The Record Of Barton's Fantastical Events

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Early Morning

Translator: Doggotranslation

The early morning sunlight penetrated through the woods, gradually dissipating the chill that had been accumulated for the whole night. It seemed like today was going to be a sunny day. But our vampire was leaning against a tree, standing in the shade of trees. Coat, hat, sunglasses, and gloves, he was fully prepared. There was a burlap sack at his feet, and the collar of a jacket could be seen in the mouth of the sack. Zach came to give Benjamin clothes.

Benjamin was a guy with a split wolf personality, which meant that under his strong, and reliable appearance, his wolf body was extremely destructive. So no matter how secretly Benjamin hid his clothes before he was transformed, they would always be found by his wolf body and then torn to pieces.

Once, I myself, a ‘normally weak’ human, saw this guy growling at the mirror the day before the full moon, “no matter what you do, I will come back!” Then he used human fists to shatter a mirror that reflected a dark brown, wolf-shaped creature.

Can’t imagine how vampire Zach and the werewolf became friends. Normally, I myself also like big warm fluffy things, but after realizing the destructive power of Mr. Benjamin’s split personality, I can’t help but change my preferences to cold, hairless, (Wait, Zach has hair and eyebrows. But in terms of other places...) living dead people – Mr. Zach.

As it turned out, I made a good choice. Mr. Zach, as Miss Louise said, was a gentleman. In order to allow werewolf Benjamin to complete the once-a-month unavoidable transformation with stable emotions, he began a two-day diet plan once a month. For werewolves, the senses before the transformation would become extremely sensitive, so the rotten smell of vampires would become the psychological pressure of werewolves, the pressure of trying to bite them...

When the footsteps appeared, Zach was smoking against the tree.

Then a sound came from a distance accompanied by footsteps, “I can smell your scent, you are ‘glowing’.”

Zach turned his around and lifted the sack next to his feet, but did not step forward. He really didn’t want to step out of the shade, the sunlight would make him feel sleepy. josei

“I met an interesting woman last night,” Zach explained. That ‘glowing’ actually didn’t mean literally glowing, but an indirect way that the werewolf used to tell his vampire friend that your smell was very bad!

As Benjamin was getting closer and closer, he started to hold his nose with one hand. Such a sensitive sense of smell would continue for one morning, but even if he couldn’t help biting Zach now, Zach wouldn’t die.

Please allow me to explain it. In the three days before the full moon, the werewolves’ strength, speed, and senses would gradually increase, surpassing vampires, and after transforming into their wolf bodies, the werewolves’ claws and teeth were things that were very deadly for vampires. During this period, Benjamin, as the head wolf in his former wolf pack, could freely transform into his wolf body, and he could keep staying in his wolf body in these three days as long as he wanted.

But for the sake of everyone’s safety, Benjamin suppressed his desires and delayed the transformation to the moment he was not able to suppress it anymore at the night of the full moon. Of course, Zach’s diet was also for his own safety. He did not think that his attraction to Benjamin’s wolfish instinct was any less than the blood’s attraction to him. In terms of why there were only two days of dieting, because if Zach had three days of dieting, Benjamin, who had completed the transformation, would not be a threat, but he who was hungry would.

“That’s great, I need your blood.” Benjamin’s naked and hairy body was covered with mud, deadwood, and rotten leaves. It seemed that yesterday’s rain added a little burden to this werewolf’s clean up work later on.

Actually, the focus at the moment should not be on Benjamin, but on his shoulders. He carried a man, a man with torn clothes and without unconsciousness.

Benjamin put down the man on his shoulder, took over the towel that Zach took out from the sack, and began to wipe his body.

“Who is he?” Zach squatted down, took off his sunglasses, and stared at the man lying on the ground. The man’s eyes were closed, his clothes were torn apart, revealing many bloody scars on his exposed skin. Zach lowered his head close to the man and took a deep breath, “He is dying.”

The originally white-coarse towel was now covered with mud. Benjamin rubbed the towel into a ball and set it aside. He pulled out a pair of shorts from the sack and put on, “I know, that’s why I need your blood.”

Zach looked at the man in front of him. He had just replenished some blood, but he was asking him to give it out? This was not his style, “Who is he?” The vampire asked again as his gloved fingers lifted the man’s torn clothes and moved it aside. Looking at the wounds, at first glance, he thought it was the werewolf’s fantastic work, and there would be one more werewolf in [Grande Funeral Home] in the future. But now it seemed like these wounds were not new wounds. They were, at least, five or six days old.

Benjamin was fast, and he was already tying his shoes. “I don’t know. When I discovered him, he was already lying next to me. I have vague memories. He had been spying on me last night, but my wolf body didn’t seem to be interested in him.”

Zach raised his eyebrows. Werewolves and vampires had strict criteria for choosing ‘descendants’. Normally, Zach would not turn this kind man into a vampire, even if this man was dying. The only reason Benjamin would bring him back was that this fluffy man was overflowing with sympathy again.

After Zach opened the man’s torn coat, he noticed something interesting. The man was wearing a formal dress. In his inner pocket, Zach saw a logo- ‘Korcyl, it was a trademark.

“Huh?” The vampire stood up, walked toward the man’s head, turned the man’s head sideway slightly, and checked the man’s collar. Sure enough, it was still a ‘Korcyl’ logo.

Benjamin had finished dressing up. A pair of brown leather thick boots, a pair of camouflage (or dirty?) trousers, the cuffs of the trousers were tucked into the boots, a burlap long-sleeved shirt on the upper body, and a thick jacket. On the beard that covered half of the face, there was still some dirt. He completely looked like a big, strong, and muscular laborer. To be honest, it was actually quite suitable for him.

“What did you find?” Seeing Zach was trying to remove the man’s trousers, Benjamin was speechless, but he still asked.

Zach looked up, he had already turned the man’s body sideways. Pointing to the sign inside the man’s clothes, “did you see this? This is the custom clothing made by the most famous designer ‘Korcyl’ in the west of the Federation.”

Benjamin looked at the man carefully again. Although the guy was barefoot now, if his shoes were still there, it would probably also be a customized product of Korcyl. However, the werewolf didn’t know anything about this. You can tell by simply looking at his dress.

Similarly, even if Zuch, our vampire protagonist, came to such messy woods, he still dressed up formally. From this, we can tell that the vampire knows this very well.

“Then here is a question.” Zach asked with a smile, “how could such a person, who could afford an outfit that cost twenty thousand Dor, end up like this?”

“I think we can ask the person directly.” Benjamin shrugged.

Zach was no longer stingy about giving his blood away. Taking off his left-hand gloves, he rolled up his sleeves and then bit his wrist. Two sharp teeth on his upper jaw instantly pierced through the skin on his wrist. Zach lifted the man’s head with his right hand, and the bloody wound on his left wrist was then pressed against the man’s lips.

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