The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of God Of War Chapter 1485

The Return Of God Of War Chapter 1485

The Return Of God Of War Chapter 1485

The Return of God of War Chapter 1485

To his dismay, every one kept quiet. Any sane person would choose the Four Basilisks over a Malcom Langston.

If they were able to survive the battle, their names would be sung by many.

To win the Northern Demon while having the Four Basilisks as their commanders would be the utmost honor one could receive.

And once the battle was over, the future would be smooth sailing, both in Erudia and among their families.

Even if they perished on the battleground, as a warrior, their family would receive certain compensations.

However, if they chose Levi, they were very likely to meet their end.

On top of that, they would naturally be known as soldiers who had committed desertion.

Thus, it wasn’t worth the risk to follow Levi.

There was a long pause.

Right when Heracles wanted to let out another laugh, out of nowhere, a few people shouted, “We’re gonna die anyway. Shouldn’t we die a more honorable death? Isn’t it better to have a choice? Let’s uproot that devil with our own hands!”

“Hey, brother. We’re coming with you!”

“Us too!”

A handful of people walked towards Levi at first, and slowly, the number increased, and the flux of men eventually stopped at thirty-eight.

The missing numbers were barely noticeable in a squad of considerable size like this.

“Cowards! You’ll die miserably! You’ll regret it!”

Heracles was fuming as he spewed those words.

Levi and his team of thirty-eight men left. They planned to attack the Ether from another direction.

After they were completely out of sight, Heracles and the rest of the Four Basilisks reconsidered their plans.

“We decided to have a change of tactics! You’re not going to fight on your own but side by side with us! We will charge as one!”

“We’re going to give our best so you can go back to your love ones alive!”

“Those who have left will regret forever! Scrap the Suicide Squad. We are the Vanquishers! Victory is in our hands!”

Thundering cheers of approval took over the squad.

Not only didn’t they have to die, but they’d also bring honor to their families.

Hundred billions of their own people would be welcoming them home with open arms in Erudia.

Some men sink their fingers into their palms as they counted their blessings.

They were so close to leaving the squad with Levi.

The ones who have just left are a bunch of blockheads and fools. They are going to regret it in a minute!

We’re the lucky ones and it’s not our time to die yet. Hahaha!

“Alright, pack up. We’re leaving for the Ether!”

Some fighters started to share their two cents on what had just happened.

“They are fools! Do they seriously think that they could take down the Northern Demon?”

“These folks think they are brave men. Before they knew what’s going on, heads will be rolling.”

“If they got to know that they didn’t have to die for nothing, what faces would they make?”

One by one, members of the Suicide Squad put on a smile.

They had absolutely no idea about what was to come.

All of them thought they were part of the majority that had chosen the right path.

However, things were the total opposite. Those thirty-eight men were the ones who’d won this game of luck.

“Alright! To the Ether!”

The Four Basilisks and their Suicide Squad had their heads held high as they marched.

Meanwhile, at the highest point of the Ether, the Northern Demon was scrutinizing the squad’s every movement.

He crossed his palms behind him. “Erudia thought this would be the end. How silly! The game had just started!

“Let’s give them a bit more time before the bloodshed starts. I, the Northern Demon, am invincible!”

While he made his boastful declaration, the Four Basilisks and the Suicide Squad, unaware of what lay ahead, continued their journey to the Ether.


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