The Reincarnation of the Kingmaker

Chapter 235 The War That Decides The Fate Of ‘The  Bridge’ Part 38

Chapter 235 The War That Decides The Fate Of ‘The  Bridge’ Part 38

Chapter 235: The War that Decides the Fate of 'The Bridge' Part 38

While Jericho was taking care of his new job as the Chief of the Dream Village, Kayn and the others went ahead and started their clearing operation on their end like what Old Mayor George asked them to do in the letter.

The content inside the letter wasn't complicated. In fact, it was direct to the point.

Old Mayor George stated that he had sent all the suspicious personnel he had discovered during the two days they weren't in the base to the Dream Village and his team can feel free to sort them out in whatever way they wanted.

This means to say that everyone Friedrich had delivered to them are questionable people.

"Your decision of putting Jericho in charge of these people couldn't be any more perfect," Gilbert muttered as he observed the people on the plaza taking care of the problems the Dream Village currently faces after the battle.

Kayn had specifically ordered not long ago that all the soldiers who came with them in the battle go to the barracks and rest. By doing this, they can divide the newcomers from the actual loyal soldiers and prevent them from making contact with the latter.

Needless to say, this was just temporary and not a permanent solution. Knowing that he had assigned Jude and Charles to investigate the supposedly loyal soldiers and see if there are any bad apples among them. After all, one can never be too sure. Just because they killed members and allies of the Assembly of Freedom doesn't one hundred percent guarantee they aren't traitors. If they can betray one side, there's nothing holding them back from betraying the other.

Kayn just wants to be cautious, that's all.

Speaking about traitors.

"Look," Gilbert pointed at one of the staff secretly bringing a basket full of food to the alley.

"There weren't any beggars the last time we check the alleys," Kayn felt suspicious.

He nodded at Gilbert as the two of them went close to the alley to see what the staff was up to.

Upon arriving at a corner where they have a vision of the alley without getting seen, they soon saw the staff pushing the basket with his feet inside an opening of a canal.

"No wonder we weren't able to find them, they were actually hiding in the canal," Gilbert finally realized why after a whole afternoon of searching yesterday they only found a few rats from the Assembly of Freedom and their allies.

Such an occurrence seemed highly unlikely, considering the vast number of individuals involved in the battle. Furthermore, upon examining the recorded casualties, it was evident that over half of their forces were unaccounted for. It was implausible that all of these missing individuals were members of the Assembly of Freedom who managed to escape.

"Let's wait and see first," Kayn decided to be patient until they've finally gathered enough information.

"I understand," Gilbert agreed. "Though I can't help but be curious how exactly they were able to communicate that fast. They should have some sort of method for that, right? One that is very obvious but only they know the meaning of,"josei

Gilbert looks around before pointing to a drawing of a cross on the wall of the alley. "Like for example, that cross. What if for the members of the Assembly of Freedom, that meant something,"

"Now that you mentioned it," Kayn remembered something in the second life.

The Circus, which is the master of the Assembly of Freedom, possesses a great number of secret ways to communicate with each other discreetly. A few such methods were graffiti on the wall, drawing on social media, and even painting displayed publicly on the street.

"Let's split up and look for as many drawings as we could inside every alley in the Dream Village," Kayn determined. "Make a list, and we'll decide what to do afterward,"

"Alright," Gilbert understood fully well what Kayn wanted to do.

Kayn and Gilbert temporarily set aside the staff as they went ahead and started taking notes of every single painting, drawing, and graffiti on every wall of the alleys in the Dream Village.

It took them the entire morning to finish checking every alley and during lunch break, Kayn and Gilbert put together all of their findings.

Cross. I think you should take a look at





A broken chain.

Eagle. Feather.

A bunch of letterings.

And some doodles.

"We can ignore the letterings and doodles as they don't represent anything," Gilbert felt certain about it.

"There also wasn't any of that present in the alley back then," Kayn is implying the ally that the staff went inside. "If my memory serves me right, there was only a cross, an eagle, a broken chain, and a spider,"

"The spider in there wasn't even complete," Gilbert crossed out the spider while also eliminating the ribbon, butterfly, and feather from the list.

"Almost every alley has feathers on its walls, so it shouldn't be this one," Kayn crossed out the feather. The Assembly of Freedom and their allies would definitely not put a sign everywhere as that might cause confusion. "Which leaves us with the cross, eagle, and a broken chain,"

"Let me guess, you want us to follow more traitors, and using the process of elimination, we would be able to find out which of these three drawings imply a call for help," Gilbert tried to guess what Kayn is thinking right now.

"You're not a mind reader, are you?" Kayn chuckled.

"I just know you,"

With that being said, Kayn and Gilbert quickly finished their lunch.

After they finished their meal, they both went to inform Jude, Charles, Jericho, and Jadiel of their findings before quickly returning to observing the staff.

It didn't take long for a couple of staff to secretly slip inside alleys with a basket carrying a bunch of food and water.

"The cross is eliminated," Kayn crossed out the cross, leaving only the eagle and broken chain.

These two drawings represent the word Freedom the most. So, it is not strange for the Assembly of Freedom to use them to signal their comrades.

Of course, Kayn and Gilbert didn't forget to report to Jericho and Jadiel who are the traitors in their group. Just to make sure that this time none of them would be able to escape.

After going through a few more rounds, Kayn and Gilbert finally concluded what drawing it was.

Broken chain.

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