The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 256 Vampire Lord

Chapter 256 Vampire Lord: Seraphina Nocturna

Amidst the opulent tapestries and ancient stone of the throne room, an air of tension hung palpably. "I explicitly instructed you to bring forth a person of significance from their faction, and you returned with a mere child"

The voice, low and resonant, reverberated through the vast chamber, a chilling undertone that left no room for excuse.

At the heart of the room, the throne itself seemed almost insignificant compared to the regal figure that adorned it. Vampire Lord Seraphina Nocturna, a being of undeniable presence, held court. Her crimson eyes, like molten rubies, emitted an eerie luminescence, casting an unsettling glow that seemed to penetrate the very essence of those who stood before her. Each glance was weighted with the weight of centuries, as if she held the knowledge of time itself.

Silver hair, kissed by the moon's pale glow, cascaded in intricate waves, a crown of argent silk befitting a ruler of the night.

Her visage bore a paradoxical beauty, an alluring charm that concealed the unyielding resolve that had propelled her through the centuries.

The count, who knelt with a mixture of reverence and apprehension before the throne, quaked under the intensity of her scrutiny. "M-My Lord," he stammered, his voice tremulous, "I swear by my allegiance that I have observed this young girl in the company of their faction's leader on several occasions. She must wield an integral role. If only we wait for a few days, they will undoubtedly venture forth to mount a rescue."

Despite the count's words, Seraphina Nocturna released a disappointed "Humph," a faint exhalation of disapproval.

She waved her hand with a regal gesture, a decree that sealed the fate of the unsuspecting Xia Rouyan, who now found herself confined, an unwitting pawn in the sinister plot of the Vampire Lord.

The grand scheme she'd meticulously orchestrated over countless years had taken a detour.

A plot to lure out the treacherous faction, to bring them to their knees by abducting a key player, now seemed tainted.

The count, in his successful infiltration, had managed to grasp not the one she sought but a mere human child, an outcome that both frustated and perplexed her.


Xia Rouyan's initial surprise morphed into an angry glare as she found herself enclosed within a cage, only to be subsequently released into what could only be described as a sumptuous garden.

The vampires' concept of imprisonment was remarkably at odds with what she had envisioned. Here, the abundance of sunlight streamed down, illuminating the surroundings. The space was adorned with an array of breathtaking flowers, a stark contrast to her preconceived notions.

In the midst of this luxuriant setting, another voice chimed in. "How did you find yourself here, little one?" The source was another woman, her hair a cascade of blonde, her eyes a vivid shade of green brimming with curiosity. She regarded the small, chubby girl seated dazedly upon the grassy floor.

To everyone's surprise, it was none other than the little troublemaker, Zeng Mingxia. Intruding into the vampire's domain while in search of her sister, she had unwittingly become ensnared within these confines.

Ironically, the two of Xia Tian's daughters were now confined within the same space. Whether it was a lack of awareness or outright disregard, the man's stance remained unclear.

Regardless, the vampires had perhaps unknowingly courted calamity by inadvertently capturing Xia Tina's kin.

Xia Tian was an embodiment of trouble, destined to manifest sooner or later.

Driven by a fleeting whim, he would emerge unannounced, inflicting retribution upon the vampires for their perceived crimes —an inevitable crime for to engage with the old fox in the first place.

Now, either the vampires entertain his boring life, or he entertains himself by using them as mere pawns for his entertainment.


"What are you doing here alone?"

In the tranquil stillness, Xia Tian's voice suddenly reverberated behind Xia Ying like a melodious echo.josei


Startled, Xia Ying felt her pupils widen, her body freezing momentarily. Then, as if a radiant sunrise had painted her face, a brilliant smile unfurled, and she pivoted around in an instant.

She instantly propelled herself toward him, closing the distance with a swiftness that betrayed the urgency of her emotions.

In her haste, she stumbled, her heartbeat drumming against her ribs as if dancing in sync with her excitement.

As her arms enveloped him in a tight embrace, the world seemed to cease its motion, existing only for this embrace, "Brother Tian!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying a mix of relief and joy.

Her eyelids, as if joining in the embrace, closed involuntarily as her hands secured their hold around his waist, as if fearing he might vanish into the very air.

As she released him, a glistening moisture seemed to glimmer at the corners of her eyes, the threat of tears mingling with her happiness.

With an intensity born of longing, she gazed upon him, seeking answers etched in his features, "Why were you avoiding me?" Her query hung in the air, laced with both curiosity and a flicker of melancholy.

Xia Tian, his demeanor thoughtful yet composed, raised an eyebrow in response to her inquiry.

Yet, her continued unease urged him to speak, and she found her voice again, though tinged with nervousness due to his prolonged silence, "D-Do you not like me anymore?" Her words, once steady, now trembled like a leaf caught in an autumn breeze.

Confronting an emotionally charged individual can be as challenging as reasoning with a bewildered creature.

Recognizing this, Xia Tian grinned slightly, as he opted for a decisive gesture instead, a move that cut through the tense atmosphere.

With swift precision, he extended his hands, aiming directly for her heaving chest, and firmly grasped them.



The impact of his action was immediate, rendering Xia Ying wide-eyed and speechless, her cheeks aflame with an intense blush.

She lowered her head, unable to meet his gaze, her heart pounding erratically in the face of such an unexpected and intimate touch.

In another swift motion, he took hold of her waist, gently guiding her to sit upon his lap.

Extending their legs onto the grass, they now faced the river before them.I think you should take a look at

This change in position heightened Xia Ying's senses, her breathing quickening, her heart resounding in her chest.

Despite her seemingly clingy and desperate demeanor, she hadn't truly shared many such close moments with him.

The charged atmosphere stirred a blend of excitement and nervousness within her, creating an unforgettable memory etched in her heart.

Perhaps this desperation had driven her to this point, yearning for him with an intensity that seemed to consume every other thought.

Xia Tian's face nestled upon her exposed shoulder, the fabric of her dress parted slightly on either side due to a small tear, allowing his skin to brush against hers. A shiver rippled through her, a mixture of vulnerability and the thrill of his closeness coursing through her veins.

"I've been waiting here for you, for quite a while," Xia Tian revealed, his warm breath grazing against Xia Ying's delicate skin.

"What!?" Xia Ying's response carried a touch of disbelief, stammering, "Y-You were waiting for me, here?"

He nodded in affirmation, choosing not to elaborate further.

In that moment, a realization struck Xia Ying, a sudden regret etching across her face. She pondered, 'So I arrived late...' The thought weighed heavily upon her, realizing the significance of his presence.

One might question whether Xia Tian was subtly manipulating her emotions or whether she was unintentionally gaslighting herself.

The truth, though hidden beneath layers of complexity, was that her desire for him was so profound that she found ways to rationalize his actions, no matter how questionable, as her heart sought solace in his presence.

Many people often wonder, what is the key to winning over a woman?

Is it about caring for them?

Is it giving them the best of what you have to offer?

Is it about offering your abilities to the fullest?

However, if you do all these things with the mindset mentioned above, there's a significant chance of ending up disappointed.

The so-called "good men," who perceive themselves as such, gives their absolute best in an relationship often find themselves pondering why women might cheat over them ...

The reason is... Because they might not have anything more to offer!

Every relationship thrives on a continuous exchange, and if one can't maintain that, it could lead to the end of the relationship.

When one gives a woman his absolute best, she may come to expect even better in the future, and naturally, he would find it challenging to consistently meet those heightened expectations, leading to a potential downfall.

The key is to approach it like being an employer—providing enough support for survival, without offering any huge pay at once, making them feel compelled to stay and work indefinitely.

Maintain an air of mystery.

Don't always give her what she wants.

If you cater to her every desire, you may find yourself devoid of anything to offer in the long run.

Let her curiosity persist endlessly. Just because she demands to know something or throws a tantrum for answers doesn't mean you have to reveal everything.

Allow her to remain curious and occasionally frustrated, and she'll remain engaged.

If you bend to her every wish, she might soon depart, having obtained everything she can, as she indirectly controls the relationship.

By withholding what she wants, despite the tantrums, akin to the climactic scene in a movie, she'll stay, her anticipation and curiosity building.

Xia Ying believed Xia Tian was ignoring her, prompting her to crave his attention.

But would she act the same way if he was offering her constant attention?

In essence, it might sound like the path to becoming a "douchebag," but it's more about maintaining a balanced approach. If you don't even provide your "employee" with enough to meet their basic needs and occasionally give bonuses, they may leave.

You need to provide bonuses occasionally, keeping her eager for the future, when she might receive another reward.

It's not about the bonus itself, but rather satisfying her emotional needs.

It's not about being mysterious, but rather allowing her to remain curious.

Indeed, if her thoughts are constantly consumed by you, she won't have much time left for anything else. Therefore, it's essential to let her curiosity thrive.

Allow her to bask in suspense and anticipation, keeping the excitement alive.

Think of it as if an author were to reveal every mystery of their novel right from the start. Readers would lose interest quickly. They'd likely seek out another novel, starting the cycle anew.

Women, in essence, are emotionally-driven creatures, are like babies in certain aspects. They may put on a facade of toughness, yet deep within, they yearn for emotional dependency. They crave new experiences to satisfy their curiosity, always seeking something to ignite their interest.

They might say they don't need your protection, but just because she says it, doesn't mean that she means it; she herself doesn't know what she wants, so never ask her what she wants — A baby never knows what it wants, except for food and sleep, treat the woman as such.

You can't catch a fish by asking the fish what it wants; instead, ask a trained fisherman about the best types of bait that have worked in his extensive experience.

If she asks for more of your attention, don't provide her with the same, just provide her with Illusion of attention, before pulling it back again.

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