The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 451

Chapter 451: Cleath and Idïa

While Billy stood before Jeanne and Viola, Cleath was also standing in front of the former Duodecad members.

“So that strange guy is Cleath?”

Charlie the Thousand Morphing Blade asked Barun, who was casting support magic behind him.

“That’s right, sir. And get this… he’s probably a member of the ancient imperial family.”

Upon Barun’s words, Cleath’s eyes widened — and filled with intense, sharp, and furious anger.

Recognizing Cleath’s anger, Barun became convinced that his claim was true.

“Oh, c’mon… I just heard about it from Warren, you know? When that guy says something, you can bet it’s true. Just look how you reacted so blatantly to that information — No talent for being a commander at all, I say.”

With each condescending and provocative word, Cleath’s eyes grew bloodshot.

Picking up on Barun’s words, the Demon Blader Jacob and Benevolent Petal Catherine muttered,

“Yeah, and this boy has the talent to provoke people…”

“Well, with just that talent, he’s fit for leading the Duodecad, I would say…”

Even such remarks from the two could not stop Cleath’s transformation into a Devil.

Tension ran across their faces due to the powerful surge of arcane energy.

Cleath proceeded to summon a new wave of lesser Devils.

“That magecraft is as troublesome as ever!”

Landing next to Barun, Melchi spoke with a smile.

“Where have you been? You didn’t just come out of the Teleportation spell circle, did you?”

“Hahaha, I’m what you’d call a ninja in T’oued!”

“That doesn’t answer my question at all.”

Melchi laughed cheerfully, continuing to dodge Barun’s question.

“You…! The girl from back then!”

Cleath, who had once pursued Melchi in Regalia, glared at the latter.

“This time it won’t be a game of tag… but a fight to the death!”

Melchi slammed her fists together, intimidating Cleath.

“You sure love to bark…!”

Two warriors stepped forward in the presence of Cleath.

“It’s about time I got to show off my moves.”

“Of course, Guild Master! And I’ll enjoy this, too~♪”

The two who once protected Beilanea, Charlie with an oversized greatsword and Duncan with a colossal battleaxe, stood there.

“Yeeeah! The more the merrier!”

Three more stepped forward in front of Cleath.

“The rest of you, take care of the lesser Devils.”

“”All right!!””

In response to Charlie’s words, everyone’s voice echoed.

“And I’ll support all of you!”

To Barun’s words, the three nodded without turning around — it was a mix of trust in Barun and caution toward Cleath.

Facing a single Devilkin, they were not foolish enough to swarm him, as there were limits to helping each other and anticipating each other’s attacks.

This was a four-person battle, including Barun’s support. Any more participants would compromise their effectiveness. That was the conclusion reached by the four.

“Hehehe, only four against me? You underestimate my power…!”





Before Cleath, the four laughed boldly.

Despite the overwhelming power difference between them and Cleath, the four continued to laugh. Addressing the inexplicable expression on Cleath’s face, Melchi pointed her finger and spoke,

“Hey, Zaths! You should have studied your maths a bit more! This isn’t addition — it’s multiplication!”

A member of the ancient imperial family, indeed — that was what Warren had figured out.

Once, there was a son between the Holy Emperor Hudl and Empress Idïa — Crown Prince Zaths. Due to the achievements of Asley and others, Empress Idïa, driven out of the Holy City Regalia, vanished with the Prince.

At the time, a life of brilliance, extravagant meals, and an overflowing indulgence in luxury was all he knew. However, Zaths’ life changed completely due to the Holy Warriors’ actions. 

Expelled from the Holy City due to Idïa’s crime, every single day, he had to eat wild plants and escape death at the jaws of monsters. Worse, he was subjected to mind and body-mutating experiments as his mother’s means of venting her frustrations. Though his life took such a turn, Zaths did not resent his mother. Regardless of whether it was an outlet for her frustration or anything else, serving his mother was everything to him. He had failed to earn his mother’s approval, and his twisted personality and physique were the result of the loveless Idïa’s actions. Yet he pinned all the blame on the Holy Warriors.

Changing his appearance, changing his name, gaining power at the cost of selling his soul to the Devilkin — all was for his mother’s sake.

More than being referred to by the true name he had abandoned, it was the underestimation of his power that wounded Cleath the most.josei

Faced with the burning rage of Cleath, the four still maintained their smiles.


Cleath’s attack was predictable, but the enhanced physical abilities of the Devil left no room for Melchi and the others to take it easy. 

“We’ll have to react properly to whatever he dishes out!”

This strategy was all Melchi and the others had.

The predictability as a result of provoking Cleath was essential. Other than exploiting this, it was challenging for them to stand against the transformed Cleath. With a Philosopher’s apprentice, two of the Six Braves, and Duncan, the acknowledged gatekeeper of Beilanea, they were finally on equal footing, thanks to the wise judgment of their strategist.

The battle on the left flank was just getting started.


Devil King Lucifer had prepared a Teleportation spell for Idïa.

As Idïa appeared in the new location, a slight smile played on her lips as she gazed northward.

She had teleported into the rear center of the Resistance’s formation.

Here, most were mages and warrior students, including Lala, Fuyu with Konoha perched on her shoulder, and Natsu. Among the entirety of the Resistance’s forces, this area was undoubtedly the most vulnerable.

Even if Idïa was alone, a successful ambush would lead to devastating consequences.

Idïa, walking gracefully, focused on the rearmost area of the center and smiled with apparent delight.

However, this momentary triumph was interrupted when something caught Idïa’s arcane energy senses.


Idïa jumped backward, avoiding a well-aimed advanced magic spell — the Sharp Wind Asteriskos.

“Well, well… look who’s finally shown up?”

“You’re being quite a nuisance. Let’s end this quickly.”

Two figures emerged, a man and a woman, their contrasting hair colors in black and white.

Idïa’s smile vanished in an instant under the discerning gaze of these two.

“Why… Why are you here… Irene!”

The one Idïa glared at was Irene, also known as the Invincible Sprout.

Idïa was unaware of the Lucifer Break spell, but she had certainly seen Irene moments ago, right in the center of the formation.

“I suppose this is the first time I’ve seen you in this form, Ishtar of the Black… Or should I say… Idïa?”

It was still true that Devil King Lucifer had set up a Teleportation spell circle behind the rear center. The Devil King’s army numbered over one hundred million, and there was no need for trickery. That was evident to anyone. But Lucifer did it precisely because it wasn’t necessary, and the man known as the Black Emperor could see through even that.

For Asley’s magic to successfully come into play, they had to wait until the right moment. They had to be protected.

However, the battlefield was a living entity. With Tūs unable to leave the center, instructions were left to him, considering the possibility of Irene leaving her post. Irene herself understood this. Tangalán and Dragan, who commanded the University students, could not leave their positions either. On the other hand, confronting Idïa with just Lala, Fuyu, and Natsu was unreasonable.

The solution proposed by the Black Emperor Warren was straightforward.

“You think just the two of you can defeat me?”

That was indeed the plan — Irene the Invincible Sprout and Warren the Black Emperor, working on their own to take down Idïa.

Idïa scoffed at this, but the two’s expressions were serious.

“How amusing…”

Although Idïa had failed in her surprise attack, her expression still exuded confidence.

“The Rooster and the Rabbit… I care not for such prophecies, but if I defeat you here, everything will fall apart.”

Idïa, narrowing her eyes and smiling, received Warren’s smile in return.

“Is that not equivalent to caring, your highness?”

In an instant, Idïa’s body underwent a transformation into the dark, gigantic form of a Devilkin.

“You insolent child! Know your place!”

“By the way, Miss Irene…”

“What is it?”

“We should try THAT word against her — you know, the one Master Tūs and Sir Gaston like to refer to you with.”

Raising his glasses, Warren — as well as Irene — lifted the corners of their mouths ever so slightly.


Irene and Warren, the Black Emperor, aimed their staves at Ishtar of the Black — at their adversary, Idïa.


In the next moment, Idïa’s wrathful Zenith Breath flew at the two.

“Earth Control!”

With Warren’s Swift Magic, the earth in front surged upward in one near-instantaneous motion.

Idïa’s Zenith Breath was deflected by the emerging earth wall, appearing with precise speed and angle, protecting Warren, Irene, and the University students behind them.


Idïa’s face contorted briefly in frustration, and Irene emerged from the edge of her field of vision.

“Heh, you really are a genius, being able to see things this far ahead…”

Irene’s almost-complaint for Warren reached only Idïa’s ears.


Indeed, Warren’s Earth Control served an additional purpose — it disoriented Idïa.

While Warren hid behind the earthen wall, Irene took advantage of the blind spot created by the Zenith Breath’s light and the wall. She moved in, preparing to invoke the highly destructive spell she had been taught personally by Asley.

“Pochi Pad Bomb!”

Invoked from Irene’s staff with Swift Magic, the paw-shaped water bomb collided with Idïa.


The strike to the side inflicted significant damage upon Idïa, who clutched her gouged flank.

Warren, raising his glasses, murmured,

“A mere faker of the Black Chain thinks she can stand against this Black Emperor, hmm?”

Idïa’s expression, twisted in pain, turned to fury.

“Oh, so you like that nickname now, huh?”

“No, I just thought it would be effective at provoking her.”

Warren’s dismissive words, akin to mockery, provoked anger much like Barun’s had. Warren’s strategy, designed to incite rage, revealed the limited options on the side of the Resistance.

[Now, it would be helpful if she continued to act on her anger… But it’s likely not going to be that easy…]

Before Billy stood Haiko, Viola, and Jeanne.

In front of Leon stood Lylia.

Melchi, Charlie, Barun, and Duncan stood before Cleath.

Irene and Warren stood before Idïa.

And before Goku’ryu, there stood Pochi, the Fool’s Familiar.

Floating in front of Pochi was a metallic red body, covered in countless scars. This was the result of the orders Lucifer gave to Billy — The fact that the Hell Emperor had slaughtered thousands of monsters in this short period, the fact that he had passed through hell — Pochi was informed of these truths. 

However, Pochi’s expression remained remarkably calm.

Even as she gazed up at the Hell Emperor, tension did not show on her face.

The Fool’s Familiar simply muttered, not to be heard by anyone, but more as a self-confirmation,

“…I don’t plan on losing today’s battle.”

Pochi lacked confidence in her heart, but she had faith.

“Here I go, Master! AWOOOOOO!!!!”

It was the unmistakable faith in the words of Asley, her Master and best friend.

— It’s all right. I know you can do it. I… I guarantee that.

That assurance, those words, gently but swiftly propelled Pochi’s legs forward.

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