The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1772

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1772

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1772

The Return of the God of War Chapter 1772

“Hurry up and apologize. You were clearly in the wrong. Erudia is a respectable country, and these are the brave heroes of Erudia. How could you insult them?” the Raysonia samurai urged.

Solomon also made the same demand, so Kieran had no choice but to apologize again.

“I am sorry…”

After that, the attitude of the Tate family changed completely. Not only did they apologize profusely, but they also offered to leave the country immediately so as not to flout Levi’s restraining order.

Their unusual reaction made Levi even more suspicious. He could tell they were hiding something from him and wanted to leave as soon as possible to avoid further scrutiny from him.

“Forget it. Since you are back, you can stay on so long as you don’t get into any mischief. Since they have already apologized, I consider this case closed.” Levi softened his stance and did not insist on probing further into their mistakes. He wanted to find out what sinister plans they had in mind.

The Tate family did their memorial service hastily and left the cemetery as soon as they could.

“Keep an eye on them, especially the Raysonians! Monitor their movement closely!” Levi instructed West Sky Lord.

Levi had an uneasy feeling after meeting them. He was particularly concerned with the reaction of those Raysonia samurai when they saw Forlevia.

However, it was a blessing in disguise that he met them, as it would have been worse if he was not aware of their existence and did not take precautions against them.

At least with West Sky Lord monitoring them, he would be forewarned should the Tate family be up to any mischief.

Soon after he settled matters in Northeast City, he hurriedly left with Forlevia for North Hampton.

He kept his itinerary a secret and moved very quickly, as he knew too many people were eyeing Forlevia. He wasn’t worried she would get into harm’s way since he was with her, and he was confident he could protect her. However, it would be a hassle for him to have to deal with those irritating nuisances, so he would rather avoid meeting them in the first place.

“Evie, before we head home, Daddy would like to bring you to meet Daddy’s mentor. It was he who saved Daddy twice!” Levi decided to make a trip to the prison to meet his mentor.

“Yeah! Great!” Forlevia nodded profusely in excitement, her big eyes filled with anticipation.

Soon, Levi and Forlevia arrived at North Hampton’s prison.

However, to Levi’s surprise, his mentor was nowhere to be found.

“Where is he? Can someone tell me where he is?” he hurried over to check with the prison’s guard.

“Prisoner Number 49 was released some days back! He had finished serving his sentence! After a long twenty years, he finally got his long-awaited freedom!” The prison chief seemed truly happy for Levi’s mentor.

Levi frowned deeply and blurted out, “Released? It shouldn’t be…”

He had expected his mentor would want to continue to stay in the prison.

“Would you like to take a look at his records, Sire? Or if you prefer, I can read it aloud for you,” the prison chief respectfully offered.

“No, it is not necessary!” Levi waved him off impatiently.

He knew his mentor was totally capable of forging his own prison records. The information on it would be fake, and there was no way of checking on him.

Levi had always suspected his mentor got into the prison to hide from someone or something. Given his abilities, there was no way anyone could have captured him and brought him into prison if he was an unwilling party.

Levi had to admit his mentor made a brilliant move. No one would have expected he would use the prison as a hiding place. There had to be an important reason for him to hide for twenty years. That was why Levi did not expect he would leave the prison!

The fact that he got out of the prison meant he had something important to attend to, or something bad had happened…

Nonetheless, Levi was not worried about his mentor. He knew that with his impressive skills, no one could harm his mentor.

“It is fine. You can go now!” Levi dismissed the prison chief from the room and proceeded to inspect his mentor’s cell.

Forlevia followed him around and curiously looked at the prison environment.

Levi ran his hand across the wall and realized part of it was hollow. After breaking the wall, he found there were items hidden in a hollow compartment.

His expression changed when he saw what was in the hollow compartment.


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