The Prodigy Boy Is Actually A 25 Old Girl!?

Chapter 244 - Ch. 244 Our Love Power Is Invincible!

Chapter 244 - Ch. 244 Our Love Power Is Invincible!

"I'm working on something, but the trial results of this project are not very satisfactory. The results will improve if given more time, but… I want it urgently." Declan explained his trouble even though he knew Roxy wouldn't be able to provide a way out for him.

Declan kept all the burdens and problems he experienced alone in his whole life. He hardly ever spoke his heart out, much less about his work.

His parents didn't even know what he was doing in his company. The two of them… no. Not only his parents but everyone who knew him thought Oscar Security was a company that only offered securities services.

The truth is, the OS company comprised much more than just securities services.

That's why he never talked about his job to his parents or anyone else. But he could reveal it to Roxy even though the girl wouldn't understand what he was doing..

Just like that night where he wanted to be alone but needed a friend, Roxy accompanied him and became a good listener.

"If you know the results will improve with time, why are you rushing it? Are you stupid?"

Declan chuckled in amusement when he heard the mischievous sneer in the girl's tone. "I need to, love. To protect you."

"Me? What does that have to do with me?" Roxy suddenly remembered her conversation with Declan a few days ago. "Declan, don't tell me that you're investigating Frontier Shadow?"

"…" He did, but… that was not his main concern.

"Forget about it. Frontier Shadow or whatever it is, no one would break our love."

One of Declan's eyebrows shot up hearing this.

"Our love power is invincible. Don't you realize it?"

"That's a unique way to comfort me." his remark invited a cute giggle from his wife. "Tell me, wifey, why do you think our love power is invincible?"

"Don't you think so?" was her smart answer.

"…" Why did Declan feel his wife was asking him to play a word puzzle? "I think… it does."

"Why do you think so?"

"Roxy," Declan gave up and hugged Roxy tighter while inhaling the girl's delicious scent by kissing her neck, creating a cute giggle from her lips.

"I'm just teasing you," Roxy felt ticklish due to Declan's endless light kiss on her neck. "When I saw Axelard cooking, I just thought about it. Who would have thought that we would meet again and get engaged after our first meeting?"

Declan lifted his head a little to look at his wife with a faint smile.

"Do you know? I always came to the same bar just so I could see you again?"

"You did?"

"Yeah. My uncle scolded me every night and cut off my allowance to avoid going to that bar again. Then one year later, I met you again in an unpreferable way, but we met again nonetheless. Since the plane crash, I've decided not to see you nor look for you. I even shut the world down and hid behind my creation alter.

But then, my mother found my sketchbook and reunited with her old school friend who coincidentally is the mother of my future husband."

Declan's smile widened at Roxy's story.

"I had decided to stay in the darkness of my heart, but you managed to force me out of there. You even managed to convince me to be myself when I'm with you. Whenever you're with me, I feel like I can face anything."

"Me too. Every time I see your smile, I feel I can do anything. You are the source of my motivation and the purpose of my life."

Roxy wrapped her arms around Declan's neck while giving him a sweet smile.

"I don't know what you're worried about, but if you're worried about me, then you should know this. I will be fine. Even if I end up getting into trouble, I'm sure I won't die. I have no desire to die anymore. On the other hand, my desire to stay alive is much stronger than my desire to die. I have you by my side, and there are still many things I want to do with you. For example…" Roxy deliberately didn't continue her sentence right then and glanced at Declan shyly. "Cooking for you."

Declan smiled happily, hearing that, and kissed his lover's lips softly and gently.

"Give me time. My cooking skills will improve," whispered Roxy on his lips.

Declan laughed hearing that, and his heart was comforted by the girl's words.

"You don't have to, love. Besides, you can satisfy my hunger in other ways."

Roxy tilted her head in full of wonder without knowing the hidden meaning of his word.

The next second, Declan had carried Roxy as if she weighed nothing and walked towards the room.action

"You! You, shameless man!"

"And you love this shameless man."

"…" she would never win against this man, and she did helplessly fall overhead heels for this cunning shameless man.

A few moments later, Roxy laid sideways, facing the wall without seeing Declan's face.

Really. When the man said she could satisfy his hunger in other ways, she had no idea that shameless man would eat her alive. Nevertheless, they never went all the way and saved their real first night on their wedding day.

"Sweetheart, I'm hungry now," stated Declan while giving a light kiss on her exposed shoulder.

"…" now he tells her that he's hungry!? "I'm too sore. You get your food yourself."

Declan chuckled in amusement, "Alright. I will bring it here." Declan kissed her cheek before getting out of bed and walking out of the room.

As soon as Declan came out of the room, Roxy smiled in satisfaction and stretched her stiff arm muscles while sighing in pleasure. Making out with that man really felt good. She became curious as to what it would be like if they went all the way.

Well, she could only wait for her answer on their wedding night.

Not long after, her cell phone rang, and because she was in a good mood, Roxy picked up the phone without seeing who was calling her.


"Kaylee, I miss you, darling."

"..." her smile disappeared right there and then.

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