The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1695

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1695

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1695

The Return of the God of War Chapter 1695

Bernard and his men were ready to make the ultimate sacrifice.

It didn’t matter if they died — at least they would die with honor.

They lived in a time where benefits and money ruled above all else.

However, those superficial things weren’t the only thing that existed.

There were still people who would sacrifice their lives for the honor that others regard as “laughable.”

The Medical Elite ancient family and their comrades had joined the Ruling Union.

At first, they were pretty scared and were on guard.

They worried that their enemy would attack immediately after they deflected.

After all, it would be a great opportunity for the Ruling Union to eradicate the Medical Elite ancient family once and for all.

It didn’t take long before everyone realized that their worry was unfounded.

The Ruling Union was delighted to have new recruits.

Naturally, the reason behind it was because the cost of running the Ruling Union was extremely high. It was better if they had fewer enemies to deal with.

Medical Elite led his men to meet up with Bruce and the gang.

“Huh? An ordinary person?”

Everyone was shocked when they met Bruce.

They never imagined that an ordinary guy was actually the head of the Ruling Union.

That is truly unheard of.

It was unexpected, but it was a regular guy who commanded an army that comprised over a hundred thousand martial artists and over a million soldiers.

Earlier, there was a rumor that claimed that a regular guy had invented a weapon that could kill even Supreme class fighters.

What the hell? Are regular folks that powerful?

In a way, the martial artists, who had the ability to topple Heaven and Earth, were just pawns.

The regular folks were the mastermind behind it all.

Hearing that got Bruce to grin and reply, “Yes, I am an ordinary guy, but I can turn into a killing machine whenever I want.”

Bruce specialized in technology.

All he needed was to press a button on his watch, and he would turn into a super-being like Iron Man.

The best armor engulfed him right away.

It gave Bruce incredible offensive and defensive abilities.

However, the truth was that Bruce wasn’t the mastermind, either.

He was a pawn, like everyone else.

He originated from a high-end mysterious lab in Zarain, and his brother only survived the explosion thanks to the technology developed by that same lab.

Establishing the Ruling Union was actually the will of that lab and its important allies.

Bruce and the rest were just pawns of those entities.

Hearing what Bruce said got the martial artists flabbergasted.

What the hell? A regular guy can instantly gain the power to fight on equal grounds against us?

Even the magical medicine designed by the Medical Elite ancient family couldn’t achieve that!

“We are so glad to hear that you are willing to join the Ruling Union. As you see, we are sincere in offering a truce,” said Bruce.

“Ah, yes. I can see how sincere you are, and we thank you for it,” said Medical Elite, who was given the position to be one of the Ruling Union’s council members.

“And now, it’s time for you to prove your loyalty,” said Bruce while grinning.

“Huh? How do I do that? And why?” asked Medical Elite.

“I have no choice but to test you. I can’t be sure that this is not all a ruse. You could’ve pretended to join us so that you can attack us from the inside or share crucial information with your comrades on the other side.”

“No, why would we put on an act like that?” refuted Medical Elite.

Everyone was quick to deny it.

Bruce grinned and pointed out, “Then all you have to do is let your actions prove your words. There are still some guards stationed at the fourth defense barrier, right?”

Medical Elite and the others nodded, “Yeah, there are still some forces there.”

“I’m sure you know all about the number of remaining soldiers and their capabilities, right?”

“Of course!” answered Carter as he nodded firmly.

“To prove your loyalty, you must kill all of them! It’s an easy task, isn’t it? Given your capabilities, I’m sure you can get everything done within the hour.”

“What?” someone in the crowd blurted.

Medical Elite and the other men were instantly stunned.

They never hesitated to surrender and deflect but killing the very comrades who fought along their side… That got Medical Elite and the others to hesitate.

“This is your mission, and it is your first battle as a part of the Ruling Union, so think it through. Who will you align yourself with?” said Bruce to trigger the men when he saw the hesitance in their eyes.

“Okay, leave it to us!” promised Carter right away.


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