The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2638

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2638

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2638

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2638

Erudias Complete Victory

“Send out the Suicide Squad! Send the Mecha Corps too!” Craig ordered.

“Let’s join the fight and prevent any further casualties!” Divine Brigadier, Daxon, shouted as he led the fighters toward the ocean to engage in battle.

Suicide Squad acted as the vanguard and charged ahead with a violent frenzy while Mecha Corps backed them up with all sorts of mech suits that were a few storeys tall as well as a variety of machine beasts.

The size of the mech suits even rivaled that of the Warmachines.

However, Daxon and the group of fighters were the ones to arrive at the battlefield, even though they were the last to deploy.


Several Warmachines struggled to get up and got out of the water to engage in battle.

That said, the first to come out was all covered in wounds because of the bombardment.

Hence, they were not in fighting condition and quickly got swept through by Daxon and his fighters.

One by one, the Warmachines fell.

Some were even torn to shreds by the crazed Suicide Squad, whose only objective was to slay every Warmachine they saw.

When Mech Corps arrived on the battlefield, things became even more one-sided against the Warmachines.

“Is that it? Is this all you got? Hahahaha! It feels like we overdid it by deploying so many units to battle!” Craig laughed as he watched the slaughter unfold in front of him

Is it really that easy? We’ve spent so much time preparing for this, but now it just feels like a waste of time.

Suddenly, as that thought crossed Craig’s mind, something unexpected happened on the battlefield.

Warmachines started popping up from behind the Erudian forces and attacked them from behind.

“Huh? What’s this?”

Everyone was caught off guard.

When did they get behind us? Where did they come from? Weren’t they in front just a moment ago?

No one knew that the Warmachines that got bombarded were actually just a cover for the main force underneath them, taking the full brunt of Erudia’s attack so their main force could sneak behind Erudia’s units.

The Warmachines that just appeared were fresh troops, so they were all raring to go, causing quite some problems for Suicide Squad and the men from The Cardinal Hall.

“Backup! Send backup!” Craig’s expression darkened.

So they were stronger than we think. Thank god we made all those preparations. It was not all for naught.

“Kill them! Kill them all!” Daxon exclaimed as he led the charge while a whole army of people followed closely behind.

The battle went on until dusk struck, when the moon rose.

Both parties had sustained a lot of damages at that point, but under Daxon’s leadership, Erudia was able to win the fight.

They wiped out every single Warmachine and left none behind except the ten that they captured.

Even though there were casualties, things were still far better than what was anticipated.

Suicide Squad had the most casualties, but merely lost about one-third of its members.

The other units had far less casualties.

Truth be told, Dragonites had predicted that the whole Suicide Squad would be gone by the end of the battle. The same was said about Mecha Corps.

Hence, they were a little surprised to see such an easy victory.

Daxon and his fighters were not even injured.

“Hahahaha! I told you! With Erudia’s current strength, these Warmachines are nothing! You see this, Crown King? We’ve won against Warmachines! They weren’t as tough as you made them out to be! They’re still made out of flesh and blood! They bleed! One shot was all it took to blow a hole in them!”

“Yeah! They’re nothing! We didn’t need Shelter! We didn’t even need to build a wall!”

“We beat them on our own! Hahahaha!”

Craig and his men exclaimed in absolute confidence.

“Wait. That’s not quite right. At least Crown King found out about them ahead of time and warned us about the Warmachines, giving us the time to prepare!” someone commented.

“That’s true! But these Warmachines are really not that strong!”


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