The Prodigy Boy Is Actually A 25 Old Girl!?

Chapter 292 - Ch. 292 Declan's Other Sister

Chapter 292 - Ch. 292 Declan's Other Sister

Declan walked into Zouch's residence with undoubtful steps even though his heart was restless. Mr. Zouch's assistant escorted him to the older man's private room.

Declan's expression was expressionless, as if he felt no emotions while his heart was pounding in anxiousness.

By the time Declan stepped into Bossley Zouch's private room, Declan found himself diving into the darkness. He hoped that what he feared would not happen, and Declan prayed desperately that what he was encountering right now was just a dream.

He preferred not to see Bossley Zouch as he wanted to find his little wife, but this older man was both his future father-in-law and the one who could give him answers to his puzzles.

Declan had no other choice but to come to see this man despite his heart keeping telling him not to come.

"I'm here, Mr. Zouch." greeted Declan politely. He carefully investigated Bossley Zouch's expression, but there was no hint he wished to find.

"I heard you went on a business trip yesterday."

"I did."

"And I heard something interesting that you are not blood-related to Mr. Old Black. Is that true?"

And this was what worried him the most. Declan didn't answer and decided to stay silent while letting his future in-laws continue questioning him as if the older man had investigated a criminal.

"What is your father's name?" Mr. Zouch dropped the most difficult inquiry right in his face.

What should he answer now?

If Declan was to get the answer he wanted, he had to answer it. But what if the answer he got turned out to be precisely what he feared?

'Roxy, what should I do?'

"Dario Gonzalez." in the end, Declan gave him a name he had only just met yesterday afternoon.

For as long as he could remember, he never memorized the names of his parents, and only a few days ago, he learned that his father's name was Dario Gonzales. And never did he expect, his birth father had bad blood with the Zouch family since ages ago.

"I see." Bossley Zouch got up from his seat and walked around his desk. He leaned against the table while crossing his arms in front of his chest with authority. "I would like to annul your engagement with my daughter."

Declan's hands clenched into fists hearing this. He had expected it since he found out his father's first love identity. But hearing it in person really made his heartache many times over.

"Do you mind telling me the reason?"

"You can't be together. You're not meant to be together."

"I can't see why. We loved each other, and you already gave us your blessing."

"My mistake. I didn't know who you were."

"Is it because of my birth father? He let my mother take me away from him before my own mother walked out on me in the orphanage. Since then, I'm Declan Black, and my father is Mr. Old Black."

"It doesn't matter."

"Give me a good reason, Mr. Zouch, because I will not break our engagement. I love your daughter… sincerely, and I couldn't…."

"YOU CAN'T LOVE HER!!" Bossley snapped at the moment, and his eyes showed how much he hated Declan right now. "You can't be together, not in this moment and not in the future. I told you, you are not meant to be!"

Declan's jaw clenched, and his eyes darkened. He didn't feel the tears but felt his heart soar as he said, "So, it's true? Is Roxanne… not your daughter?"

Declan didn't need to hear the answer right away when he saw Bossley Zouch's surprised expression. Precisely because he didn't get the answer, Declan felt himself falling into a bottomless pit.

As he expected. Entering this house just to face his future father-in-law would only lead him into the prison of despair.

All this time… the girl who captivated his heart… was turned out to be…

"Is Roxanne… truly my half-sister?" Declan felt his voice tremble slightly as he wanted to confirm it once more. But his last bit of restraint managed to cover up his weakness.

He didn't want to believe this fact, but he had to confirm it.

"I didn't expect him to tell you right away. If you knew, now you understand you can't marry her."

Declan felt a force blocking his airway. He couldn't breathe and believed his heart had stopped beating at that moment. He couldn't even think anymore and didn't know what to do.

On the other hand, Bossley Zouch looked at the hopeless Declan with a guilty feeling.

He could see Declan and Roxy loved each other, and he acknowledged Declan's will to protect and make Roxy happy even if he challenged the world.


'I'm sorry. I must do it to protect her.'

Declan couldn't hear what Mr. Zouch said in his heart. Even if there were a voice right now, Declan would turn a deaf ear because the only thing on his mind was… he couldn't be with Roxy.

There was a knock on the door, and not long after, a girl entered without noticing that Bossley Zouch was receiving a guest.

"Sir, we still can't find her. I'm afraid she…."

"No, don't jinx on her. She's still alive."

It was then that Declan was brought to reality once hearing the older man's words.

"I'll find her." came the unwavering resolution.

"Mr. Black, I told you…."

"I understand what you're worried about, but please allow me to find her. I know your mobility is limited, and many people are observing you, and right now, the only one who can find her is me."

Bossley Zouch didn't immediately agree and pondered it for a while. Then, "On one condition. You should put an end to the engagement as soon as you meet her. I don't care how you do it, but you two are no longer related by the time she comes home. You get me?"

"Yes." Declan's voice sounded very weak and heavy, but he had no other choice but to agree to the older man's terms.

When Declan came out of Bossley Zouch's private room and was about to head to his company, he bumped into Britney.

"Declan, it's a pleasure you stop by. But, is there a problem? Why do you look gloomy?"

Declan looked at the woman blankly, and Britney realized the man's gaze in front of her was no longer shining.

"Declan? Are you alright?"

How could he miss it? This woman's face…


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