The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 447.4, How They Spend the Night ~~Act 2~~ Scene 4 (Split Part 4/7)

Chapter 447.4, How They Spend the Night ~~Act 2~~ Scene 4 (Split Part 4/7)

After Egd, Dragan, and Hornel departed from the Adventurers’ Guild, Haruhana, also known as the Silver Princess, paid a visit to the establishment.

In the end, Egd said nothing to Lina, keeping his thoughts to himself — thought doing things this way was not so uncommon among men his age.

Greeted by numerous adventurers, Haruhana proceeded to respond to them, taking a moment of her time to listen to each individual’s grievances.

After lending her ear to the final adventurer in the queue, Haruhana, displaying no visible signs of weariness, gracefully took her seat at the guild’s counter.

“Good work♪”

So said Duncan, placing a cup of hot milk before Haruhana.

“Oh? Are you sure?”

“Hehehe, you’ve accomplished something even the Guild Master of the Adventurers’ Guild couldn’t, haven’t you? This is the least I can offer you.”

Duncan winked, and Haruhana cast her eyes down, seemingly troubled.

Still, Duncan was not oblivious to the reason why Haruhana reacted the way she had.

“If anything, you’re trying to do too much by yourself…”


“The burden of sending people to the battlefield… it’s not something you’re supposed to even bear.”

Duncan held up an index finger, pointing at the bridge of Haruhana’s nose.

In that gesture and the words that accompanied it, Haruhana understood that Duncan had seen through her.

“…You knew.”

“Of course! All those things they’ve said to you — ‘I’ll do my best for your sake!’ ‘I’ll protect you no matter what!’ ‘Use me as your shield!’ — they’re the worst. This isn’t about hitting on your crush anymore — it’s about killing or being killed. Some of them… maybe all of them, even, might not come back alive, you see? Of course I know that those words have been bothering you. Those guys really don’t have a clue how much they’re weighing down your mind…”

Duncan went on a rant while wiping some cups.

“…I… I’m the one to blame for their behavior…”

Haruhana said, keeping her eyes cast down.

Duncan stopped working; Haruhana, sensing an odd stillness behind the counter, raised her face.

Duncan, who had been wiping cups just moments ago, now leaned on the counter with both elbows before Haruhana.

“Huh? I-is something the matter?”

“You don’t get it at all, do you… Haruhana?”


“The fact is, there are a lot of foolish men out there. But here’s the thing — the courage they found to stand on the battlefield is undoubtedly your achievement. Bruce is doing his best too, but he alone is not enough. Some look for reasons to fight — to justify their untimely death — in the woman they adore. The mountain that even the Black Emperor Warren, and the Invincible Sprout Irene couldn’t move — you, Haruhana, were the one who moved it.”

“My thoughts exactly.”


“Well, well♪”

Interrupting the conversation was Lylia, the Fighter.

Settling down next to Haruhana, Lylia ordered mead.

Duncan poured the mead from behind the counter and placed it in front of Lylia.

“In determining the outcome on the battlefield, morale plays a role in addition to strength and strategy. I’m sure you understand that as well, Haruhana.”

Reluctantly, Haruhana nodded in response to Lylia’s question.


“That’s why Bruce took the lead. The people who are doing this for you… it’s for the same reason as his, Haruhana.”

“No, not at all… This is completely different…”

Lylia’s persuasion fell on deaf ears as Haruhana shook her head. Duncan and Lylia exchanged puzzled looks, observing Haruhana.

“Many have perished because of me. This has been the case for quite some time now… and it will continue to be the case.”

“Oh yeah? So, would it have been better if I called you a cruel person?”

As Duncan spoke, Haruhana turned away from Lylia and said,

“I sometimes think being called that would be better, yes…”

“…Can you fight tomorrow, thinking like that?”

Although Lylia asked with concern, she got no reply out of Haruhana.

Just then, the Guild’s doors opened. People coming to the Guild at this late hour could be easily identified as a participant in the impending war. Therefore, the three focused their attention on the new arrival. 

Then, seeing who it was, Duncan seemed happy.

“Oh, perfect timing! Natasha, come over here!”

The woman called by Duncan was a former member of the Six Braves — Natasha the Unholy War Princess.

Startled by Duncan’s voice, Natasha looked at the counter.

For a moment, she froze. Lylia, noticing this reaction, tilted her head momentarily, but Natasha regained her calm expression quickly enough, maintaining it as she approached Haruhana.


Asked in an uncaring manner by Natasha, Duncan gestured to the seat next to Haruhana, inviting her to take it.

Resigned, as if unable to refuse Duncan’s request, Natasha sighed and sat down.

“Um… N-nice to meet you. I-I’m Haruhana.”

With Natasha being one of the Six Braves who built the current era, unlike a piece of ancient history that was Lylia, Haruhana found it quite nerve-wracking to interact with her.

“Yes, yes, the Silver Princess… What, didn’t think I’d know you?”

Natasha straightened her posture, looking straight ahead as she spoke to Haruhana.

Then, whispering into Haruhana’s ear, Lylia spoke,

“I’ll be drinking over there. Call me if anything happens.”

Haruhana nodded, and Lylia moved to the edge of the counter and took a seat.

Natasha observed Lylia’s actions with a sidelong glance.

“All right, Natasha. Non-alcoholic mead as usual, right?”

“Sweetness is justice.”

Natasha said so to Duncan, took small sips of mead, and after placing the glass down, turned her gaze to Duncan again.

“So? What do you need? Or is it this girl who needs to talk?”

“Yeah, her. Would you mind sharing some of your old stories with her?”

At Duncan’s request, Natasha gave a skeptical look.


In Natasha’s eyes, which seemed to be glaring, Duncan responded with a wink.

“She’s kinda like you, that’s why♪”

Duncan’s words caused the emotions in Natasha’s gaze to disperse.

Then, looking at Haruhana, Natasha asked about the true meaning behind Duncan’s words,

“What’s all this about?”

“Well… um… you see…”

After that, Haruhana explained her story to Natasha.

Until Haruhana finished her story, Natasha listened quietly and attentively, nodding in understanding.

“…And so here I am.”

“All right. Now it’s my turn, huh…”

As she spoke, Natasha looked at Duncan.

She understood why Duncan had entrusted Haruhana’s consultation to her.

Without looking at Haruhana, Natasha said,

“I do know a method to overcome that difficulty.”

“And what kind of method is that…?”

“First, a condition —  an extremely difficult one. It might be even more challenging than overcoming the main issue. Do you think you can handle it?”

Haruhana swallowed hard at Natasha’s piercing sidelong glance.

“…Wh-what is that condition…?”

Natasha leaned closer to Haruhana’s ear. In a hushed tone, she spoke, causing Haruhana to cover her open mouth with her small hands.


Haruhana seemed quite shocked, while Natasha looked perfectly serious.

“…A-are you sure?”

“Can you do it? Can’t you?”

Not an answer, but a confirmation.

Haruhana swallowed Natasha’s words and nodded — quietly but decisively.

“I can…! I’ll show you that I can!”

“……All right.”

In response to Haruhana’s spirited words, Natasha offered a faint smile.

Her beauty was akin to that of a painting, enough to make even Haruhana blush.

Natasha took a sip of mead and began recounting her past.

“My family belonged to a prestigious lineage with a title.”

“Past tense…”

“We were a small house, but we did receive a territory from the previous War Demon Emperor, Master Sagan. Though small, my parents managed it well and they were beloved by their subjects. But it didn’t last long. In a neighboring territory, the man who inherited it after their previous ruler passed away turned out to be cruel and heartless. He drained his subjects of every last bit of tax. A lord couldn’t sustain himself without taxes, of course — there’s even a saying among nobility about not embellishing life with taxes. When that lord looked sideways, what did he see? A seemingly happy territory. They say the grass is greener on the other side, but in this case, it actually was. The subjects of his territory were impoverished due to his tyrannical rule, after all.”

“W-what happened next?”

“My parents were suddenly killed one night, and our home was taken.”

Natasha spoke calmly, but Haruhana was left speechless.

“Of course, if this became public, War Demon Emperor Sagan would have intervened… but in the end, that didn’t happen. All the information heading to Regalia was conveniently altered by that corrupt lord. Later, I found out the story that the rest of the Nation got — ‘Upon hearing of the sudden death of my parents, I reached out to their only daughter’ — or something like that.”

“How tragic…”

“I barely escaped with my life and sought refuge with a subject’s family… and this is where the crucial part is.”

“F-from here?”

Haruhana was surprised that they had not even gotten to the main point yet.

“I vowed revenge against that lord. I would do anything for it. Deception, theft, murder — I did it all. I even used my own body and sought help from other lords. I incited their subjects, used them as decoys and shields.”


At that moment, Haruhana understood why Duncan had suggested Natasha for this conversation.

“For my mission, I was willing to use anything… yes, for that one mission. I successfully avenged my parents, and by the time I realized it, I was being called the Unholy War Princess. Master Sagan’s later intervention helped clear my name, making me innocent in the eyes of the law, but I still carried a great tragedy. Few know the meaning of my alias — the whole incident’s been kept under wraps. But people catch wind of it through rumors. They know what I’ve done. Well, it’s not that many people, at least, which is somewhat of a relief.”

After Natasha finished her story, Haruhana murmured.

“I had no idea…”

“So, about what you told me…”


“You also have to consider THEM.”


“In a sense, they’re using you, too.”

“What… what do you mean?”

“They can’t stand on the battlefield without a reason — and that reason is you. That’s what I mean.”

Haruhana came to a realization.


“Who are you fighting for? What is your purpose? What reason do you have?”

In Haruhana’s heart, the image of a certain man appeared.

Noticing that, Natasha raised her index finger and said,

“Now think — who is fighting for his sake? Using HIM as a reason to fight?”

Teasingly, Natasha said this, and Haruhana nodded firmly.

“That’s right. Everyone has someone as a reason. It’s not a bad thing. That’s what makes us human. Besides, he won’t blame you for this. You know that better than I do, don’t you?”


“All right…”

To the relieved Haruhana, Natasha nodded once with a friendly smile and looked at Duncan. In response, Duncan looked happily at Natasha.

“…Is this good enough?”

“Yup♪ Now Haruhana’s cheerful again~~♪”

With a wink, Duncan’s words made Natasha nod again, and she sipped her mead.

Haruhana, who was sitting next to Natasha, drank the rest of the lukewarm milk in her cup.

Lylia, noticing Haruhana’s state, approached behind Natasha.

“Thanks. I’m not good with this kind of thing.”

Lylia’s words made Natasha pause momentarily.

“…It’s all right.”

With a brief response, Natasha gave a small nod to Lylia.

“I’ll excuse myself.”

Hearing Lylia’s words, Haruhana reacted,

“Where to?”josei

“…Well, just, you know…”

“…! Miss Lylia!? Are you trying to slip away!?”

With just that, Haruhana realized the true intent behind Lylia’s words — It was related to Asley, who had just been indirectly discussed.

“Th-that’s unfair!”

“Ngh… I shouldn’t have come here… W-well, Haruhana, you should come too.”

“No need to tell me! I was planning on it!”

Haruhana, standing up abruptly, headed towards the entrance.

But then someone strongly pulled her arm — It was Natasha, who had been talking to her just moments ago.


“Remember that condition?”

That piercing gaze again — In an instant, Haruhana recalled the condition Natasha had set.

Then, just as Natasha grabbed Haruhana’s arm, Haruhana also grabbed Lylia’s arm.


Stunned, Lylia turned to look at Haruhana.

“What’s going on?”

“Miss Lylia! I have a favor to ask!”

She saw Haruhana’s earnest face, a matter not to be taken lightly. Realizing this, Lylia turned her whole body toward Haruhana.

“What can I do?”

Lylia said to Haruhana, showing her firm determination.

Then, Haruhana suddenly pointed at Natasha.

“An autograph and handshake for Miss Natasha, please!”

The Six Braves symbolized strength — and to admire the symbol of strength was also a form of strength.

Natasha, blushing, continued sipping her mead.

It took an extra moment for Lylia to understand the meaning behind Haruhana’s words — of the ‘condition.’

And amidst this, the battle that would determine the world’s fate was about to begin.

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