The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1624

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1624

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1624

The Return of the God of War Chapter 1624

“That’s right. It’s definitely the old governor. Who else is capable of saving Forlevia from the hands of Shadow Order?”

“The governor has appeared in the nick of the time!”

“God bless Wildefield!” the crowd cheered.

Then, they turned to look at each other to find similar expressions of joy.

Initially, all of them had planned to get on their knees to beg the old governor for help.

To their surprise, the old governor had acted on it before they did so.

So he knows everything that’s going on in Wildefield!

They had been worrying for nothing.

“Forlevia has been saved! That’s great news!”

Overjoyed, they started crying.

Zoey and Mia were sobbing at that point.

A while later, they went to Forlevia’s room.

The girl was sleeping with a smile on her face as she mumbled, “Daddy, Daddy…”

At that, they smiled.

Carefully, Zoey hugged the girl.

“I’m so glad that Evie’s fine!” Avery Fairclough exclaimed with a laugh.

The people of Wildefield were celebrating joyously.

Right then, a spy in Wildefield yelled, “Something major has happened! Shadow Order has been wiped out!”

Over eight hundred followers and the head of Shadow Order had been killed. In fact, Mount Shadow had been razed to the ground.

“Shadow Order is now gone from this world!”


They were all dumbfounded when they heard the news.

Not only was Forlevia saved, but Shadow Order had also been eradicated.

Not a single member survived.

It was terrifying news.

Who has the power to annihilate a horrendous organization like Shadow Order?

“It must be the old governor! Only the old governor has the power to do this!”

Back then, when the old governor had gone into seclusion, news of his fake death spread. That time, he was already close to Rank Six Supreme class. It’s been so many years since then. I’m sure he has long reached Rank Six Supreme class,” Avery cried out.

“That’s right! Only a Rank Six Supreme class is capable of decimating Shadow Order! It must be the old governor!”

“Wildefield is going to soar to great heights. We have a Rank Six among us; how many in Erudia can still go against us?”

That was great news to Wildefield.

The gifted girl, Forlevia, had been saved, and the old governor was watching over the city.

Wildefield would be formidable!

Yet, Helios Ginger and the others were stupefied.

Everything they had done was to get rid of Forlevia.

Why is she back?

What’s going on?

Moreover, Shadow Order has been annihilated!

Everything we’ve done has been for nothing!

The colors drained out of their faces.

It was a terrible look on them.

Unlike them, Zoey and Mia were delighted.

The stronger Wildefield was, the safer Forlevia would be.

It was good news for everyone.

“Come with me. Let’s give our thanks to the old governor.”

Avery then led the others to the grave of the old governor.

There, they lowered their heads and uttered, “Thank you, sir, for saving the future of Wildefield!”

Avery added, “I hope the old governor would make an appearance to guide us. We miss you very much.”

However, there was only silence at the graveyard.

Everyone remained still for half an hour, but still, no response came.

It didn’t strike them that the old governor whom they thought was responsible for the annihilation of Shadow Order, was already bones six feet under.

He was as dead as a doornail.

Back then, when he failed in his training, he had died.

Therefore, no matter how loudly and long they called out for him, he would not respond.

Even if they were to stand there for a year, the old governor would still not emerge from his grave.


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