The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 1 Xia Tian

Chapter 1 Xia Tian

Xia Family Manor

Inside the medicinal hall, multiple people were surrounding a woman as she was lying on a bed with a newborn infant in her hands.

The newborn has dark black hair, along with silverish eyes with a slightly bluish hue. He still has some patches of blood left on his body.

Strangely enough, the baby wasn't crying and was just staring at the face in front of him. Initially, the man standing next to the bed frowned seeing no reaction from the baby, but soon everything calmed down as there was no sign of abnormalities.

"Madam Long, we should clean him first." A Maidservant spoke from nearby.

"Umm..... Take it." The woman in the bed hesitated a bit, nevertheless, she reluctantly agreed.

But before she can hand him over, the gates in the room were wide opened by an intruder.



"Who dares to infiltrate Xia Family!!"

The old man who was sitting in the corner immediately stood up and shouted. From his appearance, he looked about a man in his 40s though his bone age was above 5000 years with the cultivation base in the peak of the Overlord realm, the highest cultivation possible in the Mortal realm.

He immediately released the pressure of overload but the figure in front of him left everyone speechless. Not only it was unfazed by the pressure but also gracefully made its way toward the lady lying in the bed or more precisely toward the boy in her hand.

The intruder was a beautiful woman with a physical appearance similar to that of a twenty-two-year-old girl. However, there is one thing that set apart her from all the others, and that is her otherworldly beauty. If someone dares to claim her as the goddess right now, no one would deny it.

"I-I-Immortal !!"

The old man came to his sense and muttered with a pale face, sending a deep shock to everyone present in the room. They finally recovered from their initial shock and inspected the figure in front of them. After all, it is not every day someone would dare to intrude inside Ancient Xia family boundaries, one of the rulers of mid-level realms.

When her appearance was reflected in their eyes, it shook their mind, like the feeling of falling into a dream. It was a very delicately perfect face without any blemishes, combined with an absolutely beautiful body that every woman dreamed of, shrouded with a noble and elegant personality, fresh and pure like a snow lotus, pure and holy like a fairy, completely different from women's of the mortal realm. She had long black hair falling to her waist, along with identical silver eyes to that of the small boy, the only difference was her eyes were missing that slight bluish tint and were completely silver.josei

Her name was Evelynn.

Evelynn gaze swept across the room, there was an old man with the peak of Mortal cultivation, then there was that beautiful woman with blonde hair and golden eyes lying on the bed holding the baby in her arms. Although the woman lying on the bed was beautiful but compared to Evelynn, she would just fade away in the background. Next to that woman was another man with a physical appearance in the '30s with the cultivation of the first stage in the overlord realm. He had a bone age of 500 years old, the youngest man in the Mortal world to achieve overlord realm.

Evelynn raised a brow and sighed. All the people in this room seem to be genius of the Mortal realm. Just hope they don't bother her. No one can stop her today, she would just gladly erase the whole immortal realm if someone stops her way today, let alone a mere mid-level realm. [A/N: Mortal world consists of low-level and mid-level realms sometimes referred to as dimensions. ]

Sensing Evelynn gaze, the woman immediately shielded the baby in her arms with her body. Her body was trembling with fear, and she also heard her father in law words, she knew that she is no match for this immortal in front of her, but she can't possibly let any harm befall on her only son. She glanced next to her husband anxiously.

"Leng.... "

"Wanhui... " Xia Leng looked at her wife with helpless eyes. He signaled the guards to move, though it won't be of any help but it can perhaps give enough chance for his wife to escape along with their son.

The guards recovered and immediately surrounded the intruder.

But before they can take any action the old man stopped them with his hands. His son is an idiot to think that they will be able to stall this immortal, he has already seen some immortals but no one possesses an aura similar to the vulnerable in front of him. She is just too strong, any wrong move and this whole realm will be gone. The only option they have now is to wait and see.

The guards halted their action but nevertheless, they still surrounded Evelynn.

Evelynn frowned in displeasure. A heavy aura surrounded her but before she can do anything else her eyes met with the newborn in front of her.

"??" He tilted his head and looked at her as if raising a question. It was a cute action only if the room was not already a battlefield.

Surprisingly, it worked. The Immortal woman calmed down. She just walked in front of the woman and extended her hands as if asking for her child.

The women misinterpreted Evelynn actions and instantly moved a little further away from her in fear of losing her child.

Evelynn sighed and extended her hands further ".... I will not take him away from you. Now please..."

Long Wanhui stared at the woman in front of her for a while. Sensing no ill intention, she finally handed over the baby to her.

Evelynn took him immediately in her hands as a smile blossomed on her face dazzling everyone present. She looked at the body absent-minded.

There was silence in the room, no one understood what is happening. How did this Immortal turn into a docile girl all of a sudden? The only person who can answer their questions was the immortal herself, but disturbing her now doesn't seem to be a good idea.


The old man silenced the guards instantly and quietly signaled them to move out of the room. The situation isn't as helpless as he thought. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise.

"What's his name?" Evelynn spoke for the first time. Her voice was soothing as it likely contained a spell that help them to quiet down.

"Xia Tian... His name is Xia Tian." Long Wanhui was the one who recovered the fastest from the situation.

"En" Evelynn, just nodded her head once and handed the baby back to Long Wanhui.

"Esteemed Vulnerable, I am the patriarch of the Xia family, Xia Len I-"

The old man tied to speak only to be halted by Evelynn. The next moment her body was covered by spiritual energy, and her appearance changed.

Her hair color and eyes were unchanged, though her appearance toned down a lot and she was now looking like a young Nobel lady, from the Mortal world. Then, she faced the old man and introduced herself.

"My name is Evelynn, as for why I am here you probably have guessed it."

Xia Len looked at his grandson(Xia Tian) in shock, although he had thought about it but now after the confirmation, he still can't contain the shock at all.

"Father, do you know anything?" Xia Leng turned around and asked his father. He can still not understand what is happening at all. Long Wanhui also glanced in their direction for an explanation.

Xia Len took a deep breath and explained the situation to them. As for Evelynn, she was just standing next to the spot where Xia Tian was sleeping. She was unbothered by everything happening around her as her eyes were only focused on the Xia Tian petite figure.

"So it's like that..." Xia Leng finally understood the situation.

So it's like his son Xia Tian has a special body constitution which is extremely rare to find and coincidently similar to the Immortal Women in front of them. So she is here to take him as his disciple. As for how he guessed, it is because of their identical eye color. Of course, the disciple part was explained by Evelynn.

The couple can't contain their joy after learning that their son got an Immortal Teacher at birth itself.

Little did they know, that they are not even remotely close to the truth.

Evelynn thought inwardly and smiled. "Should I wake up his memories now? Nope, he would probably beat my ass if I did that. Eighteen years more... Sigh, I have already waited one billion years, what more is mere eighteen years."

Her thoughts drifted away as a hazy memory appeared in her mind. It was memories ranging back to thousands of billions of years ago around three worlds before. (A/N: One world means one time the whole world getting destroyed and reforming from the beginning including all it's life form. Three worlds mean three cycles of it. More will be explained in the latter part.)

In her memory, a 1.8-meter-tall handsome man with the same features as that of the baby (Xia Tian) was standing, next to him there was a girl resembling Evelynn, further there were six more girls. A total of seven girls surrounded the man. All of them had their own distinct features but none of them were any less beautiful than Evelynn.

There is only one word to describe the scene

... Heaven.

"I have decided, If I even die and reincarnate I will not unseal my memories till I am eighteen years old again." The man spoke.

"And why is that?" A blue-haired girl left to him questioned only to get a smack on her head from a pair of twins next to her. Both looked exactly identical except for the hair color, one had dark black hair, while the other had white hair. But both have one abnormality that is one of their eye was red while another eye was blue. The black-haired twin had a red left eye and blue right eye while the white-haired one had a blue left eye and right red eye.

"Isn't it obvious, he wants to just seduce the women outside?" Another girl spoke, she had lavender-colored hair and violet eyes.

"It's all because of this bitch. She is a bad influence on him." This time it was Evelynn who spoke.

The girl referred to as bitch, arrogantly lifted her chest. "You are just jealous of my charm Evelynn. And isn't it good, think about it, if he unseals his memories before turning eighteen he can just see but not touch? Wouldn't it be torture for him? Or do you have some strange kink to get fucked by a seven-year-old boy?" The girl said without any shame. She had black hair and deep black eyes, but her body was the most seductive out of all of them.

Evelynn got silent. But it was clear from her expression as if saying "If it is him I don't care." (A/N: Cough, no pedophilic content.)

There was another girl who ignored their non-sensical conversation and focused on another matter. "But how are you sure you will reincarnate?"

"... Well, that's because I am the only person in this world who know souls the best. Master of Souls? Did you forget it? Not to mention I am already in the Void realm, at the void realm people naturally can't die. Even if you destroy their souls unlike immortals who have weak souls they lose their individuality while going through the Samsara cycle, we people in the void realm retain our individuality. Normal mortals and immortals can also reincarnate but their chances are very slim as their souls are not dense enough and not to forget even if they did reincarnate, they won't be able to retain their memories like me."

"This is why, you girls should attain void realm as soon as possible. When this world will be destroyed only people in the void realm will be able to survive, every creation will be destroyed along with this universe. The only thing which will survive is beings which can live in void itself."

This time, instead of joking all the girls around him seriously nodded their heads.

The man however has some other thoughts. He said inwardly. "At void realm, one may be invincible, but there is still one person who can kill all of us... After all, we are nothing but ants, he is the only creator. God, huh.... Thought if I am right that idiot is self-bound by his principles, so as long as we don't go against his balanced universe, he can't touch us... Simply our existence is not worth enough to get in his eyes."

Back to reality, Evelynn got out of her daze and muttered with melancholy. "We used to be seven... Now only five remain... "


Author'a Note: Please read the next text to get a glimpse what this story is all about.

Cultivation Stages will be latter explained. Though that's not main part of story.

It will have overpowered MC, but the theme will not be cultivation but Harem and R18. MC will not be a idiot, will be extremely cunning and will not be pushed around by women' at all. He won't just blindly follow what his women say, and yea we are not having that cliche harem army battling a villian in end.

He does not have any golden finger ( before reincarnation) and earned everything by himself. There will be system but well this time its MC playing with system. System will be properly explained how it came into existence and all, but yea system is just a fun troll but not for MC levelling up.

This novel does not have any villain, because MC himself is villain. I will try to portray a true psychopath MC.

Before you form any prejudice, let me tell you Psychopaths do not kill needlessly they are extremely cunning, but they just lack empathy. I will use many real life cases as an example in the story itself.

This story is most suitable for people who are already well versed with R18 cultivation novels. ( In simple words people like me who had exhausted each and every R18 and Harem novel, and are trying to find something new.)

At last... He will fuck destiny itself, and when I say fuck, It literally means fuck destiny itself.(No Going against the destiny Bullshi*)

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