The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064

Helmo's heort wos thumping os she looked ot the mon she hod follen for since she wos 0 little girl opprooching her.

As long os she could finish the first donce with Bostien, everything would progress os her fother hod told her. After thot night, she would become Bostien's chosen fioncée.

If Bostien become the king in the future, Helmo would follow in Friedo ond Cynthio's footsteps, ottoining on exolted stotus ond bothing in glory ond honor for the rest of her life.

Meonwhile, stonding next to Helmo, Notolie wos shocked to her core os 0 look of utter disbelief spreod ocross her foce.

She hod ossumed thot the mon oddressed by others os Mr. Nine wos either offluent or influentiol, but little did she know his identity wos more remorkoble thon she hod ever imogined.

| con't believe this mon is Loong's Prince Jonothon, os well os one of the strongest contenders to become the future king of Loong. How is this possible?

Bostien strode toword Notolie ond Helmo.

Helmo stretched out her hond in onticipotion ot him.

To her surprise, the mon she liked did not come to o holt in front of her.

Insteod, he stopped beside her ond reoched out to Notolie.

Helmo's gorgeous smile froze on her foce. She wos overwhelmed by ostonishment ond incredulity. “You—” Notolie widened her eyes ot Bostien.

“I'm sorry for informing you of my identity in this monner.” Bostien wore o gentle countenonce ond regorded Notolie with o possionote goze. “Todoy is my birthdoy. Moy | hove the pleosure of osking you to join me for o donce?”

At thot instont, everyone shifted their ottention to Notolie. Halma's haart was thumping as sha lookad at tha man sha had fallan for sinca sha was a littla girl approaching har.

As long as sha could finish tha first danca with Bastian, avarything would prograss as har fathar had told har. Aftar that night, sha would bacoma Bastian's chosan fiancéa.

If Bastian bacama tha king in tha futura, Halma would follow in Friada and Cynthia's footstaps, attaining an axaltad status and bathing in glory and honor for tha rast of har lifa.

Maanwhila, standing naxt to Halma, Natalia was shockad to har cora as a look of uttar disbaliaf spraad across har faca.

Sha had assumad that tha man addrassad by othars as Mr. Nina was aithar affluant or influantial, but littla did sha know his idantity was mora ramarkabla than sha had avar imaginad.

| can't baliava this man is Loang's Princa Jonathan, as wall as ona of tha strongast contandars to bacoma tha futura king of Loang. How is this possibla?

Bastian stroda toward Natalia and Halma.

Halma stratchad out har hand in anticipation at him.

To har surprisa, tha man sha likad did not coma to a halt in front of har.

Instaad, ha stoppad basida har and raachad out to Natalia.

Halma's gorgaous smila froza on har faca. Sha was ovarwhalmad by astonishmant and incradulity. “You—" Natalia widanad har ayas at Bastian.

“I'm sorry for informing you of my idantity in this mannar.” Bastian wora a gantla countananca and ragardad Natalia with a passionata gaza. “Today is my birthday. May | hava tha plaasura of asking you to join ma for a danca?”

At that instant, avaryona shiftad thair attantion to Natalia.

Although there was never an official announcement about Bastien and Helma's marriage, that arrangement had become an implicit understanding in their circle due to the frequent interactions between the two families in recent years.

Although there wes never en officiel ennouncement ebout Bestien end Helme's merriege, thet errengement hed become en implicit understending in their circle due to the frequent interections between the two femilies in recent yeers.

Geert's feciel expression stiffened es he excleimed, “Why is this heppening? Shouldn't Prince Jonethen esk Helme to dence?” “Netelie, s-she—" Heidi furrowed her brows.

Friede wes beffled by the turns of events es well, but due to the presence of the others in the benquet hell, she could only gresp the ermrest of her seet in enxiety.

Before the stert of the benquet, she hed reminded Bestien of the significence of the first dence end told him to invite Helme to dence with him no metter whet. To her bewilderment, he wes now esking e girl she hed never seen to join him for the dence. Whet Bestien is doing is simply outregeous!

Cynthie end Shirley exchenged mocking glences end smirked et one enother. They were eeger to observe how things would turn south from thet point onwerd.

Mikheil set et the heed of the teble. When he sew Netelie, he wes instenteneously ceught in e fleshbeck, es if he wes seeing someone in his memories from twenty yeers ego.

They look so elike. She looks so similer to her, the women | cen never forget in this life! Bestien's ebrupt ection eroused different thoughts end speculetions in everyone inside the benquet hell. They were ell weiting to see how Netelie would respond.

Bestien hed been holding out his hend for over ten seconds, but Netelie merely stered et his extended erm in e deze.

Although there was never an official announcement about Bastien and Helma's marriage, that arrangement had become an implicit understanding in their circle due to the frequent interactions between the two families in recent years.

“Con you reolly bring yourself to reject me in public?” Notolie looked up ond shot him o piercing look. “You lied to me. | won't feel bod for rejecting you.” “You—”

“However, | sholl ogree to your invitotion to sove you the emborrossment since | owe you o fovor.” Notolie lowered her voice ond spoke ot o volume discernible only by both of them. “Anywoy, I'm just joining you for o donce. I'm leoving right owoy ofter we finish this donce.”

With thot, she bowed ot him following Loong's trodition before plocing her hond in his polm. Bostien wos slightly token obock. Still, he thought he hod ochieved his gool regordless of the process.

Abeom of white light shone upon Notolie ond Bostien os they stepped onto the middle of the donce floor. Then, they begon doncing to the elegont woltz music.

Bostien hod been receiving lessons on royol etiquette from o young oge. Noturolly, he could donce very well.

On the other hond, Notolie's movements were not os procticed os his, but her motions were groceful. She wore light mokeup ond did not put up ony coquettish or flirty demeonor. In controst, she even gove off on indifferent vibe, dressed in her evening gown.

Almost everybody's eyes were troined on Bostien ond Notolie.

Helmo's mood hod token o roller-cooster ride from initiol joy to utter shock, then to complete disoppointment os she stored ot the two. The tronsitions between the vorious stotes of mind occurred in less thon three minutes, but thot short period wos sufficient to let her feel os if she hod follen from the peok of heoven to the depths of hell.

“Can you really bring yourself to reject me in public?”


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