! But I’ll say it anyway! I’m not asking for cooperation — I’m reminding you that it’s your DUTY! Humanity must survive! We can’t afford to lose the twelve individuals who will help Asley! They are indispensable! These twelve — the true Duodecad — must live! Even if you lose your limbs, even if you lose your lives! Even if they have to stand on a mountain of corpses, they must not be lost! Let me say it again: this is our duty! In this war against the Devil King’s army, losing the Duodecad is not an option! And for that, I will…! I will… use your lives… the way I see fit!!”

Never had Irene, technically a professor, spoken like this. 

The venue fell into a hushed silence. No one regarded Irene with disdain. Everyone’s eyes were filled with determination as they saw Irene hold on to hope while she was on the verge of breaking down in the face of despair.

Everyone in the venue understood the tremendous weight on her shoulders.

Irene lowered her head, still trembling, and bit her lip, causing blood to trickle from her mouth.

Her words went beyond the gravity of her responsibility.

Still, no one even tried to cover their ears.

After all, these were not the words of the Resistance’s leader, but rather the unfiltered words of Irene’s own wishes.

“……Look, please… just… help him… Asley… he needs all the help he can get…”

Neither her sobbing nor tears could be contained.

It was an incongruous scene in this location — Words not from a commander, but a normal woman. 

A tear-streaked, contorted face, pleading with so many powerful and experienced warriors.

A simple woman who wished for the safety of Asley — someone who was not even present here — more strongly than anyone else.

No one had arranged this — it was a genuine cry of her soul, expressing the wishes of a single woman — the strongest of them all, yet at the same time, the weakest of them all.

Then, in her field of view, all the powerful warriors were up on their feet… and joining in on amplifying the cry of her soul.


Their collective voice echoed through Eddo — a resonance of souls.

The hearts of all warriors united as one.

They raised their tightly clenched fists high into the sky… as if they were grasping hope that could overcome despair.

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