The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 184 Meeting Another Mother-In-Law (1)

Chapter 184 Meeting Another Mother-In-Law (1)

Ye Zhao was jolted from his slumber as a faint sound echoed through the room. "Hm? Did you hear that?" he asked, quickly sitting up. His gaze darted around the room, trying to identify the source of the noise.

Qing Shi Lian's expression filled with worry as she sighed, "Husband, did you started hearing things now?" Her eyes darted towards the window, her mind already racing through the possible scenarios.

Ye Zhao opened his mouth to offer an explanation, but was suddenly interrupted as the entire room was filled with a mystical, bluish mist. It was as if they were trapped in a nebula of sorts. In the milky haze, their surroundings looked distorted and strange.

"Be careful!" Ye Zhao said, instinctively moving to cover his wife. The mist was dense, and though Ye Zhao had never seen this before, but he knew that it was dangerous.

Qing Shi Lian gasped, similarly startled by the sudden transformation of their room. She huddled closer to her husband, praying that whatever was happening would end soon.

The mist, like a living being, slithered away, leaving behind an eerie silence.

Ye Zhao's voice pierced through the stillness, breaking the trance - "Our cultivation is gone!"

His hands shook with fear as he looked around frantically for some sense of normalcy.

He violently nudged Qing Shi Lian, who was rooted to the spot.

Her face was contorted into an expression of despair as she struggled to comprehend the unthinkable loss.

Ye Zhao's voice sharpened with fear "Wife, we must escape, now!"

But Qing Shi Lian was lost in thought, trapped in a whirlwind of emotions.

Suddenly, she saw a vision- Ye Wuhan, her son whom she had not saw from numerous days, sat in front of her. The surroundings were surreal- completely white, and impossibly bright. 

Qing Shi Lian's heart began to pound with fear. "W-Wuhen, is that you?" she said, her voice barely a whisper.

Ye Wuhan smiled faintly, his eyes sparking with warmth and comfort. "It's me, Mother. I am healed, thanks to your blessings," he said softly.

He stood up from his wheelchair and began walking towards her, his gaze focused entirely on her.

As Ye Wuhan drew closer, Qing Shi Lian's eyes widened in surprise.

Her whole body shook uncontrollably as tears streamed down her cheeks, "Y-You are healed?" She stammered out, her voice trembling and shaky.

Ye Wuhan arrived in front of her, smiling gently. "I can't keep this up for long, Mother. I need your help," he said, his hand caressing her flawless face.

Tears cascaded down Qing Shi Lian's face. "W-what *sob* help *sob* do you need, my son? *Sob* tell me! I would do anything," she cried, wrapping her arms around him.

Ye Wuhan smiled gently, his face hiding a demonic expression that Qing Shi Lian was too naive to see.


"Wife!" shouted Ye Zhao, a sense of desperation clawing up his throat.

But there was no response, no acknowledgement of his presence.

All he saw was the disconcerting sight of her smiling goofily at nothingness, her eyes glazed.

The door of their room creaked and burst open with a loud thud, the sound echoing oppressively in the room's bare walls.

In walked a stranger with an unforgettably handsome face, followed by a white-haired young girl who sparkled like a star in the dim lighting.

Ye Zhao felt his stomach knot up at the unexpectedness of their arrival.

Without giving him much time to react, Xia Tian - the stranger - was already standing face to face with Ye Zhao, his expression unreadable.

In a flash, Ye Zhao threw a punch at him, but Xia Tian's reaction was surreal.

He tilted his head with impeccable timing, as if he had seen the punch coming all along, and avoided it without breaking a sweat.

Ye Zhao, unable to change course, tumbled over in a dramatic fail.

As he tumbled down, he saw Xia Tian smirk. He knew what was about to happen but was powerless to stop it.

A small gasp escaped his lips as he felt Xia Tian's foot slide across his calf muscles and towards the back of his knee, triggering an involuntary collapse.


Ye Zhao hit the ground with a loud thud, the impact taking his breath away. The wind was knocked out of him, and he struggled to take in air as he lay there, drenched in sweat. The panic and confusion in his head intensified as he tried to make sense of the situation.

"Who... who are you?" he gasped weakly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Xia Tian gave Ye Zhao a long, indecipherable look, his eyes never leaving Ye Zhao's face. A sinister smirk slowly crept across his face. "Nice to meet you, dear father-in-law," he said, his words dripping with malice.josei

Ye Zhao's eyes widened in disbelief. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice trembling.

Xia Tian laughed, his cruel laughter ringing in Ye Zhao's ears like a bell tolling for his demise. He crouched down and leaned in close, whispering in Ye Zhao's ear. "Don't worry, great General Ye! As your dear son-in-law, I'm here to provide your wife with the pleasure you could never give her."

The shock was too much for Ye Zhao to bear. Before he could respond, Xia Tian barked an order to Zhou Zhixuan, "Bind him up and throw him to the corner. Make sure he's awake and can see everything."

Zhou Zhixuan's disgust was palpable, but she complied with the order nonetheless. She stood over Ye Zhao, her eyes fixed on Xia Tian, as if trying to pierce through the veil of his insanity and make sense of his twisted logic.

Qing Shi Lian's delicate hands extended outward, her palms open, and her fingers curling slightly towards her. Her face lit up with a wide smile as she whispered to herself, "Come here, son. I would help you.." Her voice was soft and beguiling, like an enchantress beckoning her prey.

As soon as Xia Tian caught sight of the beautiful woman, his heart skipped a beat, and his feet moved of their own accord towards her.

Her radiant beauty left him no choice but to obey her every command.

Xia Tian was no stranger to the company of women.

He believed himself to be well-mannered and obedient around them, and he loved taking their orders. 

Yes, he was obedient and followed her wishes without questioning her... Hehe

So, without a second thought, Xia Tian discarded his clothes and climbed onto the same bed as Qing Shi Lian.

Xia Tian acting was so superb that for moment Zhou Zhixuan believed he was actually enchanted by that Qing woman.

Qing Shi Lian's eyes were blank, and she seemed lost in her own world.

But the moment she felt Xia Tian's presence, she reached out and embraced him tightly.

Overwhelmed with happiness, she broke into tears, whispering sweet words to herself.

A sly smile crept onto Xia Tian's face as he looked at Ye Zhao and winked. "You are such a failure, General. You can't even satisfy your wife. See how thirsty she is."

With a firm grip, he caught her chin and pressed his thumb against her ripe lips.

She obediently parted them, and he slid his finger inside.

Qing Shi Lian's response was instantaneous as she began to suck on it like a baby eager for her milk.

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