The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2657

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2657

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2657

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2657


Boom! An enormous head showed up from the ocean.

Its mouth reeked of the scent of blood and had sharp teeth growing all over. Scales as hard as steel covered its entire face.

The men standing right in front of it were stupefied.

At that moment, it wouldn’t matter how drunk they were because they would still sober right up.



The drunkards dropped all of their bottles.

Fear shone on everybody’s faces, and they were so terrified that they couldn’t even speak.

Their entire body trembled, and some even peed themselves right then and there.

It was at that moment that everyone learned that Levi was right.

The disaster had struck them.

The threat is really here!

The Warmachine before their eyes were definitely much stronger than the ones they saw and killed earlier.

Those previous Warmachines were no match against the creatures in front of them.

“What’s wrong? What is up with you guys?”

A few drunkards had their backs to the monsters, and they were sobering up a little when they saw fear on their comrades’ faces.


Those comrades pointed at the Leviathan lurking behind, but they were too scared to form coherent words.

“What? Is there something behind us?”

The drunkards instantly turned around.


Some were so scared that they fainted at the sight of the Warmachine.

“Oh, my gosh!”

Every drunkard had sobered up at that moment.

It was simply too terrifying.

Those men looked even more terrified than their comrades.

“Is… Is this for real?”

They would never have believed it. A moment ago, they were taunting arrogantly and demanding that their enemy show them an actual threat.

Who would’ve thought that their wish would actually come true?

Levi Garrison was right. This is definitely a disaster! The creatures we had slain earlier were just ruses.

It was too late to regret being arrogant.

At that moment, their minds were so blank that they couldn’t even share the news or warn anyone anymore.


The entire yacht started trembling at the very next second, and it was overturned.

One by one, the passed-out drunkards started coming around, but it was too late to do anything.

The yacht had been overturned and had sunk to the bottom of the ocean.


One yacht down.

Then another one.

Over ten yachts sank as screams filled the air.

It didn’t take long before everything turned quiet.

The other ships in the ocean sank soon after.

Everything was destroyed in no time.

It seemed that those youngsters were too ignorant and brazen. They could’ve celebrated the country’s victory at home.

However, they chose to come all the way to the ocean to party.

They were obviously opposing Levi and trying to mock him.

That was why they traveled to the ocean. They were frustrated with Levi and were venting out their frustration by taunting him. Their action, in effect, was screaming, “See that, Levi Garrison? There is no f*cking disaster. Everything you said was wrong!”

They never thought that the disaster would actually strike.

Levi was actually right!

They regretted not listening then, but there was nothing they could do about it anymore.

They chose to ignore his warning, and as a result, they paid the price.

Now that all the ships in the oceans were destroyed, the Leviathans officially began their invasion of Erudia.

They dove right back under the sea and headed for Erudia’s shoreline.

One minute later, they entered Erudia’s territory.

The country had loosened its security, and half of its equipment and employees were reassigned.

Despite that, there were still over a hundred stations operating nonstop.

They would be alerted if anything weird were to happen.

Inside a station located near Erudia’s shoreline.

“Huh? Is something off?”

The employees working at the station saw that there were massive energy and electromagnetic fluctuations.

“Oh no, something is…”

Unfortunately, mysterious men suddenly showed up behind the employees.



Eight arrows zipped over, and the employees fell.

As such, the news about the discovery was never shared.


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