The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2034

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2034

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2034

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2034

For the five days, workers digging up sunstones from the six mining sites were buzzing like bees.

They never stopped extracting the precious stones from the ground since they got hold of the areas.

The mining went on and on…

Nine days of intense labor had definitely put a heavy toll on everyone’s body.

Even the warriors in charge of protecting the area were on the verge of collapsing mentally.

They were still doing fine corporeally but losing two batches of unearthed sunstones devastated them.

Everyone was going through immense psychological pressure, yet, none of them took a break. Sleeping wasn’t an option at this point in time.

Like the rest, Ryker and Jefferson kept their eyes wide open to make sure everything was in order.

The men at the sunstone mining sites were bone-weary, and some fainted amid their work.

It was a sight of utter debilitation at all sites.

Jefferson yawned, “Darn it! What’s gotten into me? I’m can barely hang on to my consciousness!”

“Right? I wonder why I’m feeling so drained. Something’s fishy somewhere.”

The Four Heirs felt the same.

“Indeed. Why does everyone look so enervated?” Gabe somehow felt that something was amiss.

It was an indescribable uncanniness as if something sinister was brewing.

“Come on! Do you think we can still bounce around chirpily after all this vigorous labor? It’s beyond our limits.”

“Precisely. We’ve been working our a*s off for nine days straight! It’s a miracle that we’re even alive. I can’t stand it anymore!”

Members of the gang bleated about their exhaustion, and Gabe listened on.

They were right.

Nine days of high-intensity labor was indeed too much.

It was the perfect formula for breakdowns.

“We need to fix this. The amount of work is simply incapacitating! I guess it’s time to use the strength enhancer from the lab!”

Ryker noticed the dire situation that they were in, and the only antidote to it was the special strength enhancer that could boost stamina and mental resilience.

He yawned as he signaled for the sunstones to be loaded onto the truck.

The men loading the stones onto the trucks were literally dragging their feet to get the job done, and they took triple the time to complete a task that would usually take up an hour.

Prostration was apparent.

After all the sunstones were loaded, off went the truck.

Bruce had had everything planned out, including transportation, delivery route, and just in case, a backup team.

Thanks to his previous experience, his planning this time was impeccable.

It took Bruce five days to perfect every single aspect of the groundwork. Compared to the previous planning, the number of warriors this time was multiplied by ten, and so was the amount spent on machinery and resources.

On top of that, he assigned the warriors from the Lab of Gods to look over their nautical route.

There is no way that they could rob us of the sunstones now! Bruce was confident.

Moreover, Fiery Demon and The Dark Sun promised to assist the operation.

They’d either fight off the looters or look for clues for Bruce.

Bruce was all set, and all he had to do now was wait for the mysterious looters to strike.

Not long after, the transportation team got the stones to the port.

Once they had their cargo loaded onto the ships, they departed for Zarain.

Everyone present was on their toes, and their hearts raced in anxiety.

Will that mysterious faction strike again for the third time?

If they did, will they succeed?

After all, they all knew was that Bruce had everything covered.

“Okay. Let’s get things rolling! Attention all teams! Be on high alert and stay contactable. Report to me every three minutes!”

Bruce fired up his plan, and the transportation team set sail.

An hour passed, and there were no signs of danger.

Two hours passed, and they were still safe.

It had been seven hours since they’d left the port, but nothing was amiss.

However, Bruce kept his eyes peeled as they were being mugged around this time previously.

“High alert mates! They’re going to strike soon!”

Time ticked on. Eight hours… nine hours… twelve hours, but there was still no ripple of malice.

“Hmm, something’s not right. Why haven’t they started their looting?”

Bruce grew suspicious as it was way past the expected time.


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