The Promise Of Happiness

Chapter 1111

Chapter 1111

Chapter 1111

Chapter 1111

Upon heoring Notolie's words, Zophie poled even more.

It wos only then she reolized Notolie's previous helplessness wos o deliberote oct to buy time.

Notolie hod been woiting to strike the entire time.

Zophie remoined stubborn os she soid, “How could you use such disgusting tricks ogoinst me? Don't let me cotch you or I'm never going to let you off the hook!”

“Do you reolly still need to soy these things ot o time like this?” Notolie remorked os she looked ot Zophie's honds, which were getting more ond more purplish with eoch possing second. “You'd better sove some energy. This poison will seep into the nerves in your honds over time, ond the poin will only get worse.”

Notolie wolked over to Zophie to restroin her.

However, ot thot moment, o group of men in Loong militory uniform chorged in, ond Jerome wos the one leoding them.

“Jerome?” Notolie wos confused. “Whot ore you—”

“I received on order from the higher-ups to orrest Zophie,” Jerome soid with o frown. “This womon is dongerous, so leove her to me. I'll send someone to send you home.”

Jerome's onswer only mode Notolie even more confused. “Just one question, Jerome. Is this on order, or is this your ideo?”

After o few seconds of hesitotion, Jerome soid, “I'm sorry, but it's on order.”

Hoving received her onswer, Notolie did not osk ony more questions ond inclined her heod ot Jerome. “Okoy.”

Upon hearing Natalie's words, Zophie paled even more.

It was only then she realized Natalie's previous helplessness was a deliberate act to buy time.

Natalie had been waiting to strike the entire time.

Zophie remained stubborn as she said, “How could you use such disgusting tricks against me? Don't let me catch you or I'm never going to let you off the hook!”

“Do you really still need to say these things at a time like this?” Natalie remarked as she looked at Zophie's hands, which were getting more and more purplish with each passing second. “You'd better save some energy. This poison will seep into the nerves in your hands over time, and the pain will only get worse.”

Natalie walked over to Zophie to restrain her.

However, at that moment, a group of men in Loang military uniform charged in, and Jerome was the one leading them.

“Jerome?” Natalie was confused. “What are you—”

“I received an order from the higher-ups to arrest Zophie,” Jerome said with a frown. “This woman is dangerous, so leave her to me. I'll send someone to send you home.”

Jerome's answer only made Natalie even more confused. “Just one question, Jerome. Is this an order, or is this your idea?”

After a few seconds of hesitation, Jerome said, “I'm sorry, but it's an order.”

Having received her answer, Natalie did not ask any more questions and inclined her head at Jerome. “Okay.”

Jerome and his men were quick to subdue Zophie. Her mouth was then duct-taped, and her wrists and ankles were soon cuffed.

As Zophie was an important member of Blaze, Jerome had to personally escort her to a secret prison in Yaleview that held the worst criminals.

Natalie emerged from the situation with multiple injuries and tattered clothes.

Perhaps Jerome had forgotten about it in his haste to depart, but the man whom he said was going to send Natalie back did not appear. novelbin

All of a sudden, Natalie felt a weight on her shoulders. A coat with flawless workmanship had been draped over her.

Upon sensing the heaviness on her shoulders, she whipped her head around to see Bastien's gentle face and dark, worried eyes.

“Relax, Natalie, and leave the rest to me.”

“It's you...” Natalie narrowed her eyes, but she did not hesitate to shrug off the coat on her.

Joseph took a step forward to berate Natalie for treating Bastien in that way. Although she had shrugged off just a coat, what she had done was equivalent to looking down on the royal family of Loang. No matter how much Bastien doted on Natalie, Natalie had crossed a line.

Nevertheless, before Joseph could say anything, Bastien stopped him with a look.

He slowly picked up the coat from the floor before shaking off the thin layer of dust. In a gentle voice, he said, “You're hurt, and your clothes are tattered. I merely put this coat on you out of concern for you.”

Bastien had a kind face, and when he smiled, the room seemed to have lit up.

However, that was only his exterior.

Perhaps Natalie had only been attracted to his exterior back when they first met, but now she knew very well that the man was terrifyingly cunning.

Even what happened this time had exceeded her expectations.

“Concern for me?” Natalie scoffed. “If your concern means watching me struggle helplessly in a perilous situation and nearly dying, then please show this concern to someone else. I don't think I'm worthy enough for this concern.”

Jerome had come at the perfect time—not too early nor too late.

She refused to believe that Bastien had just arrived. Instead, she was sure that Bastien had seen her fight to the death with Zophie.

Then, when Zophie was no longer a threat, Jerome and his men appeared like knights in shining armor. Yet, when she was in the most danger—when things looked as though it was going to take a turn for the worse—she only had Billy and Sarah protecting her from the shadows.


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