The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of God Of War Chapter 1443

The Return Of God Of War Chapter 1443

The Return Of God Of War Chapter 1443

The Return of God of War Chapter 1443

That was a sensational announcement that floored everyone present.

Crown King?

Didn’t he perished on Mount Drago in Keerea?

How could he be alive?

And how could he be Levi?


While most were still trying to reconcile what they had just heard, Zar and Bolgun were frowning, for they knew it was not impossible.

First of all, Levi clearly had the same superior skills as Crown King, and secondly, he was also in Keerea at that time. Moreover, the set-ups and mind games he described earlier all fitted into the puzzle nicely.

So, Levi being Crown King was not impossible. Maybe a better way to put it was—it is highly possible!

“No way!” Winsor and Minka blurted out in unison.

Everyone’s attention turned to them, wondering how they could be so certain.

Winsor and Minka looked at one another, and finally, Minka said, “By chance, we met Crown King before and saw his face, so we knew how he looked like!”

The Crown King they were referring to was George.

“Yes! Crown King was a middle-aged man, he…” Winsor chipped in and described George’s appearance in detail.

“So, it is impossible that you are Crown King!” Winsor and Minka confidently said.

“If we had never met him, we would have believed you. Unfortunately, we did, so you can’t fool us!” they added.

Levi could only let out a helpless smile, knowing there was no way he could force anyone to believe him.

“But I am really Crown King!” he shrugged.

“Ok, stop that nonsense. I admit you are stronger than me, but compared to Crown King, you are far off, just like how I cannot compare to you. So don’t you tell such lies anymore!” Winsor growled.

“How can you prove it?” Minka asked as she look to Levi for an answer.

“I don’t need to prove anything to anyone! That’s it for today, and I’m off!” He smiled and left.

“Arghhhh…!” Frustrated, Winsor let out a loud scream soon after that. It was the most humiliating day in his life, to hear that the Asura honor was not earned but given to him. He was greatly aggrieved, but there was nothing he could do about it. He did not even have the courage to stop Levi from leaving.

News of Levi’s return soon reached the Dragonites.

He is still alive!

Our national hero is still alive!

How fortunate! God bless Erudia!

The Dragonites would have thrown a party to celebrate if they could. However, they knew it was more appropriate to keep a low profile.

Meanwhile, The Calamity also heard about Levi’s return and was glad their efforts were not in vain. The Crown King is alive, and Erudia will prosper!

That was the final day of the three-month agreement between the Great Family of Westford and Levi.

“Quit waiting. Levi is already in Keerea and will not be back!”

“Yes, a traitor will have to suffer severe punishment if he is back, so of course he would rather stay in Keerea and enjoy a good life there.”

“You are still waiting for him, Zoey? He had long abandoned you and Evie!”

Members of the Lopez and Black families were trying to talk some sense into Zoey, who was carrying Evie in her arms and stubbornly waiting by the door at the Lopez residence.

Despite that, Zoey firmly believed Levi would be back that day.

“Quit waiting! He won’t be back!” Cora howled at her.

“Yes, don’t wait, my dear. He won’t be back.” Thierry and Judy also joined in to dissuade Zoey, although for a different reason. They knew Levi could not come back, as Crown King had perished.

“No, you don’t know him. He always keeps his promise. If he said he will be back, he will!” Zoey countered.


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