The Reincarnated Cop Who Strikes With Wealth

Chapter 18.2

Chapter 18.2

The Connection Between Us (2)

“You go meet with Dal-Gon and give it your best shot.”

“Don’t worry, just trust me.”

“I’ll accompany the forensic unit with the body. I’ll return after we find out its identity.”

“Yes, Sir!”

“Well then. Let’s give it all we’ve got!”

Team Leader picked up the hammer and headed over to where they were loading the corpse.

It looked like Black and Mong-Doo were thinking of heading out after they handled the cleanup of the site.

I ducked past the police line and called Chief Kim.

“Hello, you there?”

-Yes. Greetings, young master.

“I need you to do something. Please prepare a spot at Gogwang’s Seoul Hospital.”

Gogwang’s Seoul Hospital was the place where I had first opened my eyes as Go Ji-Hun.

So it was a hospital managed by the Gogwang Medical Foundation.

-A spot? What kind of spot?

“A spot for a patient who is being treated for cancer. Make sure it’s in a nice ward. Okay?”

-As you wish, but who is this for?

“A friend’s mother. If I recall correctly, at this time she should still be in the early stages.”

-What do you mean by ‘at this time’ and ‘still be’? In any case, I understand your orders. I will get started on the admissions procedures.

“Thanks a lot.”

-Besides that, are you eating well? Would you like me to send you some side-dishes?

He’s just like a mother whose child has moved out.

By the arrangement of the Suan Police Station, I had received a small apartment near the station.

Thankfully, I no longer had to see the bitchy faces of that lady and my two brothers.

“It’s fine. I’m eating well so there’s no need to worry.”

-The President’s birthday is coming soon. Make sure to visit the main house when the time comes.

“Okay, okay. I know already. After you take care of things, please send me a confirmation message.”

I hung up the phone and headed to the Suan Jail.

Hospital fees. The chains that were literally holding Dal-Gon down.

In order to break Song Dae-Ak’s ill-fated relationship with Dal-Gon, I first had to get rid of the cards he was holding.

Dal-Gon wouldn’t be shaken no matter how strong the wind. Since that’s the case I would find some other way to shake him.

Suan Jail’s Visitation Room.

The room had been converted from a multi-purpose room with the installation of several large desks.

Apart from the guards who were sitting in the corners of the room, I saw the back of a man who was dressed in a yellowish-green prison uniform.

I dropped the moon cakes and milk on top of the desk.

A full black plastic bag’s worth of them.

I’d cleaned out everything that the convenience store had on their shelves.

“So here’s where you were.”

Dal-Gon looked up at me without surprise.

He didn’t have a personal defendant, and there were very few people who would be willing to visit him after he had been arrested.

So it looked like he had been expecting me.josei


I pushed the cakes and the milk over to him.

A few cracks formed in his stoic expression.

If it was for mooncakes, this guy would even trade the meat in his meals for them.

On the inside, he must be resisting the impulse to jump straight to eating.

“Eat them while you’ve got them. Since you won’t be able to eat another one for a while.”

“How the hell do you know about something like this as well?”

“Just cause. I could simply tell that you would like them from the way you look.”

At my frivolous excuse, he clamped his lips shut.

However he soon began to grab the cakes and start chowing down.

It might have been because he had been going in and out of juvie ever since he was young, but Dal-Gon seemed used to this sort of situation.

Once he was nearly finished gobbling up all the cakes, I took out my pen and notebook.

After all, you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do.

“You can keep eating, just listen.”

Dal-Gon narrowed his eyes as drew up his guard.

“I know everything. Like I said before, Song Dae-Ak must have promised you that he was going to pay for your mother’s medical bills. Just so as long as you took the blame for everything happening behind the doors of the Gogo Nightclub.”

“I really can’t figure it out. The only people who should know about that is me and my Hyong-nim.”

“For now, just keep listening.”


“A body has been discovered. The murderer is Song Dae-Ak. No matter what happens with you, that guy is going down, and with him gone the gang is going to fall apart.”

It’s not a ‘prediction’, it’s a ‘certainty’.

In the end, even if it wasn’t our team that did it, the fact was that Song Dae-Ak was going to get caught.

And since the future was heading in that direction.

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