The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 234 Immortal Witch's Choice! (2)

Chapter 234 Immortal Witch's Choice! (2)

"I want to save them all!" Immortal Witch spoke, her voice trembling but determined.

Xia Tian, the Immortal Witch's captor, slowly opened his eyes and stared at her, a sly smile playing on his lips as he pretended to be surprised. "Oh, but that wasn't the option," he taunted. He knew how mortals usually reacted to his choices, bound by their limited perspectives and predictable responses.

Yet, this instance was a rarity, where a glimmer of unpredictability shone in the Immortal Witch's eyes.

If any other person had dared to challenge his expectations like the Immortal Witch did, they would impress him and would have earned a reward from Xia Tian, but he had already predicted her choice, so no reward for the immortal witch. 

"I don't care, master. I want to save them all. Can you make it happen? Just take me in place of them or tell me what I need to do," the Immortal Witch's determined voice echoed through the vast, dimly lit hall.

Xia Tian, intrigued by her resilience, waved his hand to stop the attentive maids who stood around them, then rose from his throne like chair.

He approached the Immortal Witch, his presence exuding an aura of both malevolence and allure, as if he were a mesmerizing serpent luring its prey.

"So, do you want to sacrifice yourself to save them?" he asked, getting closer, his eyes peering deeply into her green eyes, searching for the truth behind her resolve.

The witch nodded, her heart pounding with equal parts fear and bravery.

"Haha," Xia Tian suddenly broke into laughter, turning around theatrically.

'A normal human, forsaking their own survival instinct just because they have someone else to carry forward their legacy, how disappointing...' he thought with a hint of contempt.

In Xia Tian's eyes, the common human behavior of having children out of fear of mortality and imagining them as extensions of themselves was a lamentable mentality.

He found it disappointing how people's survival instincts would suddenly wane after becoming parents, as they desperately sought to perpetuate their existence through their offspring, even in the face of inevitable mortality.

To him, it seemed like an act of weakness, as if individuals couldn't find meaning or purpose beyond their own mortality.

Xia Tian saw this as a stark contrast to his immortal existence, where he had long surpassed such primal concerns.

In his eyes, humans were bound by their mortality, and their desperate attempts to live vicariously through their children only emphasized their limitations.

As he observed the mortal realm, he couldn't help but shake his head at the seemingly endless cycle of life, death, and reproduction driven by this fear of oblivion.

To Xia Tian, true strength and purpose lay in transcending such fears and embracing one's own existence without clinging to the hope of eternal legacy through progeny.

His perspective was that of an ancient being, well-versed in the patterns of humanity across the eons.

To him, the mortal experience was merely a fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of existence.

While humans may see their lives as significant and meaningful, Xia Tian knew the ultimate truth: that everything would eventually return to nothingness.

As he contemplated the frailty of human desires and the pursuit of immortality through generations, he couldn't help but feel an odd mix of disdain and fascination for the mortal psyche.

To him, their actions were mere distractions from the bigger picture of the universe, a universe he had explored and understood for eons.

In his immortal state, Xia Tian had long accepted the impermanence of all things, finding solace in the vastness of time and space.

It was this perspective that set him apart from the mortal coil, allowing him to see beyond the ephemeral desires that ensnared humanity.

In the cosmic order, Xia Tian believed that developments and significant progress often arose during times of crisis.

It was in the face of challenges and adversity that humanity was forced to evolve, adapt, and push the boundaries of their capabilities.

However, he also saw a paradox in the human ability to multiply through birth, which provided them with a convenient excuse to avoid seeking true immortality.

The ability to procreate and pass on one's genes to the next generation gave humans a sense of continuity and a semblance of immortality through their offspring.

This natural process created a comforting illusion that life could go on, and their legacy would endure.

As long as humans clung to this notion, they would remain content with the prospect of mortality, never truly seeking the higher realms of existence.

To Xia Tian, this mentality was a hindrance, a self-imposed limitation that prevented humans from reaching their full potential.

He referred to it as the "excuse" for it allowed them to evade the ultimate truth of existence – the void realm, the realm beyond life and death.

This void realm, which Xia Tian inhabited, was where true immortality and detachment from the temporal world resided.

By fixating on the perpetuation of their lineage, humans remained entrenched in the cycle of birth, life, and death, perpetually tied to the material realm.

Their focus on legacy and continuity shackled them to the temporal plane, preventing them from ascending to higher states of consciousness and understanding.

To reach the void realm, Xia Tian believed that one must transcend the limitations of their physical existence and detach themselves from the cycle of life and death.

This required seeking a form of immortality that extended beyond the mere passing on of genes, one that embraced the impermanence of the material world.

True immortality, in Xia Tian's eyes, lay in spiritual growth and the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment.

Only by shedding the reliance on biological reproduction and finding solace in the transient nature of life could humans break free from their self-imposed shackles and approach the realm of the infinite void.I think you should take a look at

For Xia Tian, the void realm represented a state of profound wisdom, where time, space, and existence merged into a boundless unity.

It was a realm that transcended the transient and embraced the eternal.

In this state, the limitations of mortality vanished, and beings achieved true immortality, not through the perpetuation of their physical forms, but through the transcendence of the temporal and the embrace of the infinite.

As an observer of human endeavors and a dweller in the void realm, Xia Tian understood that while crisis might spark development in the material world, true growth and liberation came from recognizing the illusory nature of existence and venturing into the vastness of the void realm, where the soul could find eternal solace and profound enlightenment.

But rather than choosing to comment further, he simply shook his head, and with a booming voice, he declared, "No one tells me what to do, witch! Your daughters and you, both will be spared," with this proclamation, he walked towards the door with an air of arrogance, like a dark hero reveling in his own malevolence.

The maids who saw his heroic back felt their legs trembling and nearly orgasmed, torn between worship and admiration for him.

The immortal witch stood there, her eyes wide with astonishment as she witnessed the ongoing events unfold before her.

Given Xia Tian's unpredictable character, she believed that he might choose to eliminate one of her beloved daughters or even her own self.

But alas, who really knew Xia Tian or the intricate workings of his enigmatic mind?

He was a man who daringly plotted against beings of infinite knowledge and power, defying the very laws of nature.

A man who cared not solely about achieving his goal, but rather reveled in the wicked delight of planning what to do after attaining it.

A man who had ingeniously deceived death itself, defying the grasp of mortality.

He appeared as an ordinary person on the surface, but behind that façade lay a master manipulator, playing with people's minds like a mischievous child with his favorite toy.josei

The magnitude of his actions and the sacrifices made to reach this point remained a hidden mystery, forever hidden into the depths of time.

For him, people were reduced to mere flesh and bones, devoid of emotions or any other meaning.

When they laughed or expressed happiness, all he perceived were lifeless muscles moving in their mouths.

The immortal witch desperately pleaded, her voice echoing with a mixture of fear and desperation, "H-Hey, stop! At least release me from here..." However, her words fell on deaf ears, and her heart sank as she realized it was too late.

The narcissist had already vanished, leaving her in her vulnerable predicament.

"Damn! Ahhhh! Why!" The witch unleashed a howl of frustration that reverberated through the bleak surroundings.

As time passed, an overwhelming sense of hopelessness enveloped her. The realization dawned on her that she might be destined to remain trapped in this place forever.

However, Xia Tian's revelation opened an entirely new chapter in the cosmos.

Now, as a god, he upheld and maintained the universal law of balance, yet nothing could prevent him from making exceptions. He had become the ultimate lawmaker, holding unrivaled power over the cosmos.

Biasness was not his usual style, for he considered other beings to be insignificant beneath his divine stature.

However, Evelynn and her sisters held a special place within him, as they were originally a part of his very soul.

Now, as a god, he had no qualms about bending the rules for their sake.

As for his "toys," those who had been under his influence, their journey towards the void realm had always been obstructed.

They were unable to meet the prerequisites necessary to transcend to that level of existence: letting go of everything to attain everything.

The emotions they developed for him, whether love or hatred, needed to be discarded to truly belong to the void.

But now, with Xia Tian holding the power of a god, he could rewrite the rules as he pleased.

The boundaries that once held his toys back were now at his command.

The pursuit of true immortality, which had eluded them before, was no longer a necessity when the god himself dictated the path of existence.

He had already granted Xia Shuiyao the freedom to have children as the prospectus of playing with his mother, sister and daughter in same bed was truly divine.

However if the ridiculous motive behind his actions are ignored, than Xia Shuiyao's daughter lived a perfectly normal life, and not some kind of special existence, despite having no part of his soul.

So Xia Tian must have made an exception in laws for Xia Shuiyao's daughter already.

So would Xia Tian create an exception of immortality for them?

Or let them perish like his other toys as in the past? 

The future remained a mystery, and only time would reveal the games he intended to play with the cosmos and its inhabitants.

As a god, Xia Tian's dominion over the fate of the world was absolute, and the universe lay in anticipation of what his divine will would shape next.

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