The Real Young Miss's Secret Identities Revealed

Chapter 758

Chapter 758

The first post was spontaneously posted by the students listening to the speech. Most of it was praise, especially for Wei Ziheng’s professionalism.

As for the content of the second post, it was completely opposite to the first.

It criticized Wei Ziheng for being disrespectful to Jing University and untrustworthy. There was even some mockery. It could be said to be a mess.

Jiang Li sat in the classroom with only a few people studying. She turned on the computer in the last row, and her hands were typing rapidly on the keyboard.

Su Tongtong looked at Jiang Li’s hand speed so fast that it left afterimages. She rubbed her eyes, feeling incredulous.

She was really all-rounded.

In comparison…

Ban Yue’s hand suddenly rested on Su Tongtong’s shoulder, drawing Su Tongtong’s attention to her.

“I…” Su Tongtong felt embarrassed as if her worries were exposed.

Ban Yue calmly said, “You’re very good. We have different good points.”

Su Tongtong stared at Ban Yue. She only knew that Ban Yue had a strange personality and was unwilling to be too close to the people around her. However, she never knew that Ban Yue was so considerate.

She opened her arms and hugged Ban Yue tightly. “Ban Yue, you’re really good.”

Ban Yue’s entire body stiffened. She instinctively wanted to push Su Tongtong away, but she realized that a few boys had walked in through the back door. One of them was staring at them with a displeased expression.



Ban Yue actually had a bad idea. She hugged Su Tongtong back. “We’re good friends.”

Jiang Li stopped moving her hands. When she moved her wrists, her expression darkened. “Strange, why do I feel a murderous aura?”

When she turned around cautiously, she grabbed the book on the side and prepared to use it as a weapon to defend herself. However, the people she saw were Xiao Shun and his friends.

Xiao Shun did not notice Jiang Li. Instead, he fixed his gaze on Ban Yue and Su Tongtong.

Ban Yue, in particular, was raising her eyebrows and looking at Xiao Shun provocatively.

Jiang Li did not expect to see such a scene. Her gaze turned to Su Tongtong from Xiao Shun and touched her chin thoughtfully.

She seemed to have discovered something incredible.

“Jiang Li, have you found anything?” Su Tongtong saw Jiang Li sitting sideways and thought that Jiang Li was looking at her and Ban Yue, so she quickly asked in a low voice.

Jiang Li looked at the computer screen and smiled contemptuously. “It’s settled.”

“Someone who doesn’t want to apologize or take responsibility will have to pay the price.”

Su Chang thought that Wei Ziheng was a gentleman and would not make a fuss, right?


Wei Ziheng was a responsible man, but it did not mean that he wouldn’t be petty.

They just did not have time to deal with the matter of Su Chang hurting Wei Ziheng, but it did not mean that they would not do anything in the future. However, she did not expect that Su Chang was so thick-skinned that he would attack Wei Ziheng on the school forum first.

Then, she could not blame Jiang Li.

Jiang Li gave up the idea of letting Wei Ziheng deal with it. She would expose the truth of the matter.

“Was it Su Chang who sent it?” Su Tongtong was shocked and a little sad.

She remembered Su Chang’s kindness to her in the past. They went to class together and shared snacks together. When did all of this change?

Did this start when Su Chang met Jiang Li?


It should have been even earlier.

The first time she mentioned Jiang Li, Su Chang’s dissatisfaction and mockery had already begun to show.

It was just that she was unwilling to admit it.

“Sorry, excuse me.” A few boys had already walked over and said politely to Su Tongtong and Ban Yue, who were blocking the middle of the aisle.

Su Tongtong hurriedly pulled Ban Yue to the side to dodge. When she noticed that the boy walking at the back was Xiao Shun, she wanted to greet him out of politeness, but she realized that Xiao Shun’s gaze had only swept across their faces and had no intention of opening his mouth.josei

Not only was she not disappointed, but she was also relieved.

It was really too tiring for her to have interacted with such a popular person like Xiao Shun.

Jiang Li pointed at the computer and said to them, “I’m going to keep an eye on it for a while. You guys can leave first.”

Ban Yue did not want to stay in the classroom. She wanted to borrow the school’s laboratory and even set her sights on Wei Ziheng.

“No, we’re good friends. I must stay with you.” Su Tongtong thought that Su Chang and Jiang Li would have conflicts, and it had something to do with her.

It was she who praised Jiang Li every day, which caused Su Chang to have bad intentions toward Jiang Li.

Jiang Li was about to speak when she suddenly heard the sound of a table colliding from the front row.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that among the few male students walking in front of Xiao Shun, there were two boys hugging each other.

The way they hugged each other was the way Su Tongtong and Ban Yue hugged each other.

One of the boys said with an exaggerated expression, “We’re good friends. I must… Ouch!”

Xiao Shun raised his hand and slapped each of their heads. “Be quiet.”

The two boys were not angry. Instead, they smiled and said, “Brother Xiao, please.”

Su Tongtong had already sat beside Jiang Li. She was so embarrassed that her face was red. She only wanted to hide.

Jiang Li did not sense their malice, nor did she take their jokes to heart. She turned her head and continued to look at the post.

Eh? One of them was deleted?

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