The Reincarnation of the Kingmaker

Chapter 237 The War That Decides The Fate Of ‘The  Bridge’ Part 40

Chapter 237 The War That Decides The Fate Of ‘The  Bridge’ Part 40

Chapter 237: The War that Decides the Fate of 'The Bridge' Part 40

The next day, another batch of reinforcement was sent to the Dream Village.

They were being escorted by both Friedrich and Emmet's squad of Green Horn Knights. And unlike the last time when they were freely able to move around. This time around they were imprisoned inside cages that were being drawn by horses.

"Seriously?!" Gilbert was shocked beyond belief.

"Do you seriously expect me to use these people in the Dream Village?" Jericho was dumbfounded at the sight.

"Not all of them are traitors," Friedrich awkwardly informs.

"Then why are they all inside cages?" Kayn can't help asking.

"Some of them were implicated. We tried questioning and torturing them, but it was futile because all of them would just say they aren't traitors," Emmet explained.

"Are we supposed to let them out of their cages then?" Gilbert narrowed his eyes.

"Old Mayor George advises you not to," Friedrich shook his head.

"So, you're telling us that we have to find a way to determine which of these people are secretly members of the Assembly of Freedom?" Jericho raised his eyebrow.

"Your side can't even handle it. This is clearly just you giving us problems you can't handle," Gilbert objected.

"No, it isn't," Emmet can't bare to continue looking at Gilbert out of guilt.

"See!" Gilbert coldly harrumphs.

"I admit, we failed in our interrogation," Friedrich can only tell the embarrassing truth.

"That's more like it," Gilbert proudly smiled.

"It wasn't that hard, after all," Jericho added in a slick manner.

"You too!" Emmet finally realized that they'd been made a fool.

"Ignore them," Kayn dismiss Gilbert and Jericho so that they can stop annoying Friedrich and Emmet as a means to retaliate. "I have a method how, but it might take two days,"

"You don't have to worry about any more reinforcement coming here, because this is the last group," Friedrich assures.

"Did something happen?"

"Well," Friedrich signaled Emmet to bring in the big fishes.

Emmet nodded in understanding before going to the back line.

In the next moment, Emmet pushed out two figures from one of the cages.

It was Chief Kody and Chief Kellan.

Gilbert and Jericho widened their eyes in shock after seeing the two unexpected people.

Even Kayn can't help feeling surprised. He was honestly suspicious of the five Chiefs, but he still hold on to some hope that none of them would turn out to be traitors.

"This is a mistake!"

"I swear to God that we didn't betray the Green Horn City!"

"Tell that to Old Mayor George after Kayn finishes interrogating you!" Emmet pushed Chief Kody and Chief Kellan to the ground.

ƥandasnovel·ƈom "I'll make you pay for this!"

"This is clearly against human rights!"

"I demand justice!"I think you should take a look at

"We already finished cleaning the camp and these are the last batch of suspected traitors back in the camp, at least that's what we believe," Friedrich glimpses coldly at the two traitors.

Chief Kody and Chief Kellan immediately shut their mouths after seeing Friedrich staring at them.

"We noticed that the majority of those previous batches of traitors from your report came from the forces of these two scoundrels," Friedrich pulled Chief Kody and pushed him close to Kayn. "He was one of those people who were against you owning the Kingmaker, so you'd definitely like this gift that Old Mayor George is giving you,"

"Tell him that I appreciate his care," Kayn stared mischievously at Chief Kody and Chief Kellan.


"How dare a kid do this to me!" Chief Kody expressed his condemnation.

Chief Kellan spits at Kayn's shoes before being shoved to the dirt by Emmet.

"I am sorry about that," Emmet felt helpless as he wasn't able to react in time before Chief Kellan could spit on Kayn's shoes.

"Let them be," Kayn doesn't mind it. That was merely the condemn's final desperate effort to retaliate. And besides, once they are in his hands, he can do whatever he wants with them including but not limited to torture. So, they can spit on his shoes as many times as they want. It still won't change the fact that they are going to die once he gets the information he needs.

"Jude, Charles, and Jadiel take them to our special cell," Kayn motioned his hand.

Jude, Charles, and Jadiel stepped out and quickly brought forward Chief Kody and Chief Kellan.

"Make sure to guard them well, their levels are almost comparable to Friedrich's team," Kayn reminded.

"Okay," Jude understood.

Jude, Charles, and Jadiel walked away to escort Chief Kody and Chief Kellan to their new home.

"Since you're entrusting them to me, I believe you have a countermeasure in case they try to escape from their cells," Kayn muttered. After all, these people aren't ordinary. Just their status of being a Chief of a Village already speaks volumes of their capability. Moreover, considering they are comrades of Old Mayor George, their strength shouldn't be something they can underestimate.

"Emmet's team would be staying temporarily in the Dream Village along with Lilith with you,"

Kayn looks at Emmet. "What are your levels?"

"Level 45, all of us,'

"How about you?" Kayn looks at Lilith.

"Level 50, just like Friedrich,"

"That should be enough," Kayn felt relieved.

There's no doubt that Chief Kylo and Chief Kellan are going to be special cases for the Assembly of Freedom. So, once they hear that these two are being kept in the Dream Village, there's a high chance they are going to send men on a rescue mission, or perhaps an assassination mission, in order to prevent the two from giving away important information to the Green Horn City's side.

"By the way," Friedrich almost forgot. "Five days from now the Green Horn City will officially declare war against the Assembly of Freedom. On that day, expect unwelcomed visitors from our enemy,"

"Are we going to defend the Dream Village with only our forces here?"

"Old Mayor George wants you to hold on at least until we destroy both the Slumber Village and Dormant Village,"

"It shouldn't take long, right?"

"More or less two days,"

"I guess we can hold on for that," Kayn was doubtful about it with their current preparation. But once he makes some changes, they should be able to last for more than 48 hours against the forces of the Assembly of Freedom. Unless of course if they send everyone to the Dream Village, which is highly likely considering how much Chief Kylo hated him.

"40 hours, that's how long I can guarantee," Kayn decided to play safely.

"I'll inform Chief Kylo of your thoughts,"


With that being said, Kayn and Friedrich bid farewell as the latter return back to the Green Horn City's base while the former took care of their important matters in the Dream Village.

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