The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2486

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2486

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2486

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2486

Just One Man And A Sword

Their reactions were much more intense than Eustace and Humphrey’s earlier reactions.

They all either turned pale or had darkened expressions.

“This is ridiculous! How can a young member like him think of becoming the head of the Garrison clan?”

“That’s right, that’s right! Moreover, he’s not part of the original bloodline! He doesn’t have a pure bloodline! How dare he think of taking over the Garrison clan? He must still be dreaming!”

“Not even the members of the ancient Garrison clan dares to think of usurping the head of the clan like this. Does he have a death wish?”

Levi’s term infuriated many Garrisons.

In fact, anyone could see for themselves the tinge of anger that colored Gabriel’s face.

“He’s pushing his luck,” Phanuel snapped.

Eustace then said, “I think we should agree to his term. As long as he joins the ancient Garrison clan, we’ll be able to have everything! He’s simply too strong, after all. With him around, the Garrison clan will surely be at the top of the pyramid.”

Humphrey added, “He’s right. Levi’s really strong. I, think that we should agree to his term.”

At that, the others became even more livid.

It was nothing strange, for they had not witnessed the display of Levi’s power with their own eyes.

They did not know his true power; everything they knew was from the messages relayed to them.

Furthermore, they were part of a prominent clan. They had their pride and dignity to uphold.

They felt that only a divine being would be a match for them.

it was downright humiliating for the ancient Garrison clan to let a younger man, who did not even have pure Garrison blood in him, become the head of the clan.

No. We can’t do that!

We can’t pay such a big price just to get a younger man to join the clan.

If news of this gets out, it will only bring shame to the clan.

The Garrison clan will never be able to regain its dignity.

That was why everyone was mad when Eustace suggested for them to agree to Levi’s terms.

“What are you doing, Eustace? How could you let a young man like him be the leader of the ancient Garrison clan? Are you out of your mind?”

“What’s the matter with you, Eustace? Why have you changed after coming out? Why have you turned cowardly? I’m seeing fear on your face? You’re not acting like yourself at all!” Phanuel and the others yelled.

“Ha. It’s because you haven’t seen his true power yet. Once you see it, you’ll be feeling even more stumped than I do now. In fact, I don’t think the entire ancient Garrison clan will be a match for him!” Eustace scoffed.

However, the others shook their heads. “No, I won’t believe in you. How can he be that powerful?”

Gabriel nodded in agreement. “Indeed. I don’t believe that either. Perhaps we might lose to him if we go on a one-to-one, but there’s no way he’s going to win when all of us go up against him. That’s just crazy.”

“That’s right. We don’t even need the entire Garrison clan. The near-hundred people we have here now is more than enough to defeat him,” the others chimed in.

“We have been nothing but polite to Levi, but he has listed such an outrageous demand. Why don’t we do this instead? Why don’t we capture him and bring him back to the ancient Garrison clan? That way, he’ll have no choice but to agree to our request,” Uriel suggested.

“That sounds like a good idea! I agree with that,” Gabriel replied. “We’ve approached him in a diplomatic manner, but since he refused to agree when we’re being nice, we’ll force him to submit. At most, we’ll charge at him at the same time.”

With that thought in mind, all of them began marching toward North Hampton.

They were not going to believe in Eustace’s words about how Levi was capable of defeating the entire Garrison clan all by himself.

That was an impossible feat.

“All right. I’d like to see how you’re going to do that,” Eustace said, amused.

I can’t believe they refused to listen to me.


I’ll take you there to let you see what’s going on for yourself.

The entire time, Humphrey was silent.

He knew that none would heed his words, for they were all too arrogant.

Soon, Eustace and Humphrey were leading the group of Garrisons toward their destination.

They were all thrilled and thinking of ways to torment Levi.

“They’re here.”

Sensing the incoming people, he gathered Zoey and the rest and asked them to leave first.

Knowing that it must have something to do with the Garrison clan, Zoey kept her silence and led the others away.

In a blink of an eye, Levi and a few others were the only ones left in the North Hampton’s manor.

Levi was sitting on a chair as God Crusher floated beside him, glowing gold as it exuded faint waves of energy.

He was patiently waiting for the members of the Garrison clan to arrive.


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