The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1868

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1868

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 1868

The Return of the God of War Chapter 1868

“Zoey!” Wynona warily stepped away from Zoey.

She intuitively tensed up and got into a combat-ready mode. Obviously, after witnessing Zoey’s shocking abilities, she had become scared and wary of her. She knew if Zoey were to go into that crazy mode again, she would not be able to stop her.

Okano, who was with them, had fear written all over his face, worried Zoey would freak out and kill him with a single blow.

Wynona’s reaction puzzled Zoey, so she asked, “What… what is wrong, Ms. Wilcox?” There was a look of bewilderment in her eyes.

She seemed to be back to her gentle self, with no hint of the earlier hostile beast in her.

Wynona was genuinely confused and even began to wonder if she was having a hallucination earlier, and that the monster Zoey did not exist at all.

“Are… are you feeling okay, Zoey?” she anxiously asked.

“I feel fine. What’s wrong? I think I had a dream, and I was fighting with someone in the dream.” Zoey was massaging her head, and trying hard to recall. She had a very vague impression but no recollection of what had happened.

Her power also seemed to have diminished drastically compared to earlier, as Wynona could not sense much energy on her. This was the Zoey she knew and was familiar with.

“Do you not remember what happened earlier?” Wynona asked in astonishment.

“No, I can’t. What happened?” Zoey questioned.

“You were engaged in a battle just now. You were fighting with… a few bad guys, and then you fainted.” Wynona came close to mentioning Levi’s name, but she managed to stop herself in time. She remembered it was his name that triggered Zoey and made her go berserk.

She did not dare to say that name again in Zoey’s presence, as no one would be able to stop her if she went into another crazy frenzy.

“Zoey, do you feel any discomfort?” Wynona probed.

Zoey paused to examine her own feeling, then shook her head and said, “I don’t feel weird or different. Previously, I seemed to have some mental block in my mind, but that is gone! I have to thank you for bringing in those doctors to treat me!”

Gone? She has recovered? How did that happen?

Wynona was baffled, as she knew Bruce was no doctor, and he was there with the sinister motive of driving Zoey crazy.

“What can you recall, Zoey? Can you remember anything?” Wynona continued with her probing.

“I do remember things. I was… I have… I have a daughter and her name is Evie. But… I cannot remember who my husband is! How is that possible? Why do I not remember him? I have forgotten my husband! Who is my husband?” She rubbed her head in frustration and shook it vigorously.

There was a void in her memory. It was as if someone had taken away the part of her memory about her husband.

Huh? She cannot remember Levi? What is happening?

Wynona was dumbfounded!

What happened was that Bruce tried to stimulate Zoey’s brain into overdrive, causing the two consciousness in her to clash. He wanted to help Jared’s consciousness win over Zoey’s, so he can take over her mind and thus control her body as well.

However, that did not happen as Jared had only a portion of his consciousness transferred to Zoey. On top of that, Zoey was a strong-minded person, so when the two clashed, Zoey won. Jared’s consciousness was assimilated into Zoey’s and ceased to exist anymore.

However, there was a side effect though. Jared’s remaining consciousness turned into hatred and set roots in Zoey’s mind. The person he hated most was Levi, so the end result was Zoey subconsciously saw Levi as her greatest foe.

It was like order was given to Zoey’s brain—kill Levi!

With that assimilation, Zoey lost all memories of her husband, and Levi became her greatest enemy.

That was the reason why she would go berserk and go into killing mode as soon as his name was mentioned or when she saw him.

“Calm down, Zoey. You will be all right after a good rest.” Wynona was quick to console her.

As for Levi, after being taken away by The Cardinal Hall, he did not get a chance to see Forlevia. They had lied to him.


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