The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2681

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2681

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2681

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2681

Annihilation Of The Undercover Rebels

Indeed, Lab of Gods had planted undercover agents in Erudia.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have had the guts to build their training base there.

Besides, they’d never be able to gain a foothold in Erudia if they didn’t have someone working with them from the inside.

Lab of Gods had made sure to keep their undercover agents a secret, but now, it was finally time for them to shine.

Unfortunately, that was something Craig hadn’t foreseen.

He knew someone inside Erudia was interfering with backup requests, but it never occurred to him that there’d be undercover agents or that he’d become their target.

One thing was for sure—a huge battle was about to take place.

Meanwhile, in North Hampton, a crowd had started to gather inside a secret manor which ironically wasn’t even that far from Levi’s residence.

It didn’t take long before more than ten thousand undercover agents showed up.

That manor, unfortunately, was only one of the many scattered all over the city.

There were tens of thousands of agents in total, all of whom had come armed with heavy weapons.

They might not be the strongest, but they were still capable of dealing a surprise blow to Craig’s battalion.

After all, ambush attacks were their specialization, thus making them just as deadly as other forces.

Not long after, the agents put their masks on as they gathered around for the meeting.

“All right, listen up! We’ve received orders to attack South Warzone’s defense barrier. We’ll launch a sneak attack on Craig’s battalion and wipe them out! Once Lab of Gods has defeated Erudia, they’ll hail us as heroes, and we shall be the ones to rule this land!”

“Victory! Victory!” the agents yelled, dark eyes blazing insanely.

There was no doubt that these traitors had been waiting for this day, yet what was even more interesting was that they weren’t Erudians in the first place.

Instead, they were foreigners who had come to live in Erudia, only to turn their backs on the country that had given them everything.

They had all been biding their time to stab Erudia in the back, hoping they could overthrow the government and rule the place themselves.

All of a sudden, a voice rang out amidst the cheers. “Is that so?”

Everyone immediately froze, not knowing who had just spoken up.

When did we have another guest?

Who the hell is that, anyway? That voice doesn’t sound familiar!

“You lot have disturbed my training!”

Before anyone else could reply, the uninvited guest had made his move.


He had thrown just one punch, but its power was so terrifyingly immense that the earth shook and shattered.

Within seconds, not only had he razed the entire manor to the ground, but he had also struck down every single person gathered inside.

Moaning cries and angry wails filled the air, but it didn’t take long before the commotion died down.

In the end, all that was left was a mountain of corpses lying in a massive bloodbath.

Nobody could’ve imagined that their uninvited guest was capable of such destruction, wiping out tens of thousands of people in the blink of an eye.

Very soon, the undercover agents gathered in other secret locations had all suffered the same fate.

Alas, not one life was spared.

The mysterious man had shown up at each location and destroyed everyone in his path with just one punch!

Such power was simply unheard of, and everything had happened so fast that there was no time to warn the others.

How could they, when they all perished within seconds of the man appearing?

After his killing spree, the man slinked back to Levi’s old manor and continued his solitary training.

As it turned out, the mysterious killing machine was none other than Cyrus, Fiery Demon!

He had only finished the first stage of his training, yet he could already feel his powers improve by leaps and bounds.

After Levi, Cyrus was the first person to have truly benefitted from the technique book and mastered the techniques within.

Thanks to having witnessed Levi’s metamorphosis in Prison of Darkness, he had found the motivation to push himself even further.


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