The Record Of Barton's Fantastical Events

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Chapter 31 Outlander

Translator: Doggotranslation

‘Please fill your pocket with one Dor notes, because every night is a gentleman’s night.’

——[BOOSBOOS Bar] notice.

Zach and Benjamin pushed open the door, and now it was still some time away from ‘Gentleman’s Night’, so apart from the empty steel poles on the round table, BOOSBOOS Bar was no different from a normal bar.

Zach has already seen James, who was sitting in the corner, and Benjamin went straight to the back of the bar and borrowed the phone. Because they didn’t know how long James would talk to them, they needed to inform Alice of Mrs. Quinn’s request first so that she could prepare in advance.

“Isn’t it a little early to come here?” Zach chuckled and sat next to James.

James glanced at Zach and threw over a magazine: “I’m not in the mood to joke with you!”

Zach picked up the magazine, and on the flipped side it read, ‘A communication with the underworld! — The ins and outs of Barton Telecom’s cable issue!’ Zach scanned it. The mysterious busy tone, the internal employees went missing strangely, the howling in the day, the memory loss of the employees who were stuffed into the trash can... josei

The author of the article used rich imagination to sketch a story of a person who could talk to the underworld through the phone. Of course, the final outcome that after being discovered by the innocent colleague, the messenger of the underworld took away the person... There was also a sentence at the end, ‘Adapted from the real event.’

“Wow. What a fascinating story.” Zach closed the magazine and looked at the rough cover: “‘Urban Legends – Barton Weekly’? I should subscribe. It is a good choice to pass the time.”

James frowned, “This is not a play! You and Benjamin should be more careful! ”

“Oh! Are you worried about us? I am very touched. ”

“Please be serious.” James said coldly: “It’s only been a few days, and someone has already discovered the signs of Benjamin’s action.”

James referred to the person who woke up in the trash can in the telecom building, as well as the howling that Benjamin made while killing the shapeshifter, which also appeared on the entertainment edition of the Barton Daily the next day. Regarding this, Benjamin’s explanation was that the shapeshifter was talking on the phone at the time. This was the simplest method of deterrence, so that those restless nonhumans realized that Barton city already had an owner.

“Okay, I will remind him. Next time, he’ll be quiet, and then leave it alive.” Zach said unconcernedly.

“You know that that is not what I meant!” James was a little angry!

“Of course I know.” Zach nodded seriously, James was really a guy that was very difficult to please with, “How is Coulson? And that friend of David, Fitz?”

“Still investigating David’s case.” James replied somewhat unpleasantly, because if he had time to come out alone, it would obviously mean that Detective Coulson did not want to cooperate with this ‘unreliable’ partner! “But the case is now officially filed and it is a ‘missing person case’. Fitz has also resumed work today, but was asked to keep David’s situation completely confidential.” James shook his head helplessly.

The real David’s death case completely lost its clues after Benjamin took the action, and it entered the same dead end as the previous prostitutes’ disappearance cases. But there has been no special news in the newspapers these days. Obviously, the real case has been completely covered up by Cologne with the consideration of ‘not wanting to cause panic’. Coulson’s secret investigation may soon be abandoned.

This was the best result for a wolf and a ghost in the Grande Funeral Home. “So, why are we here, did you find anything?”

“Yes.” James began to pull files from behind: “I got the list of people that came in and out of Barton city through normal channels recently, and after comparing with the list of people that normally came in and out of the city during this time, I found that many ‘people’ that came to Barton city for the first time.”

“Then I got the list of those who have left Barton City in the past few days.” James sneered: “Most people who came to Barton for the first time have left.”

This meant that Benjamin’s approach worked, and it was good news.

“But some people are still staying here.” James handed Zach a list.

Zach took over: “Give me a pen.”

James passed a pen, watched Zach take it, and began to scratch the list.

“Solved, solved, solved...”

Soon, most of the names were crossed out! Obviously, in these three days, a wolf and a ghost were not idle!

The actions of the nonhumans have a strong regularity. Just like the test conducted by the shapeshifter who first came to Barton City, once they mastered the rules, it would not be difficult to find these guys, not to mention that some newcomers thought that Barton city was their paradise, so they were extremely careless.

James watched Zach cross out one name after another, he was not in a happy mood! It could be said that it was terrible!

This was not the disappointment after the hard work was proved to be worthless, but...

We actually already know that James is a guy with a strong sense of justice, and he has a special kind of attachment to the police profession! At least Louise’s good impression of him disappeared this way.

So when he saw Zach crossed out a name and said ‘solved’ in his mouth, he could easily think of what this represented. As a detective of the Barton Police homicide team, he did not receive any news! This made him realize how dangerous this guy was!

They could silently wipe out the ‘people’ that once appeared in the city of Barton, then remove the quotation marks on both sides of the people, he believed it would not be difficult for them either!

James now felt a strong sense of crisis.

Finally, there were only a few names left on the list. Zach put down the pen: “Okay, now, which name are we here for?”

James gloomy pointed to one of them – Madison Cook.

“He came to Barton three days ago and worked as a temporary worker here, from six to two in the morning.”

Zach looked at the time on his wrist. It was six o’clock, and he then looked at the bartenders who were chatting behind the bar in the distance: “Which one of them?”

James shook his head and signaled Zach to look on the other side. Behind the Bar, Benjamin was walking towards them after finishing the phone call, “That one.”

Behind Benjamin’s big body, a man in a hat held a basket of clean dishes and glasses, and waited for Benjamin to walk past before continuing to walk behind the bar.

The man named Madison placed a large basket of dishes on the ground, squatted halfway down, and placed the utensils in the basket into the cabinet behind the bar. Several bartenders were talking about something in whispers, and from some of their joking expressions, they could see that they were talking about Madison working on the side.

Madison’s movements were quick, he set up the utensils, carried the empty basket, and prepared to go back. It seemed like everything needed to be cleaned up before seven o’clock, when the ‘Gentleman’s Night’ started.

“Madison, hey! Madison! I’m calling you! MA! Dee! SON!”

Madison turned his head in surprise, looking at the people who called him. Please forgive Maddison, he just got this name for less than a week, and he was not quite used to being called that way.

“Sorry, I was just distracted.” Madison explained to these guys who were obviously bullying the new man, “can I help you with anything?”

“Haha! Madison! You are so funny! “A guy leaned against the bar, pulled out three clean glasses, and poured beer into each glass fully: “Go and deliver beer to the customers on the table over there, and tell them that it’s your treat!”

Madison froze for a moment and looked back at the three people sitting in the corner. One of the guys had just made a phone call in the back: “But I don’t know them, and I didn’t want to buy them drinks.”

Several guys looked at each other and laughed: “Madison, we, the Barton people are all very friendly and hospitable! You should adapt it quickly! We often buy strangers drinks! Now, don’t talk nonsense! Go quickly! ”

The beer glasses were pushed in front of Madison, but the tray on the bar was taken away by several other people. It was very clear that they were bullying him.

Madison looked at the three glasses that were almost overflowing and hesitated. If it spilled, the person who needed to clean up would still be him, after all, he was a temporary worker. Madison looked at the three customers in the corner again, and the three men with completely different styles seemed to have noticed him, looking at Madison with ‘curiousness’.

Madison had no expression, silently put the beer on the palm, held it carefully, and protected it with the other hand. He didn’t think that if he sent them over twice, they would be satisfied.

“Wait!” A guy grabbed Madison’s arm, the beer swayed, splashed out of the glass, and soaked Madison’s sleeve and the front clothes.

The guy who grabbed him stared at him and said, “You have to pay first! Twelve Dor plus eight Dor tips! A total of twenty Dor! ”

“Tip?” Madison stared at this nasty guy in surprise: “I bought them drinks, and I still have to pay tips?”

“Are you joking? Of course you need to pay it! Do you think beer will run into the glasses by itself?!” He also stared at Madison in surprise. The people around covered their mouths and seemed to be laughing.

“I have no money.” Madison replied.

“Don’t bullshit me! I saw the boss pay you in cash yesterday! You don’t even have to pay taxes! You outlander is stealing money from our Barton citizens!” His face changed: “Stop messing around! Hurry and give me the money! Otherwise, you can get out and find a new job now! ”


Madison placed the beer glasses heavily on the table! The splashed liquor spilled on the bar, and the clothes of those people.

“I quit!”

Madison pulled off the staff badge attached to his chest, the hat on his head, threw it on the bar, and turned to walk behind the bar. A moment later, he reappeared, with a brown hat, an old coat, and a small handbag, he pushed open the door of the bar and disappeared. Leaving a few dumbfounded bartenders, and an angry boss rushing out from behind the bar!

“I think we will need to say goodbye to today’s ‘Gentleman’s Night.'” Zach stood up and seemed to be leaving. His voice was not too big, but just enough for the bar owner to hear it. So the boss was even more angry, and then the ‘poor’ bartenders lost half their month’s wages...

“You guys can deal with him.” James said to Zach and Benjamin after pushing the bar door open: “There are still a few names that I need to investigate.”

The three nodded to each other and parted in two directions.

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