The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2762

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2762

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2762

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2762

Doing It Personally

Gabriel, Eustace, and the others were about the same level as Lucifer.

Moreover, Lucifer was a being above most in Diviniteria.

Therefore, although there were few people on Gabriel’s side, those who were with Gabriel were like a one-man-army.

Furthermore, they had the support of The Cardinal Hall, Sacred Organization, Elterton Star, and Celestial Guards.

They began launching their counterattacks against Diviniteria.

Soon, they were making a dent in Diviniteria’s army.

That success inspired the members of the alliance.

Finally, they caught a glimpse of hope.

In fact, even Titan Lord had personally gone on the battlefield.

In good spirits, not only had the alliance defended their base, but they even manage to force their enemies back.

On the other side, Zarain, who had been observing the battle, was thrilled upon noticing that.

Could this be the moment? Are we going to launch our attacks now? But we’ve received no orders. We have to continue with mere observation!

Meanwhile, Mr. X was quiet in Primo Stella.

He was not at all anxious about the counterattacks from their opponents.

In fact, he had a smile on his face.

“Finally! Finally, they’ve revealed their trump card!” he uttered, laughing.

When he saw Elterton Star and Celestial Guards appearing, Mr. X knew that half of his plan had worked.

Finally, the ultimate forces had made an appearance.

Their appearance meant that he would emerge victorious soon.

If the Ecclesiastic Order and the Esoteric Guild of Erudia really existed, it was about time for them to appear.

That was why he was laughing.

His reaction was completely unlike the others.

“As long as we crush these people, we will have no obstacles anymore! I’ll be dealing with them personally,” Mr. X declared.

Soon, he led the elite fighters down from Primo Stella.

It was time for them to strike.

It was that moment Mr. X wished Void God was around. If he was there, he would have easily destroyed half of the elite fighters in front of them.

Unfortunately, Void God, as well as Lucifer and the other elite core members were not around.

Thus, he had to take things into his own hands.

It was the first time Mr. X had personally made a move.

If Levi were to catch wind about that, he would have rushed over to take a look at the scene.

The moment Mr. X made a move, everyone was stunned.

He was truly like a god, for he had the power to turn the world upside down.

It was as if he could control every single thing in the world—from power and electromagnetic force to even the brains of the people.


The very second he made a move, the alliance suffered a tremendous loss.

The elite fighters of Elterton Star had all exploded.

Many of the Celestial Guards’ fighters were all on the ground. They had even become one with the ocean and disappeared.

That was how powerful Mr. X was.

He was on a level much higher than most on the battlefield.

As a matter of fact, it would be an exaggeration to say that he was the next most powerful fighter after Sacroria.

Mr. X was not the only one with that power.

There were dozens of others who were almost as powerful as him.

In fact, there were dozens more who were slightly weaker than that, about the same level as Void God.

As for those who were about the same level as Lucifer… there were over a hundred of them.

That was why Lab of Gods was powerful.

Almost every one of them was a super fighter.

Soon, Mr. X was up against Gabriel and Eustace.

Although Levi had made them stronger, they were still not a match for Mr. X.

After all, they were, at most, on Lucifer’s level while Mr. X was two levels above Lucifer.



Soon, the alliance was suffering great losses again.

The fighters who had come to support them were no match for someone like Mr. X, who was of God’s class.

They were either dead or grievously injured after encountering Mr. X.

Furthermore, Mr. X was not the only one; there were dozens of fighters who were as powerful as him.

Once those few god-like fighters attacked, their opponents were defeated in seconds.


Gabriel, Eustace, and the others were injured.

By their feet were countless corpses.


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