The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2304

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2304

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2304

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2304

An Important Discovery In Doomsday Seed Vault

They were panting heavily as though they had just returned from a faraway place.

Clearly, they rushed here after learning the news, eager to share it with everyone.

“What is it?” The rest surrounded them curiously.

Even Levi came over to them, interested in what they had to share.

“We found a solution to the weapons from Maya Industries!” Sword Fiend announced, breathing heavily.

“What? You found a solution?” Everyone else widened their eyes, dumbstruck by the revelation.

They simply could not believe it!

It was shocking to hear that someone had discovered a way out!

“What is it? Spill!” they demanded, thrilled at the prospect.

Happy tears welled up in their eyes, for the news came as a shock to them.

Even Levi’s curiosity was piqued.

What can possibly neutralize the weapons from Maya Industries? I’ve checked the chemical, which seems to be a foreign poison. Venom Fiend and I can’t develop a cure for the poison.

Levi urged, “What is it? Stop beating around the bush and tell us!”

“Someone discovered a material that can neutralize this chemical substance. They did several experiments to prove this material can decompose the chemical developed by Maya Industries!” Sword Fiend declared.


Everyone was so excited that they started shaking.

“I can’t believe there’s such a material! This is the first I’ve heard of something like this!”

“Where was it found? Who discovered it? Hurry! There’s hope for boss now. He’s extremely lucky!”

Sword Fiend explained, “Archulea’s Doomsday Seed Vault discovered the rare material deep in the ocean near Archulea. After testing it, they discovered it could neutralize the chemical substances from Maya Industries! Isn’t that amazing? But the material is extremely rare. They spent a lot of effort searching the neighboring oceans, but to no avail. They only managed to gather a few hundred grams of the material. Archulea values it greatly and kept it locked in Doomsday Seed Vault!”

He then ended with a disappointing piece of information.

Yes, there was a solution, and the new material was proved useful, but it was too rare to be given away easily.

Now, it was kept in Doomsday Seed Vault, which was extremely hard to break into.

Everyone’s initial delight turned to despair.

It proved to be a difficult mission.

Sword Fiend and the rest seemed stumped, too. “After we got to know about the material, we contacted Archulea to try to get the new material at all costs. Alas, they rejected our offer on the spot.”

“Yes, we tried to negotiate by saying they can ask for anything, but they remained stubborn. Without giving us a second chance, they kicked us out! As we’re out of ideas, we decided to come back to ask for your help.”

Phoenix and the others were instantly disheartened when they heard that.

They were given hope, which ended in utter disappointment.

As Archulea valued the new material greatly, they wouldn’t give it up easily.

They had to show their sincerity by offering something more valuable than the new material to obtain it.

“Don’t give up! Now that the new material is proven to be useful, we need to figure a way to get it. Perhaps we can discuss this with Archulea. They must have a weak spot or something they need. The deal will succeed once we offer them what they need!” Azure Dragon declared. “This is the only way to cure boss once and for all. We have to do our best, get it?”


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