The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of God Of War Chapter 1552

The Return Of God Of War Chapter 1552

The Return Of God Of War Chapter 1552

The Return of God of War Chapter 1552

Why would I be facing a calamity? I know I have many enemies, but I’m an ordinary person now. On top of that, all my martial vein has been destroyed. I can’t even do basic combat skills, let alone Reversero.

The Dragonites had taken everything into account when they had the elites destroy Levi’s martial vein to ensure that he would not be able to practice martial arts for the rest of his life. Doing so not only convinced themselves that Levi stood no chance to take revenge on them, but it was also to prevent him from using Reversero again.

“Doesn’t that mean I’m f*cked?”

If they send elites to kill me, I won’t stand a chance against them. It’s not like I’m afraid of death, but what’s going to happen to my family if I’m no longer here with them? No. I can’t die. I have to fight for my life for them, but how? They’ve destroyed my martial vein. I can’t do anything anymore.

Lowering his head, dejection and fury swamped all over him.

“Yes,” the old man confirmed. “But…” he trailed off as a smile appeared on his face out of the blue.


“I’ll help you regain your martial vein!” exclaimed the old man.

Before Levi could even process his words, his body throbbed all over as he shouted in pain, “Arghh!”

Damn! That hurts like hell!

Though he had been in and out on the battlefield, suffered countless injuries, and had many near-death incidents, the pain he had experienced from all those activities combined could not compare to the pain he was feeling now.

Despite his toughness, he barely held on both physically and mentally.

His painful screams lasted for three whole hours. Oddly enough, it was as if nobody else in this prison had heard him.

After the ordeal, he walked out of prison with a broad smile. Even his temperament had changed completely.

However, the old man’s stance remained the same- he still refused to be called Master by Levi.

“Forget that I’ve met you, nor did I do anything to you today!” the old man said, which confused Levi even more.

I have no idea why he behaves like that, but he’ll always be my master. He was always there when I was in my darkest times. I can never repay him enough.

On his way back, Levi kept the smile on his face.

“I bet no one will expect that I’ve regained my strength. Not only that, I’m much stronger now.”

Well, I have never expected this to happen. Had the thought of personally thanking Master not occurred, this wouldn’t have taken place. The heavens had granted me a golden opportunity.

Since the prison was located in the suburbs of North Hampton, his journey back was quite long.

When he was halfway through, six shadows appeared before him without warning.

So they have come. I certainly didn’t think that it would be this soon.

A grin plastered across Levi’s face.

“Huh, you seem to be expecting us,” one of them commented when he noticed Levi’s calm expression.

“You must be Kuro Dragon’s men.”

Levi could figure that much because those were the same people who had helped Kuro Dragon escape last time.

When Kuro Dragon died, they were convinced that Levi was the one who murdered him.


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