The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 216 Kidnapping A Loli! (1)

Chapter 216 Kidnapping A Loli! (1)

Amidst the vast expanse of the cosmos, the Long family had arrived, relentless in their pursuit to uncover the enigmatic killer of their grand elder. With determination etched upon their faces, they combed through every inch of the territory, searching for the faintest trace that could lead them to the truth.

Their quest even extended to finding Ye Suyin, the girl linked to the crime, but she had vanished into thin air along with the entire Ye family, leaving behind a haunting mystery of her whereabouts, and the presumption of her demise.

Adding to the puzzle, Su Wei, once back from the dead, had also disappeared without a trace, like a ghost slipping through the mist.

Yet, the Long family couldn't dare to make a racket about their investigation. The northern continent belonged to the formidable Xia family, a force to be reckoned with, and the Longs knew better than to stir the waters recklessly.

While the Longs busied themselves with their probe, two lolis, Zhou Zhixuan and Bai Xue, let out sighs of relief. Their lives had become infinitely lighter without the menacing shadow of Xia Tian lurking around. No more sleepless nights fearing his advances or uneasy encounters.

Embracing their newfound freedom, they frolicked in the lap of leisure, joyfully indulging in whimsical vacations.

Wang Wenshu found herself with time on her hands and devoted it to training her potential daughters-in-law, Zhu Jinhjing and Cheng Ting. An air of formality surrounded her meeting with Cheng Ting's elder sister, Chen Meili, whose heart still bore a grudge against Xia Chen for abandoning her, despite his promises of love.josei

But any prospects of a real relationship between them had long vanished like the morning mist.

As Wang Wenshu observed her son's prospective brides, a mix of pride and trepidation danced within her. The future seemed promising, but her mind couldn't escape the fear of what unpredictable actions Xia Tian might take.

Little did she know, he had already made his move and destroyed the relationship between Chen Ting and Xia Chen.

Of course, Xia Tian was innocent in this matter; his actions were not deliberate, as always!

Meanwhile, Long Meihui returned to the Long family and began plotting their downfall, harboring grand plans for their destruction.

Meng Hui, however, shifted her focus entirely to nurturing her son, Meng Hu, shielding him from the world's chaos, pouring her heart and soul into molding him into a strong and virtuous man.

As the weight of leadership fell on her shoulders in Xia Leng's absence, Long Wanhui embraced her role as the first lady of the Xia Clan.

The ongoing war demanded her attention, and Xia Len remained locked in a comatose state, leaving his son and daughter in law to shoulder the responsibilities of the clan.

Within the family, all eyes were on Xia Shuiyao, the precious gem among the descendants.

Personal care from Irene herself was a testament to her significance. Isabelle yearned to step in and take over, but her advances were politely rejected by Irene, who held a simple belief.

She wanted to safeguard Xia Shuiyao's daughter from becoming a mere object of pleasure or a tool in the hands of Isabelle. 

Selene vigilantly watched over the affairs in Evelynn's absence, ensuring that Xia Tian's "toys", conducted themselves with decorum and didn't stray into questionable territories.

Though Nyx had withdrawn from the limelight, she quietly aligned herself with Irene, keeping a watchful eye on her intentions, sensing an air of suspicion surrounding her actions. At the same time, she continued to extend her protective

gaze over Xia Shuiyao's daughter, her hidden presence ensuring the safety and well-being of the precious child.

The arrival of a baby brought a glimmer of joy to the Xia Shuiyao.

Surprisingly, the child was born without any extraordinary abilities, defying expectations.

They named her Xia Rouyan. Nyx and Irene relinquished their hold over naming her, allowing Xia Shuiyao to choose a name that carried deep significance.

After much contemplation, Xia Shuiyao bestowed upon her daughter the name Xia Rouyan—a name that resonated with the essence of their family lineage. It held a profound meaning, symbolizing the gentle grace and timeless beauty that coursed through their veins. Xia Tian, ever perceptive, recognized the connection between the names.

His own name, Xia Tian, embodied his unyielding spirit, while Xia Shuiyao's name, meaning "Water Willows," captured her fluidity and adaptability, akin to the graceful branches of a willow tree swaying with the wind.

In this convergence of names, a vivid and profound connection among the family members emerged. Xia Tian, Xia Shuiyao, and now Xia Rouyan—like interwoven threads—wove a tapestry of unity and shared purpose.

Their destinies entwined, they embarked on individual journeys, forever bound by their common heritage, their lives united by the invisible threads of their names, echoing through the annals of their family history.


One year and nine months, have passed in silence with major event in happening in the world. 

For every one day spent in earth, one year is lapses in the outside world.

As Xia Tian shadow was lost in depths of earth, the outside world finally regained peace, and serenity for a while. 

But neither the peace nor the serenity can last forever.

The human race and society is built on deception, with religion being the biggest. 

The religion, is often use to dictate what is good and what is bad, and even the one who doesn't believe in god, aren't spared even they are influenced by the religion, and get a sense of good and evil from it, usually devided use karma, the typical reward and punishment, hell and heaven menthod.

If we look at religion deeply, anyone can ascertain, that the system itself is one of Manipulation, found in large organisations, using the principal of reward and punishment, in form of hell and Heaven. 

Each religion signalling the deep rooted belief and idoligies of some individuals who perceived themselves as right. 

However, after the founders demise it become a mere tool of control and Manipulation. 

In all between this, the truth remains, what is good and what is evil? 

Perhaps the likes of Xia Tian, can answer this better.

If making a decision is not necessary, we should not make it, a rigid definition of good and evil, always led to chaos in near future.

One should see this words, from both subjective and collective points of view, and they should be read in reference to current goal of individual and social, with the relative time.

The end justifies the mean, so as long as goal is met, one shouldn't bother about the distinction of good or evil. 

This approach is often followed by old foxes, who seldom preach the same to the youth, and contradict their words and actions, they preach moral compass while showing none, all this to create an predictable pattern of society, the one that can be controlled. 

In the depths of the mystical peak, the highest pinnacle among the majestic mountains, nestled within the enigmatic Mystic Peak Realm, two distinct shadows danced upon the landscape.

One belonged to a young woman whose very presence exuded an ethereal grace, akin to that of a goddess descended from heavens.

Her every movement commanded attention and admiration.

The other shadow belonged to a small girl, her round face adorned with the adorable remnants of baby fat.

She frolicked with unbridled joy, her laughter echoing through the air, while her tiny hands inadvertently disrupted the delicate vegetation that thrived nearby.

To witness this mischievous child ravaging the vibrant and rare herbs and flowers with such innocence and zeal would surely drive any onlooker to the brink of insanity.

For within this realm, every bloom held immense power and countless benefits.

Even the mightiest of immortals would be driven to wage war to claim dominion over this serene sanctuary.

Yet this little girl stood apart from the rest. Rather than cherishing the unparalleled beauty that surrounded her, she reveled in the act of plucking each flower until none remained.

It was as if she found joy in their destruction, a paradox that left the nearby woman with a wry smile playing upon her lips.

Her skin, fairer than freshly fallen snow, devoid of any mark or imperfection, portrayed an otherworldly perfection.

A tinge of melancholy graced the woman's face as memories resurfaced of another person who had delighted in shattering the beauty of all things.

"Little one, do not venture too far. I am about take an bath," she whispered softly, her voice carrying a melodic quality, before gracefully submerging her body into the inviting water.

The little girl nodded in acknowledgment, her eyes momentarily drawn to a peculiar sight.

A magnificent white bird, twice her size, rested within her grasp, serving as her plaything. It was no ordinary avian creature; it was a phoenix, once a majestic symbol of rebirth and immortality, reduced to a mere object of amusement in the hands of the child.

Unfazed by the usual fear that such a mythical creature would evoke, the girl dared to pull at the phoenix's tail with gleeful abandon, oblivious to the potential consequences of her actions.

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