The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 3 'Women' A Synonym For Trouble

Chapter 3 'Women' A Synonym For Trouble

[Alert, a lot of info dump in this chapter.]

"So nothing significant happened in all these one billion years ..."

"Yea, few things are still there but it is not worth your concern," Evelynn said as she stood there stroking her bum. It was evident she wasn't even allowed to use qi to heal herself.

"En" Xia Tian nodded at her, there is one abnormality he noticed in Xia Shuiyao but he will have to confirm it first.

Xia Tian then looked around himself, from his memories it is clear no one other than Evelynn has approached him till now. He asked with a casual tone as if already knowing the answer. "Where other four?"

Evelynn pouted her face and let out a disgruntled voice. "Those bitches are throwing their small tantrum since you disappeared without telling for so long. Shall I drag their asses to you?"

Xia Tian thought for a while and shook his head slightly. "If they are throwing a tantrum, let them do it." He clearly ignored Evelynn's gaze saying that she is also included in the list of bitches throwing tantrums. And if she gets disciplined for it? how can they escape?

Though she knew if she revolted anymore it wouldn't be any good for her. Therefore, she just quietly followed Xia Tian as he walked outside of his room, after confirming a few other things with her.

Xia family is one of the three ancient families who control all the mid-level realms of this world. Aside from them, there are other two ancient families as well namely the Long family and the Zhang family.

Long Wanhui is the wife of Xia Leng and the birth mother of Xia Tian, there is an alliance by marriage between Xia and Long's family.

Lower-level realms and mid-level realms are overseen by the Divine Emperor who is at the peak of the Divine overlord realm. He rules the whole divine realm, which is the largest realm among the high-level realms.

No immortal can wreak havoc or travel to low or mid-level realms without taking permission from the guardians of the divine realm else they would be exterminated.

As for traveling between the low-level realm and mid-level realms, they have a bilateral agreement that is regulated by the three ancient families of the mid-level realm. Mid-level realms get geniuses from low-level realms, and in return, the safety of low-level realms is guaranteed.

No high-level mortal cultivator can pass through the spatial tunnel which joins the mid-level realm with the low-level realm, without taking prior permission. The purpose has to be clearly defined and after completing it they must return instantly.

Similarly Divine realm also occasionally picks up young talents from the mid-level realm.

The cultivation in the mortal realm is as follows:

(A/N: Lower and mid realms cultivators are known as mortals and High-level realm cultivators are known as Immortals.)

1. True Qi Realm with a maximum life span of one hundred fifty years.

2. Condensation Realm with a maximum lifespan of two hundred fifty years.

3. Spirit Formation Realm with a maximum life span of five hundred years.

4. Earth Profound Realm with a maximum lifespan of one thousand years.

5. Sage Realm with a maximum lifespan of two thousand years.

6. Emperor Realm with a maximum lifespan of five thousand years.

7. Great Emperor Realm with a maximum lifespan of ten thousand years.

8. Overlord Realm with a maximum life span of a hundred thousand years.

Low-level realms have only enough spiritual energy to cultivate till the spirit formation realm. Each realm has ten stages and Xia tian is currently at the tenth stage which is the peak of the spirit formation realm. After that one has to move to the mid-level realm to cultivate further.

After the overlord realm, one has to destroy his physical body and cultivate an immortal body, ultimately becoming immortal. Immortals can live forever, the only way to kill them is to disintegrate their souls.

Immortal realm cultivation is divided as follows.

1. Divine Earth Immortal Realm

2. Divine Spirit Immortal Realm

3. Divine Tribulation Realm

4. Divine Monarch Realm

5. Divine Perceptor Realm

6. Divine Overlord Realm

Each realm has a further ten stages within it.

There is one last realm that is not known even by the immortals which is the Void realm.

Though immortals can live forever but they must also perish along with the universe. The universe has a finite lifespan, and once it is perished every life form along with it is destroyed. After that, a new universe will be formed along with new life forms, it is a continuous cycle.

The void realm has no further stages in it. Void realm cultivator powers have no bound. They can create their dimensions and a few basic life forms as well.

When the universe collapses, only the void realm cultivators are safe as they are the only beings able to live in the void.

There has never been any case of the Void realm cultivator truly dying, as one can only enter the void realm after the transcendence of the soul. They can live without their physical body in the void itself.

Void realm cultivators are even hidden from the eyes of Destiny itself.

It is said to void has no end but it has a center. No void realm cultivator can approach the center of the void.

Some say that is the place where God lives, while some say the void has no center.

No one knows the truth.


Xia Shuiyao's courtyard was only a tiny distance away from Xia Tian's courtyard. Being the only two children of the mistress of the Xia household they enjoyed unconditional luxury. Xia Leng has many other children as well, but it was from his concubines, one of which is Xia Ying which is from concubine Wang Wenshu.

Xia Shuiyao's front courtyard's layout was actually much simpler than Xia Tian, on the bare ground, there was only a stone table which was surrounded by 4 chairs, and to the side, there was a clean pond, within the pond, there was a slanted lotus, which was budding, and apart from that, there wasn't anything else.

And furthermore, it was too quiet here, as if there weren't anyone staying here.

Xia Tian narrowed his eyes for a moment, though his face has a warm smile on the outside.

He removed his hand from Evelynn's waist and approached the lightly closed room in the middle.

He gently pushed open the door.

"Get out!"

He had not yet entered when he heard a cold and emotionless voice from inside, it became quiet again afterward and there weren't any other sounds.

"Interesting! Cold beauty. Even her threads of fate are messed up. Looks like there is a favored son of destiny in this world. Only the persons connected with them have their destiny messed up, Haha." Xia Tian chuckled inwardly and slightly shifted his gaze to Evelynn.

Evelynn: "It's Xia Chen, he is the favored son of destiny and also your half-brother and blood-brother of Xia Ying. This Xia Shuiyao must be one of the future women of his, but since you were interested in her, I made sure they can't have any contact."

"... Should I kill him?" Evelynn asked. She asked to kill the favored son of destiny as if nothing. For void realm cultivators, it hardly matters at all.

She hasn't killed him till now as she is already aware of Xia Tian's habits.

And, as she thought Xia Tian instantly denied her, and said in a slightly annoyed voice, "No way. Are you trying to destroy my fun!?"

Xia Tian walked inside without hesitation as if he didn't even hear Xia Shuiyao's cold voice.

Evelynn just stood there and smiled.

Void Realm cultivators all have strange personalities. Xia Tian's personality is very simple, he loves trouble. Wherever trouble is there is Xia Tian.

And 'Women' is a synonym for the trouble itself.

Naturally, the son of destiny means a lot of women will be there, how can he let him die so easily?

He was already like this before they were born, though, he played with women's lot, but only if they came in his way, but that lump of flesh has influenced his personality a lot, by throwing a lot of women's this bed, she throws the best women available whenever she got the chance.

The person being referred is none other than Isabelle, she is one of the sisters of Evelynn.

Isabelle once also threw this world's divine emperor sister in his bed, but that is one of her biggest regrets.


It is simply because that slut is too clingy to Xia Tian.

Evelynn has a total of six sisters. All seven were biologically related, though they never knew their parents.

They never asked Xia Tian as they never cared about it or the care for him overwhelmed their curiosity.

Even if they ask, he would just not say anything, as he always told only that amount of information to them which is needed.

He won't tell anything unless he wants.

His normal reply to questions like that is: "Will it change anything?"

It is a dual-edged sword for any woman, it will just trap them in a dilemma because if they said 'Yes' it simply means they don't trust him enough.

It is said a man can never win an argument against a woman. But if there was any exception it was him. He is the natural nemesis of women.

Frankly, Evelynn never cared about her parents nor any of her sisters did.

All they did is look after themselves and nothing else.

Xia Tian was always strong, so he go on adventures randomly, like before a few million years of his disappearance, he randomly destroyed the heavenly demon king of this world. [A/N: Remember this for future reference.]

The rest of the time he would just accompany them and they will still take care of their roles diligently which were originally given to them.

Even if he was not serious about their roles, they still took them seriously when they were kids and now it is engraved in their personalities.

Their behaviors were nurtured that way, Xia Tian also warned them, when they were kids, that they will become as how they behave. But they still choose to follow their roles.

[A/N: It is the Nurture side of psychology that is the behavior can be nurtured. ]

The first time they opened their eyes when all of them were seven years old, the only thing they saw was Xia Tian's face in front of them. His face even after reincarnation is unchanged. Since then, Evelynn and her sisters have followed him unconditionally.

All of them were trained by him, and given a role.

Evelynn's role was to take care of him and look around at the women who contact Xia Tian, if any of them was suspicious, she can do as she deem fit.

Only women can understand women best.

This is also the reason, she was the first one to approach him after reincarnation. Nyx's role was to protect him while Isabelle took care of his sexual needs for him.

All of them had their roles.

But one thing they had learned all these years is, the roles were given just for fun, this person never needed anyone to take care of him, to begin with, and can do everything by himself.

He was in the void realm even before they were born, that is three worlds before. His only habit is playing with people's brains and destroying their beliefs.

As for women, he never cared, they have seen all the women's around him dying, since none was able to achieve void realm, not even a single emotion was shown in his eyes, he still kept smiling as if nothing happened.josei

They thought he was broken, and wanted to fix him but eventually, they realized that's how he was and he is.

You can never guess his thoughts by his facial expression.

The only thing he seems to care about even a bit is they themselves but even that is suspicious.

As they never remember doing anything for him, from their birth it is him helping them, so why would he care about them? It is one of their unanswered questions.

Though, even when the twin sisters died, he was indifferent which shook them heavily. From then they have become five from seven. No one among them can forget the day of their death, it was three worlds before when they were still in the immortal realm.

No one other than Nyx and him knows what happened that day.

The only thing he said was, "Learn to accept losses." Nothing changed in him, which shocked them to their core.

They thought he needed help...

Women's natural habit or you can any human being's natural habit, if they see any people different from them, they will think of them as broken and try to manipulate that person into a similar version of themselves.

Everyone tries to impose their own beliefs on others.

One feels most attracted towards the person who has similar habits and beliefs as them.

That is one of the most effective way of building rapport.

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