The Record Of Barton's Fantastical Events

Chapter 103 - Bus Terminal

Chapter 103 - Bus Terminal

Chapter 103: Chapter 4 Bus Terminal

Translator: Doggotranslation

In the early morning, Zach sat up next to Louise. The vampire frowned, and he really didn’t know what had happened to Louise recently. She had been acting cold to him and to anyone around her.

In order to find out what Louise was thinking, Zach deliberately put off the time of dealing with the request and tried to leave most of the free time during the day for Louise. Apart from this, he didn’t know what else he could do.

The idea of using the hypnotizing eyes flashed in Zach’s mind, but he shook his head, left the room, and walked towards Benjamin’s warehouse.

Because the incident occurred at the abandoned bus terminal in Passing, the two Grande brothers did not detour from Highway 27, but went west from the Grande Funeral Home; straight across the Passing River from the border of Barton and Newtown while facing the moon.

Benjamin parked the truck outside the bus terminal, and the two got off and looked at a car that was also parked here. This was James’ car. They looked at each other and smiled.

“When did it happen?” Benjamin squatted in a weed area, where the young Quests parked their convertible.

It wasn’t that Benjamin was so powerful that he could smell the scent left over a few days ago, but that the police had drawn a sign on the ground to restore the scene. Naturally, the car had been pulled away to collect evidence; and because they didn’t find the people here, and there were no corpses, so there was no yellow and white cordon.

“Wednesday,” Zach replied. There was some information in the newspaper, “After they left home, they never came back. After it was reported to the police, the police found that the car had been left behind here, and confirmed the disappearance. Because they didn’t find any clues, it seems like they want to give up the investigation.”

Benjamin frowned. Wednesday was the first day after the full moon. The police’s definition of ‘missing’ was 48 hours after the disappearance of a person without any news. Such a definition was based on a cruel reality. In 48 hours, everything that could be investigated had already been carried out. When all the clues were broken, it was generally impossible to find them.

Zach looked at the moon in the sky and sighed melodramatically: “Poor fellow, they just had a wedding on Monday.”

Benjamin ignored the vampire’s sigh and observed for a while. After nothing was found, the two went to the bus terminal courtyard.

Like the last time they came here, buses were lined up in the courtyard. The moonlight made the dark red paint that had already worn off look even more ancient. Zach had already seen the two buses that had been marked by the police. He walked over there.

“You can come out,” Zach said loudly to the back of the bus. There was the main control room, which was the main control room connected to the warehouse where the walking dead once gathered. James walked out of the darkness, with a sullen face.

“Why are you here,” James asked bluntly.

“You can take a guess.” Zach’s mouth curled up, and he stopped looking at James. He began to focus on observing the two buses that were next to each other, looking at the rearview mirrors that had been smashed into each other and bent.

James, who did not get an answer, looked gloomy. Benjamin patted him on the shoulder and walked to the side of the bus to examine the bus. All three of them temporarily fell silent.

Remember the philosophy of the vampire when confronting others? “The one who speaks first will lose!”

Sure enough, it was our Detective James Rance who ran out of patience first.

“Was it done by nonhumans!” James’s tone was quite harsh. It actually reflected his current state of mind. A week ago, this detective, whose worldview had begun to be confused, had already told Benjamin that they should not cross paths again.

“Huh? Zach leaned out in front of the bus, tilted his body, and looked at James, “I’m sorry. Are you asking a question? Cause your tone does not sound like it.”

“Don’t play dumb with me!” James seemed to be enraged, and roared in this peaceful night: “I’m asking you a question! Answer me now! Was it done by nonhumans!”

Zach walked out of the bus completely, made a contemplating look, and then said seriously to James, “It depends on what you will do. If the detective will stop investigating because it was done by nonhumans and our involvement, then I will say no. Because Barton needs police detectives who will work hard to investigate the case whatever the truth is.”

Zach smiled: “Of course, if Detective Rance...”

“Shut up!” James held his forehead with one hand and lifted another hand to stop Zach, the vampire from continuing to disturb his mind.

Zach raised his eyebrows. Benjamin behind James gave a thumbs up. The way the vampire ‘educated’ people was really unmatched by Alpha. Of course, the biggest reason was that werewolves had no education at all. All knowledge and all actions were ‘transmitted’ by Alpha.

When James’ agitated breathing calmed down, he opened his closed eyes and stared at the vampire fiercely: “This is not my case. I don’t care!”

This was the counterattack James thought of? Uh, if you don’t care, what are you doing here? And showing up at this time after the police missing person division gave up this place?

“Oh, then why are you asking?” Zach smiled, “Detective Rance, you can go home to sleep. I wish you a good dream.”


James slapped his palm on the bus, shaking off the fine dried dark red paint. “Don’t Play with me! It must be because of nonhumans that you are here!”

“Sorry.” Zach glanced at James: “We are here only because we accepted Quest’s request.”

The vampire seemed to have thought of something, and embarrassedly pressed his mouth: “I’m sorry. It sounds like Mr. Quest thinks that the police are unreliable and can only turn to Grande for help.” Zach looked at James with a sincere ‘apology’: “Trust me, I definitely didn’t mean it.” josei

James’ chest was bulging, and the vampire could see his exposed neck. The arterial blood flowed under the skin surged at this moment!

The vampire turned his eyes away and walked past James, because Benjamin behind him had already signaled him that he had found something.

James didn’t turn around, but the sound of him deliberately tried to suppress his rapid breathing could be heard. James clenched his fists finally and left the bus terminal.

Zach looked at the side of the bus. He didn’t find anything special after looking at it for a long time. “What did you find?”

Benjamin opened his hand and pressed forward. “This.”

“What?” Zach didn’t know what he was trying to say.

Benjamin sighed and punched the bus, revealing the hollow dent of a fist: “Do you see any other signs of impact on the bus?”

Zach was dazed for a moment, looking at the dent made by Benjamin and thinking how the two buses collided together; the front windows of the buses were smashed into each other, and the edges of the collision were full of cracks.

What could be confirmed now was that the two buses had been moved by someone, and the speed was very fast. Moreover, they had been moved horizontally; and if the buses had been removed horizontally, there was no other possibility other than being hit from the side. Of course, if they only talked about common sense.

Zach said while thinking, “What do you think?”

“Papa Midnight!” Benjamin tilted his head, “Perhaps I really hurt him, so he stayed at Barton for another day.”

Zach thought for a while. Benjamin’s thoughts were not wrong. The meaning of witchcraft was to break common sense; reappearance of the dead, mind control, soul transfer, telekinesis... Moreover, the time was indeed very close, and the place was also Papa Midnight’s former stronghold. So this was very possible.

“But why?” Zach frowned, “Didn’t you say that he has left Barton, you attacked him in Newton City.”

“Maybe he’s back?” Benjamin also showed a puzzled expression, “Who knows.”

“How about we ask Spell Gale to have a look?” Zach proposed.

Benjamin seemed to have heard something funny and laughed twice. During the time when the Gale couple were living in the Grande Funeral Home, the number of times that the two talked to Zach could be counted with both hands. The only friend of the two Inans was the werewolf, and the werewolf didn’t want to abuse this relationship.

Zach curled his lips. He knew what the werewolf was thinking. The spice that Spell gave to the werewolf would eventually be used up one day, and the werewolf must keep the ‘friendly’ relationship. What a practical idea.

The two checked around the buses for a while and no longer found anything useful.

Zach squatted down and looked at the bottom of the bus. It would be weird if the purpose of colliding two busses was not to clamp something. The light green eyes turned red, and everything under the buses’ chassis was clearly reflected in Zach’s eyes.

Benjamin also joined, “Did you find anything?”

“No.” Zach sighed, got up, “Let’s check the warehouse.”

The two walked to the warehouse. James had come out from here before. Obviously, he had checked, so they didn’t expect much. And it turned out to be what they had expected. The half-disassembled bus was still there, and there was still a trace of carrion in the air. Compared to the buses outside, which had obviously been moved, there seemed to be no change here.

Both of them were a little disappointed and left the warehouse. They then checked around the buses again before giving up.

Zach, who was returning to the truck, smiled bitterly, and took out a piece of paper from his pocket. It was the list given by James.

“It seems like we need to eliminate one by one.”

Benjamin started the truck indifferently. Amid the rumbling noise, a filthy black gas spurted from the old exhaust pipe, and the burning smell of gasoline rose. It was just that at this moment, it seemed to have reached the darkest hour before dawn; the black air blended into the darkness perfectly. Benjamin turned the truck and drove away.

Unfortunately, before driving far, a black car stopped in the middle of the road. Benjamin reluctantly stepped on the brake, but he did not turn off. He watched James come toward them angrily and stared at the two people. Benjamin believed that Zach would not take too long to defeat James.

“You found something.”

It was still a question without a questioning tone.

Zach just squinted his eyes to continue to provoke the general’s son, but the light green in his eyes instantly turned red.

“What are you doing!” James reacted quickly, and quickly lowered his head, not looking at the vampire’s eyes.

Zach ignored James, who was standing outside the truck, pushed open the truck’s door, directly knocked over James, who had lowered his head, “I don’t have time to talk with you.” Zach walked directly to the bus terminal.

Because the vampire had felt two faint scents. Two humans had appeared in the bus terminal out of thin air.

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