The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2457

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2457

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2457

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2457

Making A Weapon

A weapon! I can use the crystal to create the most powerful weapon. That would fully utilize the crystal’s energy!

They didn’t even need to look for the right resources to make that weapon. The metal they just extracted would do.

This type of metal is the only material that can withstand its recoil, anyway.

Anything else will probably be overwhelmed and broken down as soon as it is assembled.

This new weapon will be the most powerful device on Earth!

No one will even give another thought about Skyward Sword or Terra Blade again. They will all bow down to this new weapon.

If this weapon is developed successfully and if there is someone powerful enough to wield it… It might break through Level Nine Iron Golem Technique!

That means that it will benefit me greatly if I wield this new weapon.

It will surely add to my strength!

I can also give it to Zoey and Evie.

They can use it and keep themselves safe.

There simply is no downside!

Levi had read up on the ancient manual that his mentor left him and learned a unique way to build weapons.

I can build it right here and now!

“I have all the material I need, but regular fire won’t do. It’s not hot enough to melt the metal… Wait, the Holy Flame!”

Levi recalled how one of the gods had a weapon that spewed fire.

I have never felt or seen fire hotter than that before. I’m certain I can find that fire here!

“Commence search!”

And then it began.

Levi started combing the area in search of the Holy Flame.

In the end, he found it near the entrance of a volcano.

The fire at the entrance burned all year round and couldn’t be put out.

The truth, however, was that it had something to do with the fuel.

The natural resources offered were simply too powerful, and everything had more energy than one could imagine.

That was why the fire could never be put out. The fuel kept providing it with the energy it needed to keep burning wildly.

“T-that fire is so hot…”

Death Fiend and the others gasped in bewilderment.

The metal Levi collected started melting…

Despite the strange feature that the metal had, it still melted and was temporarily invisible.

Did it disappear for a second there?

This must be why this clan had never been discovered before.

With armor made from a metal like this, they can become invisible temporarily.

That made it impossible for anyone to detect them.

They can move about but leave no trace… kind of like a ghost.

Levi used the purest metal and had the Holy Flame to further strengthen it.

All that was done to make the metal forge its best potential.

Or it will not be able to handle the energy from the crystal.

When the metal was at its perfect state, Levi got the crystal out of his possession and tossed it into the liquid metal.

That got the Holy Flame to merge the crystal and the metal completely.

“Ah, it is still too strong, and the corner is cracking…”

The crystal’s energy was too powerful, so the metal couldn’t fully contain it.

In the end, Levi retrieved one-fifth of the crystal while leaving the remaining crystal in there to merge with the metal.


As the weapon was being created, a terrifying energy pulse rippled out and caused an unnatural phenomenon.

The wind howled, and the wildest animals fled.

Even the sky was grumbling as lightning and thunder zipped past it.

It was the kind of phenomenon that had never been witnessed before.

That was understandable since the weapon was way too powerful.

If Levi hadn’t been there to force the energy down and keep it contained, the entire Restricted Area 76 would already be destroyed.


“They truly are Gods. I can’t believe they caused such a ruckus.”

“Hahaha, it doesn’t matter how strong Dark Emperor is. He still can’t defeat a God!”

Their only issue at the time was that the sacrificial lambs they had sent in had lost contact with the rest of the world.

Those men couldn’t reach the other members of Maya Industries and vice versa.

Hence, Maya Industries didn’t know the specifics of what had happened.

The sudden surge of energy got them to wonder and imagine what could’ve happened.

It must be a battlefield in there.

The Dark Emperor may be strong, but even he will fall.

Levi used the best and most complicated method to create the perfect weapon, so the ripple effect was too great.

Levi worried that the rest of the world would discover what he was up to, so he was quick to lock everything down. He exuded his energy and built an invisible wall around the place.


A few seconds later, a sword was born.

Levi held it in his hands and felt like he could part the sky with a single swing.


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