The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 258 *Xia Ying* (2)

Chapter 258 *Xia Ying* (2)

"Y-You have changed so much," Xia Ying suddenly spoke, her voice trembling as she tried to halt Xia Tian.

"Have I?" asked Xia Tian, his tone filled with faked curiosity.

"Mhm," Xia Ying nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "Y-You were never this aggressive before..." She whispered quietly, her buttocks constantly shifting in search of a comfortable position, desperately trying to avoid the rod that poked her from behind. Her hands, once defiant, now surrendered.

"H-How are you so good at everything?" she asked, her voice laced with a mix of awe and confusion.

Xia Tian, fueled by anticipation, withheld an answer, cherishing the impending arrival of nightfall.

There was a certain thrill in taking her here, under the cover of darkness, knowing that her moans would disrupt the sleep of the unsuspecting residents.

To occupy their time, his teasing finger, which had previously danced upon her throbbing vagina, found its way higher, seeking entrance between her delicate lips.

The mere touch caused a flicker of confusion within her.

"Huh?" she gasped, her innocence still evident in her hesitation. Yet, despite her reservations, she parted her lips, allowing him access to her mouth. The scent and taste were undeniably familiar, instantaneously revealing his wicked intentions.

Her eyes flickered as Xia Tian leaned in closer, his gaze penetrating. "It appears my little sister is not as innocent as she appears... So, little Ying, did you pleasure yourself?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity and a hint of wickedness.

"I didn't!" Xia Ying instantly denied, her voice defensive and filled with urgency.

Xia Tian raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, you really didn't?" he taunted, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

"I-I didn't... Only.... once," she muttered, her voice barely audible and tinged with embarrassment, like the buzz of a tiny mosquito. Memories of that intimate moment flooded back, causing a blush to stain her cheeks.

"Oh, why did you do such a sinful act?" Xia Tian questioned, his voice tinged with mock disapproval.

Xia Ying's breath quickened, her chest rising and falling rapidly against the weight of his hand. "I-I didn't want to, it's y-you and sister Shiyao... You made me imagine things," she confessed, recalling the moment when she discovered Xia Shuiyao had given herself to Xia Tian.

The revelation had set off a mix of emotions, and she couldn't help but envision herself entangled in passionate moments with Xia Tian, much like her sister had been.

"Are you jealous?" Xia Tian asked, his tone dripping with mischief.

Xia Ying pressed her lips together, her silence speaking volumes. Eventually, she nodded faintly, her voice a mere whisper, barely audible.

Not a hint of surprise crossed Xia Tian's face as he spoke, his voice carrying a sly undertone, "How about I reveal a small secret to you...?"

"Secret?" Xing Ying's eyes instantly sparked with curiosity and anticipation.

A faint smile played upon Xia Tian's lips as he continued, his gaze piercing into Xing Ying's with an air of knowing. "Do you desire to uncover the secret behind my power?" he countered, his words hanging in the air, causing a flicker of excitement to dance in Xing Ying's eyes.

Her heart skipped a beat as she contemplated the weight of the secret about to be shared by Xia Tian. "W-would you truly disclose it to me?" she stammered, the shock still evident in her voice.

In the realm of cultivation, where individuals protected their techniques with their life, Xia Tian's willingness to expose his secret held profound significance.

What does this mean?

He trusts her!

Overwhelmed by the revelation, two glistening tears streamed down Xing Ying's cheeks.

Seeing this, Xia Tian smiled in satisfaction.

This was the peculiar aspect of Xia Tian's character—he cared little for the methods employed as long as the desired outcome was achieved. Just as Shui Ningxue had once remarked, if he wanted to witness someone's tears, he would stop at nothing to make it happen.

Currently, Xing Ying was indeed shedding tears, though not through the usual torment he would inflict upon others. josei

"I would disclose my secret to you," Xia Tian began, his voice laced with a sense of intrigue, "but only if you are willing to offer something in return..." He laid a condition before her.

Xing Ying, still wiping away her tears, hesitated before asking, her voice trembling, "W-what do you require?"

A sinister grin spread across Xia Tian's face, akin to that of a figure about to prey upon an innocent loli. "You," he unabashedly declared, "You must satisfy me."



Xia Ying gasped, her breath turning icy cold. There was one thing Xia Tian was constantly doing, pushing her and forcing her to be in this situation, but it was another thing entirely for this innocent, virgin girl to willingly take action to satisfy him.

As the realization sunk in, her face flushed crimson, coloring her cheeks with an intensity she had never experienced before.

But wasn't this what Xia Tian had intended all along? To make her lose herself in the overwhelming desire?

With a meek nod, she surrendered to his desire, her acquiescence only widening Xia Tian's grin. He felt victorious, like he had successfully tricked a loli.

Although she was no longer a loli, she resembled Charlotte in many ways. During the exhilarating Qilin ride, Xia Tian had manipulated time, forcibly aging her by decades while keeping her physical appearance frozen in the same youthful state.

If he hadn't accelerated her age beforehand, she would have already lost her sanity under his intoxicating simulation.

Overwhelmed with ecstasy, she would have either cried or eagerly pounced onto him, utterly consumed by euphoria.

Her mental strength had never been robust, especially considering she believed herself to be deeply in love with him.

Xing Ying was convinced, wholeheartedly, that she was truly in love with Xia Tian. She was prepared to go to any lengths to defend this belief, unwavering in her conviction.

She clung to the illusion of love, finding solace in its comforting embrace. Little did she know the complexities that lay beneath the surface.

It would be intriguing to witness how the cunning old fox would handle this delicate situation, and break her belief without breaking her.

But before delving into that, as part of their agreement, Xia Tian decided to offer her a glimpse into his world - a small insight that would shed light on the source of his power.

"Allow me to share the secret of my power through a tale," the old fox whispered mysteriously, capturing Xia Ying's eager expression as she leaned in closer.

The tale he recounted spun around two men ensnared within an eternal abyss, where unending stairs stretched toward the enigma of the unknown, luring them ceaselessly upward.

The first man, David, fixed his gaze upon the seemingly boundless stairs, his eyes penetrating the depths of the infinite ascent, pondering the destination that awaited him.

The second man, Erick, mirrored the curiosity, his eyes filled with wonder and uncertainty.

Yet, both were warned that regardless of their climbing efforts, death would seize them before they could escape this abyss.

Indeed, they weren't the first explorers; countless souls had ventured before, met only with their demise while lingering in the abyss. Some met their end while scaling the stairs, surrendering to fatigue and forsaking the climb.

Erick chose to do nothing, as trying was useless, resigned to await his inevitable demise, settling into the desolate embrace of the abyss.

David, on the other hand, made a resolute choice to ascend, daring the uncertainties, and consequences be damned.

His mantra was simple: "I'd rather try and meet my fate than live a life of 'what-ifs' and 'could-have-beens'."

He would rather try and die than not even try at all, and still die in the end.

David endured a lot of hardships during his lifespan, climbing the infinite stairs, while Erick enjoyed his life, sitting at the bottom of the abyss.

As they grew older, Erick started to have regrets, wondering what would have happened if he had decided to climb the stairs. Would he ever have succeeded?

In the end, Erick died, and at his last breath, he was regretting what would have happened if he had tried. After all, the worst outcome he would have received was death anyway.

He didn't regret his whole life, but in the end, the regret was immense.

As for David, he found a measure of satisfaction even on his deathbed, content that he had tried, even though he ultimately failed. He was burdened with regret, realizing that he could have lived his entire life without enduring those challenges, remaining at the bottom of the abyss like Erick.

Both of them carried regrets, but for vastly different reasons.

David, in the final moments of his life, grappled with the uncertainty of what might have transpired if he had taken the risk.

Erick, on the other hand, regretted trying despite the absence of success, understanding that refraining from the effort would have saved him from the struggle.

Erick represents a common archetype, embodying those who harbor desires but are paralyzed by fear. They long for someone, perhaps even has desire to possess their own sibling in an sexual manner, or to kill someone who had wronged them, or to rule over the world... or fuck to the god and anyone related to him... yet they're paralyzed by the fear of failure and rejection.

They may entertain dark thoughts but are held back by the fear of societal condemnation.

These individuals restrain themselves, often waiting for an eventful death.

What if they didn't hold back?

The worst that could occur might be retaliation from an angry family or societal condemnation leading to their ultimate demise.

David, in contrast, embodied a different approach. He questioned, "What's the worst that could happen?"


We all face that eventually.

So, why obsess over it?

If his heart desired something, even something as dangerous as pursuing his crush regardless of the consequences, he would go for it, even if it meant facing death.

At least he wouldn't be consumed by the regret that plagued Erick.

"But how does that justify your power, brother Tian?" asked Xia Ying, finding these two different perspectives intriguing.

Xia Tian chuckled, continuing his story, "Because there was a loophole in the story. The game was rigged from the very beginning... You can't beat the game... But what if the maker of the game decides to let you win, intrigued by you? It's like you can never defeat a god, but what if the gods are amused that a mortal dares to confront their omniscience despite knowing the chances of winning are 0%? They get amused and let the mortal win. That was the loophole! You never try to beat an unbeatable game; you try to beat the man who created that game!" said Xia Tian, his excitement palpable.

He felt akin to David, chosen by the god, as if the god was amused by his efforts and allowed him to win.

However the gods must pay for taking him as a weakling.

How dare they grant mercy to him? Or get amused by him? Is he their entertainer?

Now Xia Tian motive was to fuck these gods in thousand ways possible.

Without giving Xia Ying much time to comprehend it, as her mind struggled to process it all so quickly, it all boiled down to a mentality—a pursuit of true immortality. Because what would happen if you failed? Wouldn't you just die? In the end, isn't it the same fate? So why not try...

Xia Ying began to grasp the meaning of his words, when he suddenly pushed her down.


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