The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1675

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1675

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1675

The Return of the God of War Chapter 1675

Kai and his men broke into a mocking laugh after witnessing Levi and his men passing through the fourth defense barrier and into the enemies’ territory.

“What a bunch of loonies. They have no idea what they’re up against!” Kai sneered.

“Yeah, those idiots are taking pride in their suicide mission!”

“They needn’t go far. The enemies’ underwater monsters will devour them all before they even reach the other side!”

The fighters from Poseidon’s Palace not only excelled in marine battles, but they also had a number of underwater monsters to their advantage.

Unleashing the monsters would bring about huge damage to the South of Erudia.

Even the Supreme class fighters were at the mercy of those monsters. Hence, ordinary men would not even stand a chance against those creatures.

“Let them be. Let’s focus on our own fight. We just need to wait and watch the good show!” Kai snickered.

To them, Levi was essentially bringing his men on a suicide mission.

They reckoned that not one soul would make it out alive.

Soon, Levi and his army reached the intersection between the third and fourth defense barriers.

“Disable all telecommunications in all of the South. I do not want any news to get out of here. Understand?” Levi commanded.

“Yes, sir! We will block all telecommunication signals and make sure that the movements outside the Warzone are restricted! T-minus three minutes to disabling all telecommunication signals within the South. No one outside the South will know what has happened here.”

The block in telecommunication signals applied to everyone in the South, including the enemies.

It was all part of Levi’s plan.

He could not risk letting outsiders know what had taken place in the South, including the revelation of his power.

Otherwise, he would lose out on the element of surprise when dealing with the Ruling Union or anyone in Erudia, for that matter.

He was planning to launch stealth attacks in three other Warzones after he was done in the South.

So, he had to block all signals in the South to stay in the upper hand of his own plan.

“Master, we are done!”

“How further away the enemies are from us?” Levi asked.

“The nearest enemy is just five miles away, and they’re approaching fast!”

“Our radar has sensed large movements in the deep sea. Unidentified objects are fast approaching. Even though the signals are very weak, it has not gone undetected!”

Levi’s lips curled into a smile after listening to the reports.

“Those are the underwater monsters terrorizing our comrades! They excel at covering their tracks, but their energy will still be picked up by our radars. We have modern technology to thank for this.”

Most of the front liners were martial artists. They had chosen to renounce modern weapons and soldiers and to go back to contending hand-to-hand combat instead.

They were amazingly powerful, so much so that they repudiated modern technology.

Some even despised the use of modern technology.

However, modernized weapons and army did have their advantages, and if utilized, could turn the tide in battles.

For example, the underwater monsters which had gone undetected by Kai and his people had cost them serious losses.

However, it was a different story for Levi and his army since they had seen the creatures coming with the radars.

Having said that, Levi was planning to let Kai and his men learn a good lesson in the utilization of modern technology on battlefields.

He wanted to drive home a message—that unassuming soldiers could harness the power of modern technology to triumph over elite martial artists.

Levi smiled. “When they’re two miles away, give them a big present.”

“Target has entered the two-mile radius!”

Levi commanded, “Fire!”

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Numerous torpedoes propelled toward targets in deep waters.


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