The Prodigy Boy Is Actually A 25 Old Girl!?

Chapter 85 - Ch. 85 Why Her Heart Hurts?

Chapter 85 - Ch. 85 Why Her Heart Hurts?

The clueless innocent girl walked into the campus with a merry heart and whistling happily while greeting the people along her way.

Then, she saw a very familiar figure wearing a gloomy face… near her locker.

On normal days, Kaylee would greet him and act like a good friend, and joke around. But remembering what happened at Mister Old Black's birthday made her hesitant to approach her best friend.

Should she avoid him from now on?

But she is Nick and not Kaylee. Wouldn't it look even more suspicious if she avoided him?

"Hi, Jack." Kaylee decided to walk up to the young man and greet him as ordinarily as possible.

Jacob glanced at her with a glance, then closed the locker indifferently without returning her greeting.

"Jack? Jack, wait up." somehow, Kaylee felt uncomfortable when the young man was cold to her.

After struggling to catch up with the young man with wider than usual strides, Kaylee grabbed the boy's arm and demanded his explanation.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you give me the cold shoulder?"

"What's wrong with me? I should be the one asking that!" hissed Jacob bring her to further confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"It's about Roe."

Kaylee swallowed nervously. "What is it about her?"

"Do you know she is Kaylee Zouch?"

"... Yeah?"

"Then, do you know she will be engaged to Declan Black?"

"…" Kaylee gasped in shock but didn't acknowledge right away as she didn't know how to answer.

"Wow... what a good friend you are." sarcasm the young man. "If only I had known she was getting engaged to someone else, I wouldn't have approached her. Thanks, Nick. You made me like a fool." Jacob walked away without giving her another look.

Kaylee felt her heart twisted in a weird way and her tears threatening to come out made her feel hopeless.

This was the first time someone had given her that sarcastic tone and cold shoulder. Not that she never received it, but she never cared about those people. But this was the first time her dearest friend treated her like this.

Since she entered this campus, Jacob was her first friend, and the boy was her partner and almost inseparable. They even got the nickname 'inseparable duo' from others. Kaylee felt the world around her darken when she heard Jacob's last sentence.

Kaylee decided to skip lessons and hide on the roof, looking up at the cloudy sky, similar to her mood.

She didn't mean to fool around with Jacob and genuinely wanted to be with the young man. Kaylee did not think that she would end up choosing Declan in the end. No, it wasn't like that. Declan and the others kept cornering her, and if she could say, they forced her to be with Declan until she had no other choice but to accept the man.

No, it wasn't like that either.

If only Kaylee didn't want to be with Declan, she would do her best to run away instead of continuing to come back into the man's arms.

It seemed that her heart had chosen Declan from the very beginning, but she realized it too late. Kaylee thought she would choose Jacob over Declan and make a path for the young man to woo her.

Unfortunately, the results did not match her expectations, and now she has broken the young man's heart.

What should she do?

Kaylee still couldn't find the answer, and now she has to come face to face with Jacob to practice for a music battle.

Jacob, Adam, Fritz, and Letti have arrived at the music room to practice the upcoming music battle. Kaylee introduced Letti to the boys, and they, including Jacob, welcomed Letti's presence with enthusiasm.

Unfortunately, not once did Jacob glance at her. The young man considered it as if she was not in the room. Fritz realizes the cold war between his two friends. He approached Kaylee while whispering,

"Dude, did you fight with Jacob?"

Kaylee didn't know what to answer and could only give him a straight thin smile.

At least Jacob was still willing to help her to finish this music battle. It meant enough to her.

"Letti, have you learned the song?" Adam asked politely, even more polite than he should have, as if Letti was some renowned public figure.

"I've been studying it over the past weekend."

"Very nice. Let's try it first."

After occupying their respective positions, Jacob started by tapping the two drumsticks four times before everyone played their instruments.

The opening intro was eight bars, and Letti started to sing from the ninth bar with a jaw-dropping voice. Kaylee nearly played the wrong chords on her guitar when she heard the beautiful voice from the girl.action

Her voice was like a sacred song that only a chosen angel could sing. Kaylee felt that the soprano singer on her orchestra team could not even be compared to Letti.

Now she understood why the name Leticia Campbell was particularly well known on this campus. Her voice was another whole level!

They were so engrossed in practicing that they didn't notice someone had secretly opened the door and came in to check on them.

The person who first noticed this uninvited guest was Letti because she often steered her eyes in all directions as if she wanted to interact with the audience when she appeared on stage later.

And that's when Letti's eyes caught the familiar towering figure. She smiled slightly at that person, and her heart was blossoming as that person smiled back.

"Pst... isn't that Mister Black?"

Kaylee heard a whisper from Adam, who walked over to her without stopping his bass playing. Kaylee glanced near the door and saw Declan standing there with his arms folded in front of his chest.

Instantly she remembered her date last night where the man hugged her from behind while watching a street music concert. Luckily, Kaylee managed to get rid of that scene right away and did nothing wrong with her guitar playing.

Every now and then, she would glance at Declan and wonder what the man was doing here. She realized that Declan's gaze was not on her or her friends, but... Letti?

A strange sensation ran through her heart as if tiny ants were covering her and biting her delicate skin. Kaylee didn't know what feeling she just felt, but she knew… she didn't like seeing that guy looking at any girl other than her.

Kaylee did not divert her sights from this handsome man without realizing it, making her target noticed that someone was watching him.

As Declan shifted his gaze toward her, Kaylee panicked and made a mistake creating a very unpleasant chord. Instantly, her friends stopped playing and glanced up at her in surprise.

"Nick, what was that?"

"I'm sorry. Let's start over again." Kaylee apologized without glancing at Declan and only kept a strange feeling in her heart.

Declan winced when he realized his rescuer was playing guitar to the singing Letti. He had heard about the music battle between Nicholas and the rocker band team in the band's music department.

But he did not expect Letticia Campbell to sing in this music battle.

When he receives a message from Letti saying she will practice singing with the band's music team for the first time, Declan decided to check on her.

Declan glanced back at Letti with a gaze, 'Seriously?'

Letti only gave her sheepish smile while putting her palms together as if to beg something.

Declan rubbed his temple in submission before smiling at the girl. 'Fine, do whatever you like.' was the hidden words from his black eyes.

Without paying attention to the other kids or giving comments, Declan walked out of the room, leaving the others with different questions.

Jacob: Why did my uncle come here all of a sudden?

Kaylee: What is their relationship?

The rest: Woah! What is the scariest professor doing here??

Since no one commented on Mister Black's presence in this music room, they decided to continue training as if the most influential man on campus had never come to see their practice.

They were worried that talking about Mister Black's arrival would make them sluggish. Mister Black was infamous for his harsh criticism. Seeing that man walk out without comment, didn't that mean their appearance was horrible?

Ah! They don't want to think about this and continue to be eager to practice to win this music battle.

After they finished practice, Kaylee approached Letti to find out the girl's relationship with Declan. But the girl had left because she didn't have any things to tidy up.

Fortunately, the girl didn't go very far as a group of girls from the singing class stopped her.

"What are you doing?"

"Who do you think you are? You believe the campus idol likes you just because he wants you to be his singer?"

Kaylee was about to help Letti, but her steps stopped when she heard the voice of authority from behind.

"What are you girls doing here?"

Kaylee's heart broke when she heard Declan's voice. She never saw the man would protect another girl like this.

Kaylee clutched her front chest when she found it difficult to breathe.

Why does her heart hurt so much?

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