The Record Of Barton's Fantastical Events

Chapter 100 - Twilight

Chapter 100 - Twilight

Chapter 100: Chapter 1 Twilight

The evening sun reminded everyone that night was coming. If you wanted to do something without the presence of the sun, now was time to prepare. Just like the dinner plate in the hands of the housewife, the work clothes stuffed into the locker, the last bus, and the young man and woman sitting in the convertible heading toward more and more remote areas…

“What is this place?” The young woman’s voice seemed a little dissatisfied, and she left the man’s arms and looked around the deserted surroundings.

The young man turned off the engine and turned the woman’s face. Despite his partner’s doubts, he began to rub his well-shaved stubble against the woman’s face.

“Haha!” The woman punched the man on the chest and pushed him away, “Stop it! Neil!”

The man named Neil smiled and let go of his wife, Tiffany. The two got out of the car, chased after each other like every other young couple, and ran to the mottled courtyard.

“Passing, bus?” Tiffany looked at the sign hanging on the courtyard door, and squinted her eyes to read the words. She tucked her slightly scattered blonde hair, “I don’t remember Passing has a bus…”

Neil hugged Tiffany from behind, ignored her giggle, and walked into the abandoned bus terminal.

Dark red vintage buses were lined up in the courtyard. The paint left the imprint of time on it, with fine cracks all over it. This place seemed to have been cleaned up not long ago. The young couple, who couldn’t contain their passionate feelings for each other after the chase, stood between the buses, leaning on the side of a bus. However, their carefully matched clothes were not stained with dust.

“Stop! Stop it!” Tiffany pushed Neil away. Her slightly swollen lips pouted slightly. She seemed to realize what Neil wanted to do and complained, “Why are we here? We are not going to spend the night here, are we?”

En, we all know what she was referring to.

Neil’s chest undulated. Oh, it’s actually not fair to only mention the young man. The chests of this young couple both undulated, but the man was more obvious…

“Do you dare to stay here overnight?” There was a trace of provocation in the man’s eyes.

Tiffany saw through Neil’s trick at once, “Pause! time out!” She adjusted her slightly disheveled clothes, throwing away all her ardor, and she said seriously, “At least tell me where this is!”

Neil took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and buckled the belt that had been unbuckled earlier, “The former Passing bus terminal.” Neil waved his hand helplessly. “You said you were bored and wanted to explore, and wanted to find something a little exciting. I think this is a nice place.”

Tiffany frowned, and her eyes contained anger, “I didn’t mean to be in the wild!”

Neil’s eyes lit up, “We can go inside.”

Seeing Neil suggested seriously, Tiffany really wanted to kick him!

“I am sorry!” Neil’s reaction was quick. He pressed Tiffany’s shoulder: “I was just kidding!”

Tiffany glared at the man, who had a sincere look, in front of her. This thing was very silly. She couldn’t hold back, and chuckled, “Hehe! What I meant was that I was bored with everything on Liszt Street. I want to see new clothes, try new combinations, and go to new restaurants. Not, not doing that in this in a strange place…” Tiffany paused, glaring at a man who got the wrong idea.

Neil just realized it. Sure enough, the thinking directions of men and women were essentially different.

“Forget it. What is this place really? Is it abandoned? I never knew Barton had such a place.” Tiffany hugged her shoulders and began to walk around the bus, looking around curiously, occasionally touching the cracked bus cover.

Neil dismissed the idea of doing something. If he hadn’t read it by accident in the newspaper, he would not have known this bus terminal in Passing that had been abandoned for two to thirty years.

“The cult some time ago was discovered here.” Following Tiffany, he has already begun planning to leave Barton to go on a trip to satisfy each other’s desire for ‘adventure and excitement’.

“Is that the place where many dead bodies were found?” Tiffany apparently heard the news as well.

She frowned and held her shoulders tightly, and leaned against Neil’s arms.

“Mhm.” Neil hugged the frightening Tiffany and casually responded.

“Why did they do that?” There was a trace of incomprehension on Tiffany’s face. Of course, what was more, was fear. For her, this place was indeed an ‘exciting’ place.

Neil shrugged and said that it was a ‘cult’. How would a normal person understand it! But the chat now seemed to be a chance to divert the little embarrassment just now, so Neil began to make up stories, “Probably for opening the gate of hell.”

Tiffany in her arms leaned to Neil even closer, “Let’s leave this place.” She looked up at the sky. Although she knew Neil was making the story up, the sky had begun to darken. It would not be long before night fell completely. She didn’t want to enjoy the night scene here at all!

“Mhm.” Neil hugged Tiffany, and the two leaned together, turned around, and began to walk outside.


The sound made by the metal after being stressed sounded without any warning!

Both of them turned their heads alertly and looked at the old bus beside them.

“Swish, swish, swish…”

The sound of tight friction continued from the other side of the bus! Neil instinctively held Tiffany who was already shaking, even tighter.

Just as they were about to speed up their pace and walk out, the bus suddenly moved!

Amidst the creaking noise, the bus in front of them seemed to be hit by something, shaking suddenly! The worn-out tires were up and down, and the friction and collision sound of metal bearings made the eyes of the two wide open. Instinctively, both of them, step back to the other side.

“Ah!… Tiffany had already screamed. Because just as their retreat was blocked by the bus behind them, the bus behind them also made a creaking metal sound and began to shake!

Neil’s eyes were wide open, not knowing whether it was because of fear or surprise. He placed one hand on the shaking bus that was seemingly pushed by something, hugged Tiffany with the other arm, and ran out of the passage between the two buses!

“Bang!” “Creak!”

A loud collision noise suddenly appeared on the bus on the left. The sound of tires rubbing on the ground was sharp and ear-piercing! The dark red bus crashed into two people sideways, and Neil only had time to push Tiffany out of the passage. The dark red of the buses on both sides that were heading toward him rapidly quickly replaced all other colors in his eyes!


Two buses slammed together in front of Tiffany’s dangerous escape.

“Neil! !”

The cold wind squeezed out of the suddenly closed passage lifted Tiffany’s blonde hair!

The debris that collapsed in the impact was shot toward her cheek directly!

Maybe it was because Neil’s push that made her lose her balance, or it might be that Tiffany couldn’t stand up at all! Tiffany’s body fell backward!

“Neil! Neil!” Tiffany’s elbow hit the hard ground. She could barely prop up her body. Her bloodshot eyes were covered by tears, as she stared at the buses! Her voice was hoarse and sharp, and she screamed at the two buses closing in front! josei

“Tiffany! Tiffany!” The man’s voice suddenly came from the bottom of the bus, “I’m okay! Tiffany! “Are you alright?”

Tiffany’s heartbeat skipped a beat. She quickly turned around, laid on the ground, and looked at the dark bottom of the bus. Her man also laid on the ground, “I, I’m okay!” Tiffany’s voice trembled, “Neil, quick! Get out of there! Let, let’s leave here-”

The sound stopped abruptly.

The twilight ended. In the moment of loss of the sunlight, there seemed to be an inky figure passing in front of two busses closed together in the darkness.

When the real night with bright stars enveloped the city of Barton, the abandoned Passing bus terminal was silent as usual.

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