The Reincarnation of the Kingmaker

Chapter 144 Kayn’s New Strength And Power

Chapter 144 Kayn’s New Strength And Power

Chapter 144: Kayn's new strength and power


<<Weaving Lotus Petals Sword Art>>

Description: When triggered, it has the ability to generate dozens of replicas of sword waves, exhibiting the same attributes as those produced by any other Active Skill that generates a similar attack.

Cooldown: 180 seconds.


To put it into actual use, if Kayn uses Molten Ice Slash, it would multiply the sword wave that the Active Skill produces into dozens before getting released.


<<Hundred Shadow Cut>>

Description: Upon activation, the user would generate hundreds of shadow daggers that he can control to assault a specified target as desired, although with a restricted range.


On the other hand, the <<Hundred Shadow Cut>> doesn't need a medium like an Active Skill to be used. The instance it is triggered, it would summon one hundred shadow daggers.

These two Active Skills honestly couldn't be found anywhere else other than through merging different Skill Books with the use of a <<Skill Merge>> Skill Book.

Just like what its name suggests, a <<Skill Merge>> Skill Book is a medium that allows the merging of any Skill Books that the user wants to combine together. After using, the <<Skill Merge>> Skill Book along with the other Skill Books that were combined together would disappear and a new Skill Book with the effect of all the previous Skill Books will be created.

Any Skill Books could be merged. But the outcome for each combination would vary depending on what type of Skill Books were used. Moreover, the outcome won't necessarily produce a positive effect, in most cases it's completely otherwise, thus wasting the Skill Books that were merged along with the <<Skill Merge>> Skill Book.

The <<Weaving Lotus Petals Sword Art>> and <<Hundred Shadow Cut>> are clearly outcomes that produce positive effects. These were only achievable though because Kayn had gone through multiple experiments with those Skill Books he had used earlier to get such results.

Simply put, only Kayn knows the necessary Skill Books required to get the outcome of the <<Weaving Lotus Petals Sword Art>> and <<Hundred Shadow Cut>> Active Skills.

He is not worried though if anyone that works in the shop where he had bought all the Skill Books would try to replicate the <<Weaving Lotus Petals Sword Art>> and <<Hundred Shadow Cut>> because everyone that works in such shops are so used to people trying to experiment and research merging different types of Skill Books. Only when they learned that the person who bought those Skill Books achieved a positive effect would they try to look for information about what Skill Books he had used.

Fortunately, he doesn't plan to stay in Serenity Town for a long period of time. So, they won't have the chance to know whether he got a positive effect or not with his merging.

With the <<Weaving Lotus Petals Sword Art>> and <<Hundred Shadow Cut>>, he now possesses two more additional Active Skills in his Status Window aside from the <<Outburst>>.

Kayn looks at his new Status Window.



Race: Human

Noble Rank: Baron

Level: 27

Main Class: Nobility

Temporary Subclass: Knight

Currency: 7,000 coins

Fame: 0

Available SP: 23

Stats -

Strength: 25

Endurance: 15

Accuracy: 15

Agility: 25

Vitality: 15

Mana Capacity: 15

Power Score: 100

Passive Skills: None

Active Skills: <<Outburst>>, <<Weaving Lotus Petals Sword Art>>, <<Hundred Shadow Cut>>


"These two Active Skills should be more than enough for our next mission," Kayn muttered to himself.

Their upcoming mission was the exact reason why he got these two Active Skills.

Previously, he started feeling worried that something bad is going to happen.

In other words, these two Active Skills would be used if ever such an event truly takes place in the future.

"It seems like I earned four levels from our Monster Raid in the Mountain Monkey's Lair. And would you look at that, I actually got 18 SP from leveling up four times," Kayn felt pleased with the result.

"Now, should I start investing my available SP or save them until they are necessary?"

Honestly, his current stats are already higher compared to peers at the same level as him. And with all the Active Skills he can use, his strength and power could reach even greater heights.

An example of that was the stunt he pulled off at the last moment against the Mountain Gorilla. The strength and power of that attack have long already broken through level 50.

Even Friedrich and the others don't possess any combination of Active Skills that can pull off the same result, at least as far as he knows, since they were very shocked and felt disbelief about it.

This is clearly one of the benefits of being a reincarnator, he is able to execute something that isn't yet known by a lot of people. And his experiences and knowledge about everything can't be compared to anyone.

In other words, he is already overpowered despite his low level.

"I guess I could invest some SP in my endurance stats considering that we are going into a volcano,"

He'd have to possess high enough endurance stats for him to handle the extreme heat and burning pain caused by being in such an environment.

Without any hesitation, Kayn invested 10 SP to his Endurance and added 3 SP to his strength, making his endurance reach 25 points and his strength 28 points, thus increasing his power score to 113.

However, unlike the last time with the strength and agility, Kayn didn't receive an additional Active Skill after his endurance reached 25 points. The reason for that is that he can actually only receive such a reward for one stat that reached 25 points first. If intends to receive an additional Active Skill through increasing his stats, he'd have to reach 50 points, then after that would be 75 points, 100 points, 200 points, 300 points, 400 points, 500 points, 1,000 points, and so on and so forth. Each of those times, he'll only be able to receive them once in his entire life.

Previously, both his strength and agility stat reached 25 points at the same time yet the skill he earned was <<Outburst>>. The simple reason for that is that the system reads the strength stat first before the agility stat as it follows the order listed in the status window.

The <<Outburst>> Active Skill is actually one of the most popular ones for melee combatants, which is the Active Skill received from the strength stat reaching 25 points. This explains why Gilbert, Natasha, Jackson, Roshan, and Carter also possess them despite the fact that their chosen subclass should be focusing more on endurance and agility.

Just looking at the effect provided by the <<Outburst>> Active Skill is already self-explanatory as to why it is popular among the masses.

The other Active Skills provided by the others stats in 25 points are;

<<Immovable>> for endurance, which is an Active Skill that grants its user a 200% increase in endurance but as a consequence of it they would have trouble moving.

<<Scope>> for accuracy. Once triggered, it would greatly enhance the eyesight of the user depending on the points of his accuracy. But after using it, they would only be able to see black and white for the same length of time they used the Active Skill.

<<Air Step>> for agility, which allows its user to run really fast like the wind and grants them the ability to float mid-air. But as a side-effect, the user would lose their sense of balance in the same length as they used the Active Skill.

<<Vigor>> for vitality. It is an ability that allows one to exchange some vitality energy with another living being. But as a repercussion, if the target's power score is much higher than the user, the effect would reverse. Otherwise, the target would have their points in vitality temporarily deducted.

<<Extra Mana Core>> for mana capacity. Everyone possesses one mana core inside their body, and although it is small in size, the amount of mana it can gather inside differs from one person to another. And once one uses this Active Skill, they will have an extra mana core to store their mana. As a consequence after using it, however, their original mana core could only store half of the mana it normally could gather inside for the same length of time they used the Active Skill.

Kayn returns to their meeting spot after he was done with everything.josei

Along the way, he stumbled upon an alchemy store where he bought some mana and health potions, and other helpful potions before continuing on his way.


As soon as Kayn arrived, he only found Gnarlak and the rest of the Goblins. Looking around, he didn't find any signs of Friedrich and the others returning yet.

But just to confirm, he asked. "Have the others returned yet?"

"I haven't seen them," Gnarlak shook his head.

As he walks around, Kayn started surveying the situation with the other Goblins. "Is everything fine with your kins?"

"A little anxious because they are not familiar with the place. But so far, everything is alright," Gnarlak's face slightly turned sour.

"Is there something bothering you?"

"Nothing…" Gnarlak hastily denies it.

"You can tell me,"

Gnarlak scratched the back of his head. "You know, this problem is honestly something that I shouldn't involve any outsiders about,"

"Am I an outsider,"

"I guess you could no longer be considered one,"

"Since that's the case, just tell me about it,"

"To tell you the truth, some of my people are starting to feel afraid of something. I don't know what exactly it is, and when I asked them about it, they describe it as something that they instinctively felt all of a sudden inside of them,"

"Did they tell you what it was?"

"That's the problem, even they don't know what's causing them to feel that way,"

"That is weird," Normally, people would know what's causing them to feel afraid. Fear is just way different from other emotions. Once someone starts feeling afraid, they'll know instantly what is causing them to feel that way.

"And strangely enough, I am starting to feel that way too…" Gnarlak can't help shivering. "And just like them, I don't understand why,"

As Kayn was thinking of something along with Natas, Friedrich and the others finally returned and interrupted him from his thoughts.

"We'll talk later, alright?"

"I understand," Gnarlak could only helplessly comply.

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