The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 273 Xia Tian

Chapter 273 Xia Tian: Most wanted criminal!?

Chapter 273 Xia Tian: Most wanted criminal!?

Lin Ruoxi's heart skipped a beat as the icy breath of the wind brushed against her face, draining color from her cheeks before she felt as if she were being forcefully propelled away from the window.


A screaming noise echoed - it was the second time she had fallen!

Since encountering Xia Tian, she seemed to only be falling!

First, she fell from the coffee shop,

And now from the top floor of the hospital building!

Why was her fate so fixated on falling?

Little did she know, all of this was happening because of one single mistake — She fell over his dick!

This was the biggest mistake a woman could ever commit.

Her fate was sealed long ago - now she is bound to fall forever!


In that very moment, the door swung open, and smoke grenades flew inside, releasing plumes of thick smoke that filled the entire room. Through the haze, a fierce voice reverberated, "NSA! Surrender immediately!"

Following the proclamation, a thunderous chorus of footsteps pounded against the floor, creating an adrenaline-inducing symphony as a squad of heavily armed forces stormed in, their weapons glinting ominously in the dimly lit space.

The earlier incident involving the child had sent shockwaves through the country, putting the forces on high alert, their nerves taut and senses heightened.

And now, with Xia Tian revealing his existence, it was inevitable for them to spring into action, their determination undeterred.

A tenacious, slightly white-bearded veteran took command, his eyes filled with unwavering determination, as dozens of laser sights zeroed in on Shi Yue and Xia Tian, the red dots dancing across their bodies like malevolent fireflies. josei

Perplexed, Shi Yue tilted her head, her eyes searching for answers amidst the chaos, while Xia Tian couldn't help but release a wicked grin, his excitement evident.

'Why the fuck is he naked?' This was the collective reaction of everyone present, their enhanced night vision goggles highlighting the bizarre sight before them.

Shi Yue, with her natural beauty, had already captivated their attention, but it was Xia Tian's incomprehensible state of undress that left them dumbfounded.

General Luo Zhang maintained a stern expression, but internally he was fraught with tension. Who wouldn't be in such a situation?

A fucking naked man, proudly displaying his erect member, grinned at them while being targeted by a barrage of laser beams!

What on earth was he?

Xia Tian held their gaze, his grin widening as he defiantly took a step back.

'DON'T MOVE!' General Luo Zhang's voice echoed, but Xia Tian disregarded the command, laughing audaciously as he took another deliberate step backwards, towards the edge of broken window.


In an instant, his body plummeted through the air, hurtling towards the ground with a remarkable speed. His back, rigid and determined, neared the earth rapidly, a breathtaking descent.


The air sliced through his body, evoking the image of a valiant hero, selflessly sacrificing his existence in the climactic final moments.

"Damn!" Luo Zhang darted towards the edge with lightning speed, his heart pounding with urgency. But what awaited him was beyond his wildest imagination!


Without warning, a cascade of milky white liquid materialized, drenching his face in an unexpected shower.



The squadron of men instantly encircled him, their expressions filled with concern, while Luo Zhang's stomach churned with a sudden bout of nausea. His complexion darkened as he forced his eyes open, glancing out the window, only to discover Xia Tian smirking mischievously at him.

No way, Xia Tian had been holding back his orgasm all along!


Unbeknownst to the general, he unwittingly fell right into Xia Tian's devious trap, left with his face shimmering from the holy cum!

The soldiers standing nearby swiftly realized the nature of the liquid splattered across the general's face. Their expressions twitched simultaneously, struggling to contain their amusement.

"Haha..." However, Shi Yue had a different reaction. She instinctively covered her face with her hand, succumbing to a fit of giggles provoked by Xia Tian's unexpected prank.

'Who is this man exactly?' she wondered, completely enthralled by the excitement he brought into her life.

Never before had she encountered someone as exhilarating as Xia Tian.

It seemed he always had a mischievous idea up his sleeve, ready to ruin someone's day in the most unexpected ways.

"Is it amusing?" Luo Zhang retrieved a cloth and wiped the smeared substance off his visage, his gaze fixed on Shi Yue with a hint of annoyance.

Shi Yue struggled to suppress her laughter, her apologetic tone belied by the chuckles escaping her lips. "I'm sorry, bu-but it's genuinely funny, hahaha..." Despite her best efforts, she couldn't help but succumb to mirth.

The soldiers couldn't help but respond with wry smiles, their attention captured by Shi Yue's enchanting voice, now weaving a melodic spell over their senses.

While Xia Tian treated these women like mere toys for his amusement!

But let us not forget, each of these women was a force to be reckoned with, the best in their respective leagues, capable of tugging at a man's heartstrings with their every move!

However, the cunning old fox merely pretended to be affected by their tear-stained faces.

He was truly built different!

Luo Zhang's face darkened even further, veins pulsating on his forehead as he bellowed, "Shut up, everyone!"


In an instant, the once bustling floor fell into a deep silence.

"You were with him, weren't you? Tell us everything about him!" he spat angrily at Shi Yue.

"Me? With him?" Shi Yue pointed to herself, her confusion apparent in her innocent expression.

Her innocent actions, though perplexing, had a mesmerizing effect on the young men around her, leaving them enchanted and awestruck.

However, Shi Yue's eyes flickered with a sudden realization, and in that instant, her entire being seemed to come alive. "Damn! If I'm late, he'll mercilessly beat me!" Clutching the corners of her dress, she felt the weight of the world pressing against her.

The room filled with silence as everyone watched, their eyes wide with astonishment, as Shi Yue made a split-second decision. With her heart pounding in her chest, she propelled herself out of the same window, abandoning all reason in a desperate panic.


"Bye-bye!" Her voice trailed eerily behind her as she plummeted from the top floor, the wind whipping through her hair.

How could she have forgotten? She was meant to follow Xia Tian, to be by his side!

The mere thought of becoming the next Lin Ruoxi shook her to her core.

She despised pain, loathed the very idea of it!

It hurts her!

As if no one else felt pain...?

Of course, they did.

But for Shi Yue, a product of her royal and spoiled upbringing, the fear of pain resided hauntingly deep within her soul.

"Wait, what!?" Luo Zhang's eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed Xia Tian and Shi Yue leaping from the top floor as if it were an everyday occurrence!

In an instant, chaos erupted as the rhythmic flapping of wings sent a gust of wind rippling through the surroundings. The air crackled with an electric energy, setting the scene for the unbelievable sights that followed.

Amidst the tumult, Lin Ruoxi clung weakly to Bai Xue's back. Her form had transformed once again into the majestic lightning Qilin, its appearance a mesmerizing fusion of grace and power.

Its body was a symphony of iridescent blues and silvers, shimmering in the sunlight like a living embodiment of a storm's intensity.

Arcs of lightning danced along its elegant antlers and down its spine, casting an otherworldly radiance upon the astonished onlookers. With every move, the Qilin left behind a trail of fleeting sparks that painted a vibrant tapestry in the air.

The Qilin glided through the air with an effortless grace, each movement punctuated by the soft crackling of contained lightning. Its eyes, a deep and penetrating emerald, surveyed the scene below with a mixture of regal wisdom and otherworldly awareness.

As if scripted by some fantastical tale, Xia Tian and Shi Yue now hovered above a dragon of similar magnitude. This majestic creature, a living embodiment of ancient legends, possessed ivory scales that caught the moonlight and scattered it like diamonds across its form.

Glimmering golden stripes traced intricate patterns along the dragon's body, their luster reminiscent of the finest silk. The dragon's head was a work of art, featuring elegant, curling horns that framed its noble visage. Its eyes radiated a brilliant azure light, a stark contrast to the sky around it.

"Wait, is that... a dragon!?" The soldiers, their initial resolve now replaced by a mixture of fear and awe, could hardly believe their eyes. Their legs trembled beneath them, a reaction to the overwhelming presence before them.

"Get in touch with the headquarters! Inform them to cease all forms of broadcast immediately!" Luo Zhang's shock was swiftly replaced by a surge of urgency.

His command echoed through the room, prompting the swift shutdown of all internet services to curb the potential spread of this astonishing news, and to prevent the ensuing chaos from spiraling out of control.


All the official news channels were now filled with Xia Tian's face, portraying him as the most wanted person in the country!

The old fox would definitely be elated to know he is ranked first as always.

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