The Reincarnated Vampire Just Wants to Enjoy Her New Life

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: Twin Vampires

On my chest was my twins.

From any angle, they were entirely identical, as if there was a mirror on my chest or something.

I was pretty concerned regarding what had happened to Alicia while I was pregnant, so I quickly used [scan] on both of them.

The one on the right, my first born, was confirmed to have not only a filled core file, but quite an active one.

The one on the left, my latter born, her core file was almost empty. But even then, what was there was quite active.

Fortunately it didn't seem to be something like Alicia splitting into two due to some sort of strange error. Neither of them had names either. Not even the one with a filled core file.

But it was pretty obvious that the first one was Alicia.

The question was, what about the younger twin?

She was still my daughter, and that alone made her precious.

But I hadn't even thought of a name for her. Alicia was always the one on my mind, so I never even considered thinking of a new name.

Though, considering that we were effectively trying to cheat the entire reincarnation system, it felt like it was a trick of fate that I ended up with a proper new born baby, despite doing a pseudo-reincarnation with Alicia.

(Fate huh?)

I didn't like that. The idea that my life was being dictated by some external force. That my free will was being denied.

Fate was something I didn't believe in the first place, though I didn't believe in souls or gods or anything either before I was reincarnated. The thought that fate might have been real made a shiver run up my spine.

(But instead, flipping it the other way...)

Rather than being guided by fate, forging one's own fate was something that sounded much nicer.

"Alicia and Fate."

Almost as if they understood what I had said, my little twins looked up at me. I didn't know just how well Alicia was doing on the inside so quickly after birth, but it was surprising to see Fate respond like that.

The sight of their curious eyes though...

My cheeks rose up and I hugged the both of them.

Once the midwives cleaned me up and made sure I was as comfortable as could be on the bed, everyone left after getting a good look at the twins.

Orphne lay in her little nest and went to sleep after such a long night. She already had exhausted herself from the tension all day and night as well as excitement once my babies were born. The only one left in the room awake with me and the girls was Claret.

"Amazing. This is now new life is made?"

I nodded.

Though, to be honest, I couldn't quite believe it myself despite being the one who had just done it.

To have created life itself.

It was supposed to be such a natural thing. Something that was normal, that most women went through at least once. That most females of every race went through at least once.

But even still, it felt so unreal.

"Alicia, Fate. Fate, Alicia. Alicia, Fate. Ufufu."

I chuckled as I repeated their names like it was some sort of magical chant.

No, it was magical.

Beyond any spell I could cast, their births were so incredibly magical.

Despite feeling nothing but pain even now in my lower body, I was filled exclusively with euphoria.

Nothing else mattered.

Just my babies, Alicia and Fate.

The two of them stared at each other. They've both finished eating, and now they had found something more important.

(I wonder what they're thinking?)

If they were any other race, they would probably have fallen asleep already, but they were vampires. Their red eyes, just like mine, was proof of that. Though I couldn't feel any teeth when they fed, it was only a matter of time before their fangs grew in.

On their heads were short strands of silver hair like my own, and their skin was equally as pale as well.

As for the rest of their features...they were babyish?

Frankly, I had trouble describing them in any other way, and aside from their colours, they looked just like the baby of that woman I helped out after erasing that bastard over a year ago.

Of course, I was confident that I could always pick my cute girls out form any other babies, even if they had the same colouration. And that was without cheating by using [scan].

That said, I did confirm that after naming them, Alicia and Fate's names were updated in their information.

But at the same time, I found something strange. They were both level fifteen.

Before, Alicia was only level one when I had found her, and I presumed that all babies started off at level one. But for my babies to be born at level fifteen, it made me wonder why that had happened.

When I first started my new life, I also started at level one, so it stood to reason that Alicia and Fate should have as well.

If there was a difference, it must have been the fact that I continued to fight and gain levels while they were in my belly. And as proof, they even had stills beyond the basic vampire racials.

[Dragon breath], elemental magic, and many others. They all corresponded with the monsters which I had drank the blood of while pregnant.

I had to say, it was a pleasant surprise.

(Maybe they'll continue to gain levels and skills while I breastfed them?)

It would be nice. Making them strong as early as possible was always a good thing. They were already vampires, so it was a given that people would look at them differently than other babies. The added levels and skills would only be a bonus.

But for now, none of that mattered.

Instead, I waved my index finger of both hands in front of both Alicia and Fate.

They turned their attention from each other to my finger, and crudely waved an arm at it. I allowed them to catch my finger and they both grabbed it at the same time.

I wanted to squeal as my cheeks rose so high that I worried that my face would get stuck like that. With my fingers caught by the both of them, I moved my hands making both of them wave their arms in sync.

Despite being more exhausted than I had ever been, somehow I was more energized than ever, and couldn't stop playing with Alicia and Fate until they both yawned and rested on my chest.

They didn't fall asleep since they weren't capable of doing so as vampires. But it was clear that this day had already drained the both of them.

I was a bit worried though. With the two of them using my chest as pillows, wouldn't he awkward angle their necks were in be bad for them?

After getting so used to the size of my chest, I couldn't help but think again that they were just too big. Even though I should have no trouble feeding Alicia and Fate, if their size meant that they would get strain themselves or even get hurt...maybe I should cut them down to size?

(No, it wouldn't work. They'd just grow back the next time I ate.)

I had no good permanent solution there. It was probably better to just find a way to let them eat without straining their necks when doing so.

Stroking Alicia and Fate's heads again, I gave up on that line of thought. Trial and error was the only way to go. Hopefully they'll just be able to resist any form of neck strain with their level.

At the very least, it wasn't like they would sleep in that position in the first place. None of us were capable of that anyways.

"Aaa. Aaa!"

"Hmm? What is it Alicia?"

Alicia raised an arm and clumsily waved it around as if she wanted to grasp my nose, but after a few attempts, she pulled her arm back and started to suck on her knuckle as if she had lost interest.

(Her core is properly active, but her actions aren't really anything beyond what you'd expect from a baby.)

While I couldn't confirm if there was any damage to her soul or memory at this point in time, I couldn't help but be excited at every little thing Alicia did. Whether what she did was limited by her body's current dexterity and strength, or the complexity of her new brain, I couldn't confirm this early. But most likely both were factors why she was unable to coherently communicate.


Alicia started to squirm after a little bit. I watched on in case she was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't get anything intelligible from it.


But soon, Fate started to squirm as well.

"W, what is it you two? What do you want?"

I had no idea what this meant. It was one thing if Alicia was squirming on her own. It could mean a lot of things, depending on how well she was able to move and think with her new body. But if Fate was also squirming, it had to mean it was a baby thing. But what baby thing, I wasn't sure.

Careful with my grip, I was careful to make sure they didn't accidentally roll off of my chest as anxiety slowly grew inside of me.

"If only you could tell me what you two wanted."

I kinda wanted to cry. I had a skill for this world's language, yet I couldn't figure out what my own babies were trying to tell me.

" stuff..."

My mind went through all the things a baby needed. Feeding, diaper, comfort.

I couldn't think of anything else, so I tried checking each one off.

(Diapers are impossible, since vampires don't poop. So feeding? But they just ate. It hasn't been long, maybe two hours or something? Then is it comfort? As expected, are my boobs too big for them to rest on properly?)

The thought made me bit my lip. If that was the problem, then I really wanted to just tear the damn globs of fat off of my chest. But they were necessary for Alicia and Fate to eat. While I didn't have problems drinking blood immediately after being born here, their bodies were created vastly different from my own.

There was little to doubt that as long as I was capable of breastfeeding, it was better for them than raw blood until they grew older.

I tried lifting them further up my chest. Maybe if they used my boobs like a mattress than pillows, they'd be more comfortable? There was the alternative of lowering them to my belly, but it would be harder to watch over them if they were obscured by these damn oversized oil deposits.

And due to being so oversized, they did turn out to make decent waterbeds for my newborn twins.

But no matter how I tried to position them, they didn't seem to feel at ease, as they continued to squirm more and more.

"Ah, geez, what am I doing wrong?!"

I was edging to tears in frustration. I wanted to give my babies what they wanted, but nothing I did was working out.

My gaze moved to Claret in the corner of the room, but one glance told me that she was at least as clueless as I was.

Unsure what to do, I let my little girls do what they want. Maybe Alicia can figure out a position which was comfortable and I could adjust Fate once she found one.

But against my expectations, as they slowly moved around on my chest, shifting their bodies with their elbows and knees, eventually Fate latched on to my nipple and stopped squirming.

(Wait, does this mean...?)

With that clue, I adjusted Alicia, and almost instantly she latched on to my right nipple and settled down.

"Seriously? You're hungry again?"

It was hard to believe. As a vampire, I generally only ate once a day, so having my babies eat twice so soon was quite the shock. It made me wonder just how many times they would need to be fed each day.

While I was feeding Alicia and Fate, one of the younger midwives came in with a knock to check up on us. Once she confirmed that my babies were eating properly and making sure I didn't need anything, she left to give up our privacy.

Personally, it would have been nice if she came by a little bit earlier when I actually needed help. But being given proper privacy was also nice, so it was hard to complain when I didn't even call for anyone.



As I stared at my cute babies as they fed, the urge to rub my thighs shot through me, but as I did so, pain overflowed from my lower body.

Peeking underneath the blanket meant to keep us warm, I saw a glint of red from between my legs.

A glance at my HP showed that while slight, I did lose some HP through this whole ordeal. On top of that, my MP wasn't full either, and was slowly draining even then.

(I see. I guess that makes sense.)

The energy which Alicia and Fate fed off of had to come from somewhere.

Before they were born, my MP's recovery had slowed considerably while I was pregnant, though that was hardly noticeable as I normally just topped it off with some fresh blood.

Speaking of...

(I'm getting pretty hungry.)

It almost felt like every time the two of them swallowed, my belly felt ever so slightly emptier. It was empty in the first place since I hadn't eaten from the night before, but it was the thought and feeling which were most important here.

But my meal could wait. I wanted to enjoy every moment of my cute little twins as they filled themselves up. My hands rose and went to gently stroking the extra fine hair that decorated the tops of their heads.

It was unfortunate then, that it didn't take long for them to finish. I couldn't help but wonder if it really was enough for them, or maybe that I was releasing more milk than I thought.

For sure, I was tempted in experimenting to see how much came out, but that risked me not having enough when they wanted to eat again. If the last time was any indication, these two needed to eat quite often.

As big as my boobs were, I didn't know how quickly they filled up. Experimenting could wait until I was sure that I had more then enough excess.

The two of them spent a few seconds changing their posture until they became more comfortable. It was a relief that they seemed not to be bothered by the awkward angle their heads were positioned due to the size of my boobs.

But I still wanted them to be able to be as comfortable as possible, so I needed to find ways to improve things in the future.

For now, I took out one of the last jars of lesser dragon blood from my dimensional pocket. A crimson orb floated out from the clay jar and smoothly flew into my mouth.


Somehow, the earth dragon's flavour came especially strongly, eliciting the unusual vocalization.

Maybe having my babies lay on my chest had something to do with it, but the normal euphoric feeling of drinking quality blood felt a few ranks higher. It felt like I could really get drunk on that whisky bon bon flavoured blood.


As I was enjoying my fill of the blood I had been starving for, I noticed that Alicia and Fate were staring at me.

"Hmm? What is it you two?"

It wasn't like I expected an answer or anything, but even still...

That innocent curiosity in their eyes were so cute, I couldn't stop myself from squeezing their tiny bodies. It was fortunate that I didn't actually need the use of my arms to continue eating.

But as I swallowed, I noticed something strange.

Both of their tiny button noses were twitching, like that of kittens suddenly discovering something interesting.

"You two..."

As my exhalation reached them, Alicia and Fate's noses twitched faster.

"You really are my babies huh?"

Realizing why they were acting the way they were, I could only sympathize. Frankly, the allure of blood was incredibly strong. Especially when the blood came from something strong.

But that said, I couldn't help but worry that it was too early for them to drink any.

Even though blood was a liquid, most likely their bodies would find it far more difficult to process compared to my milk. I didn't want to burden their bodies if I didn't have to.

That said, the problem was that they were clearly showing interest in blood. This could cause problems in the future if I wasn't careful.

"Hmm...what if..."

I put away the jar of lesser dragon blood and pulled out a different jar. This one was filled with kobold blood. It was a series of monsters from the eleventh floor. I received a few jars as part of payment for making desserts for a few fairies.

"Mmm...ugh. It's so flavourless."

Gulping some of the lower tier blood, I grimaced at how watered down it tasted. It wasn't like there wasn't any flavour at all, but it was really weak compared to what I was used to.

It just couldn't get me excited.

"What about you two?"

I let out a puff of my breath towards them. Alicia and Fate's cute little noses twitched again, but it was clearly not as fast as before. But the look they gave me still suggested that they were interested. Just not as much as with the dragon blood.

(I see.)

It was something which I had suspected, but my level determined how strongly I reacted to the blood of various creatures. The higher level the creature the blood I drank came from, the better it would taste. But the lower the level the creature the blood came from, the weaker the blood would taste.

Though that said, it should properly act as nourishment for me regardless of the level. At worst, it just took more low level blood to give me the same effect as high level blood.

It didn't take long before the two of them lost interest entirely in the blood which came from monsters even lower level than themselves.


As if it was some contagion, Alicia, then Fate, then I yawned in succession. Watching them yawn was so cute, but having my observations being interrupted with my own yawn was annoying.

It wasn't like I had the ability to sleep in the first place, so it was strange that I was capable of yawning.

But then again, if I couldn't yawn, then I would have never had the chance to see Alicia and Fate yawn. Picking from the possibilities, being able to yawn won out over not being able to.

Raising my arms over my head, I stretched my body.

It's been so long since I spent so much time lying down. Without the need to rest much, I rarely spent much time on my back outside of bathing.

The last time was...

(Oh right, the last time I put Alicia to sleep.)

I used to lie down with her when she went to sleep, since she was human at the time.

Frankly, now that I've eaten and spent so much time resting, I was getting restless.josei

Activating the skill [float], my body rose up into the air.

(Yea, this is better.)

Rather than lying down on the bed, it felt better floating around.

But I was still naked.

I did have some clothes stored away, but I had left my robes back at the tailor's. I did have the baby robes for Alicia and Fate, but I wanted to enjoy the feeling of their bare skin against my own for a bit longer, so I instead wrapped the blanket I was using around the both of us for the sake of modesty. Though it hardly made me decent enough to go outside, it was enough to go see anyone else at the healing house.

Lowering myself to the ground, I carefully took a few steps and confirmed that my latest blood infusion had properly taken effect. There was no pain nor discomfort in my lower body.

This was probably something which every new mother in the world would be envious about, but it was one of the perks of being a vampire.

Then again, healing magic existed, so maybe this wasn't such a big advantage.

Confirming that the blanket was properly wound around my body so that Alicia and Fate's head were sticking out without discomfort, I headed towards the door.

"Master, are you sure you should be up already? Maybe you should rest more."

"I've rested enough. More than I've ever done so in the last few years."

As a vampire, I couldn't help but feel like spending a large amount of time on my back simply wasn't very good for me. There really weren't any benefits aside from typical relaxing.

Well, that in itself was a benefit, but there was only so much I could enjoy relaxing while doing virtually nothing. And I had enough of that in a bathtub anyways. I didn't need to spend any more time like that on a bed.

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