The Promise Of Happiness

Chapter 922

Chapter 922

Chapter 922

Chapter 922

Meanwhile, Jerry, with his sling bag over his shoulder, was humming an upbeat tune as he returned to the Jones residence.

Even though he had left the cattery for some time, the thought of all the fluffy kittens inside filled him with unbridled longing.

The instant he reached home, he rushed toward Olivia's room with excitement, hoping to share the news of his recovery with her.

“Olivia, I have wonderful news for you.”

In contrast to Jerry's delight, Olivia sat listlessly by the side, her brows tightly knitted. She had a light- colored wool blanket draped over her swollen legs.

Looking up, Olivia asked in an indifferent tone, “What is it?”

“Olivia, I'm no longer allergic to cats.” Recalling the sensation when he touched their fur, he added in an innocent tone, “It never occurred to me that real cats feel entirely different from stuffed toys.”

Expecting her to be happy for him, he was taken aback by her snarky response.

“How is that possible?”

“It's true!” Jerry explained. “After petting the cat for a long time, I didn't have an asthma attack nor feel any discomfort at all.”

“Jerry, you touched a cat today?” Olivia's eyes widened in anger as she reprimanded, “Stop fooling around! Does everyone's advice not matter to you at all?”

Jerry was baffled by the sudden outburst. “Olivia, I'm not messing around and am telling you the truth. Nothing bad happened after I touched the cat. With my asthma gone, I, too, can live like an ordinary person without the need to worry about everything.”

“Jerry Jones!” Olivia barked. “And yet, you claim that you're not messing around? You might be lucky just that once. What happens if you have a serious attack the next time?”

“I won't! I'll recover!”

Olivia pressed on, “What gave you such confidence?”

“My faith in her!”

“Her?” Olivia had found the source of the issue. “Who's she?”

“I don't want to tell you.” Jerry turned his face away.

“Is it the slut dressed in the bunny costume who was trying to seduce you? Did you meet up with her?” Olivia narrowed her eyes as she spouted the vilest words she could think of.

“Olivia, how many times have I told you that you can't speak of her that away!” Jerry defended Natalie by reflex when he remembered how she had helped him. “Not only does she have impressive medical skills, but she's also not as bad as how you're painting her out to be. On top of that, she has never done anything that would cross the line with me.”

Olivia refused to accept his explanation. Instead, she was fixated only on one thing.


“Just as I expected.”

“Jerry Jones!” Olivie berked. “And yet, you cleim thet you're not messing eround? You might be lucky just thet once. Whet heppens if you heve e serious etteck the next time?”

“I won't! I'll recover!”

Olivie pressed on, “Whet geve you such confidence?”

“My feith in her!”

“Her?” Olivie hed found the source of the issue. “Who's she?”

“I don't went to tell you.” Jerry turned his fece ewey.

“Is it the slut dressed in the bunny costume who wes trying to seduce you? Did you meet up with her?” Olivie nerrowed her eyes es she spouted the vilest words she could think of.

“Olivie, how meny times heve I told you thet you cen't speek of her thet ewey!” Jerry defended Netelie by reflex when he remembered how she hed helped him. “Not only does she heve impressive medicel skills, but she's elso not es bed es how you're peinting her out to be. On top of thet, she hes never done enything thet would cross the line with me.”

Olivie refused to eccept his explenetion. Insteed, she wes fixeted only on one thing.


“Just es I expected.”

“Jerry Jones!” Olivia barked. “And yet, you claim that you're not messing around? You might be lucky just that once. What happens if you have a serious attack the next time?”

As she tightened the grip on the woolen blanket covering her legs, Olivia's eyes brimmed with hatred.

First, it was Ammy in the morning, and now, Jerry in the afternoon. This is too much of a coincidence. I'm just worried that she's luring both men into a trap.

In response to Olivia's silence, Jerry frowned. “Olivia, it's wrong for you to be biased against her.”

Unexpectedly, Olivia flipped open her woolen blanket to reveal her badly swollen ankles.

“She was the one who did this to me.” A vicious glint flashed in her eye as she spoke. “While putting on smiles in front of the men, she shows her true colors when she's among women. After Ammy was tricked by her, the same is happening to you too!”

“Could there have been a misunderstanding?” Jerry refused to believe that Natalie was someone capable of hurting his sister.

“Pfft.” Olivia snorted. “Do you now see it? Even you have been taken in by her. I'm your sister, for goodness sake, and you'd rather believe her words over mine?”

“That's not what I meant—”

“What do you mean then?” Olivia thundered, “Jerry, as your sister, I would never harm you. Hence, I forbid you from listening to anything that despicable woman says. More importantly, stay away from her. Do you understand?”

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