The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of God Of War Chapter 1455

The Return Of God Of War Chapter 1455

The Return Of God Of War Chapter 1455

The Return of God of War Chapter 1455

“North, you’re up!” said Levi softly to the man next to him.

North Sky Lord dashed forward to meet the onslaught.

Though his martial skill was not up to par with Levi’s, he was still the best fighter of the Calamity.

North Sky Lord decimated their ranks, leaving them no room to defend themselves.

Those that had managed to get close to Levi had been beaten back before they could lay a finger on him.

Despite being grossly outnumbered at several hundred to two, the fighters of the Great Families were easily subdued.

In a frighteningly short amount of time, the ground was covered in bodies.

Albus and Lesale were flabbergasted at the outcome.

What kind of power is this?

These were trained warriors whose corpses now littered the ground!

Thierry however was not surprised.

Compared to the battle on Mount Drago, this is child’s play.

“Don’t just stand and watch, Thierry! Summon your men!” Albus shouted.

“To hell I will!” Thierry was not a big enough fool to send his men to their deaths.

“Looks like I have to do everything by myself!” Albus rolled up the sleeves of his robes.

“Bring me Frostbringer!” he ordered.

His men who were behind him flung the sacred sword high in the air toward its rightful master.

As Frostbringer was unsheathed, a cold frost enveloped the scene as everything the freezing mist touched succumbed to the icy devastation.

It was said that Frostbringer had been crafted in North Base One and was sealed in ice for eleven years before it was deemed ready.

Long after leaving its icy tomb, the chill that had remained was so intense that its victims died from frostbite before they bled to death.

However, even Frostbringer was no match for the Crown King’s Dragon Sword.

“Count me in, brother!” Lesale shouted.

These two veterans, Albus and Lesale, were warriors of legendary prestige.

“North, fall back. I’ll handle this.” Levi took a step forward.

“Your end is here!” Albus called as he swung his icy blade toward Levi.

Before the blade found its mark, a devastating cold permeated its surroundings. Every tree and blade of grass which was green and full of life a moment prior had turned blue and dead, encased in a thick layer of ice.

Levi made no attempt to dodge the vicious slash. As he received the full brunt of the impact, the cold had claimed him. Diffusing through him and consuming his warmth, it left him as still as a statue, covered in a blue sheen.

Even his brows and hair were frozen solid.

The frost continued to push outward, beyond the boundaries of Lake Westia. A sheet of ice smooth as glass was left in its glacial wake.

The destructive power of the sacred blade held the crowd in petrified awe.

Albus sneered. Bleeding or freezing to death, Levi had met his demise one way or another.


Suddenly, an invisible force erupted from Levi’s frozen figure. The warmth emanating from his core burst forth, undoing the cold of Frostbringer.

Albus, who was closest to Levi, was knocked back by the shockwave.

“My turn!” Lesale roared as he dashed forward.

To be able to command Southford, Lesale was no ordinary fighter as well.

Specializing in various forms of poison intended to cripple or kill his enemies, he had come well prepared. Lesale dashed forward, vaulting over Levi, and released his entire inventory of vapors and liquid onto him within the timeframe of a single inhalation. The cloud of toxin he had thrown at Levi was comprised of a lethal cocktail of a few hundred different varieties.

An ordinary opponent would have succumbed under the influence of even one or two varieties of poison.

However, in his desperation to be rid of Levi, Lesale had unleashed everything he had.

Unexpectedly, Levi seemed completely unaffected in the aftermath.

In his previous endeavor to expel the toxins of Blood King Palace from his body, he was now invincible to any form of poison that would otherwise be lethal.

It was conclusive proof that he had emerged from his battle on Mount Drago more powerful than ever before. Even Lesale’s deadliest weapons were useless against him.

“None of you will be able to kill me. Stop trying!” Levi swung his palm at Lesale’s cheek which sent him flying backward.

The crowd fell deadly silent.

The two best fighters of the Great Families had been eliminated this easily!

What kind of a monster is Levi?

Thierry and his men remained as calm and composed as ever.

After the events on Mount Drago, nothing surprised them anymore.

At that moment, George came hurrying over.

Albus and Lesale’s eyes lit up with hope at his arrival.

“Brother, you are the only hope left of the Four Great Families! Kill Levi and avenge all of our fallen brothers!” came several panicked shouts.

George swept his gaze over at them before dropping to his knees before Levi.


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